• Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    6 days ago

    I'm coming out to my brother (who I'm staying with) tonight and I have no idea how it's gonna go. Wish me luck.

  • Yor [she/her]
    5 days ago

    people keep asking how I got the mix of colours in my hair and I have to keep being like "let the purple fade" lol ._.

  • Chronicon [they/them]
    5 days ago

    Anyone have good tips on styling long straight hair? Like, pretty damn long, way down my back

    I want it to be more fem (or something strongly androgynous maybe) but its still coming across pretty masc rn I feel. I go between having it down (can be a mess but androgynous I guess), having it in a lowish ponytail (pretty masc and I've seen so many mean comments about "sysadmin ponytails" and such that it makes me feel bad now), and a basic braid (I can do it myself but nothing that requires starting further up on the head or accurately dividing hair at the scalp) which is okay but ends up feeling kinda like a ponytail

    I do need a haircut, so ideas there that don't involve losing a ton of the length would also be amazing. In the past the only haircuts I've really gotten were to cut it straight across my back so that at least all the split ends are cleaned up, which makes it a lot nicer, but not that different overall.

  • Babs [she/her]
    6 days ago

    My party got a table at the local non-corporate pride thing in our city, and I'm excited but also pretty worried. Last year one of the communist orgs got their table trashed by anarchists and the "anti-tankie" sentiment here can have real consequences. I hope me and my queer comrades bringing lots of water and vegan snacks appeases them.