So I haven't experienced it personally, but some trans women (and it also sounds as varied as cis women's periods) get very crampy/mood swings/all the other symptoms of a period (minus bleeding, obviously) roughly once a month. Maybe someome who does get them can explain more but it sounds very similar to how I've heard cis women describe it.
You like being trans because it has shaped who you are as a person
I like being trans because I would hate having a period
We are not the same
Yes I know some trans women have periods but I will simply not
I hate having a period hoping that T takes it away or otherwise I’ll go on birth control
Even trans periods come without bleeding at least so that's handy lmao. Good perspective
How can trans women have periods?
My wife and I both have PMS like symptoms monthly. From cramps to bad mood swings including most of the symptoms associated with it.
Info linky
Ah, that's what they meant. I thought they were talking about the blood part (thank god I'm trans and don't bleed down there)
Oh no it's most of the other symptoms bar the bleeding
So I haven't experienced it personally, but some trans women (and it also sounds as varied as cis women's periods) get very crampy/mood swings/all the other symptoms of a period (minus bleeding, obviously) roughly once a month. Maybe someome who does get them can explain more but it sounds very similar to how I've heard cis women describe it.
I don't quite know how it works, but I think someone on here has described it before.