Note that my-hero didn't unfollow Grimes until this specific chosen moment. I hope he dies mad. Very mad. bridget-pride-stay-mad

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    30 days ago

    I wish it was more apparent and obvious to more people that when someone is the richest man in the world and so many of his offspring want nothing to do with him the moment they find a way out, family luxury and inheritance be damned, that's a massive fucking indicator of what a monster he is and always was.

    • Cowbee [he/him]
      30 days ago

      The "he's just like Tony Stark from my treats!" Schtick lasted far too long

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        30 days ago

        The "he's just like Tony Stark from my treats!" Schtick lasted far too long

        Damn right it did, and I hated it from the start. I'm just bittersweetly relieved that he's managed to gradually destroy his own once-unassailable public image, one hubris-laden narcissistic tantrum after another.

        • Cowbee [he/him]
          30 days ago

          Unfortunately, I was a LIB when that was at its peak... I cringe looking back at how awful my views were kitty-birthday-sad

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            30 days ago

            I was a credulous bazinga brained "futurologist" myself, and even believed in the Singularity(tm). I am grateful that when I started to lose faith in the cult and walked away that my-hero was only starting to become DAE LE EPIC REAL LIFE TONY STARK in pop culture so I never actually prayed at his altars.

            • Cowbee [he/him]
              30 days ago

              I'm sure libs of today will look back on their views now and cringe as well. It's the cycle of life shrug-outta-hecks

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                30 days ago

                I'm sure libs of today will look back on their views now and cringe as well. It's the cycle of life

                Some may hold tight until the end.


                • Cowbee [he/him]
                  30 days ago

                  Some will, surely, but many won't, increasingly so as Capitalism and Imperialism decay.

          • Cammy [she/her]
            30 days ago

            Hey at least you're cool enough that you can admit it here, comrade. And at least you didn't buy into his worse scams.

            • Cowbee [he/him]
              30 days ago

              Yep, I'm happy I got off the bazinga train years ago, but I still wince looking back, haha. Thanks! Care-Comrade

              • Cammy [she/her]
                30 days ago

                I remember customizing a dream te$la on my work computer almost a decade ago. Imagine being someone who invested money into his company and believing he would colonize mars.

                • Cowbee [he/him]
                  30 days ago

                  Captures the energy of much more benign dreams of transitioning to a spacefaring species and turns it into grift. thurston

                  • Cammy [she/her]
                    30 days ago

                    His narcissism is like a black hole that warps the discourse of space itself.

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]
                    30 days ago

                    Captures the energy of much more benign dreams of transitioning to a spacefaring species and turns it into grift.

                    Bittersweetly, I feel it would have been worse if he actually was some kind of actual genius bazinga that magically invented the means to bring late stage capitalism into space. If intelligent life was found out there, imagine the atrocities he'd want get off to. It'd be worse than Avatar Na'vi extermination "Humanity Fuck Yeah" greentext. frothingfash