Like, the amount of times you hear this is mind boggling. And it’s always liberals/“leftists” who say they’re not racist.

“But I just don’t find them attractive.”

You have NOT seen/interacted with literally every single member of that community. How in the fuck can you just broadly say you aren’t attracted to them?

It’s just a preference.

Like, you’re literally saying you don’t find people of a specific race, or from a specific place, or who follow a specific religion attractive. What the fuck kind of “preference” is this? I don’t understand. That’s terfs saying they don’t find “trans” people attractive. No that’s terfs being literal terfs. Stop it.

I’m a POC too! I can’t be racist against my own race!

Yeah, you are being racist against your own race here. I don’t see why you can’t. Candace Owens regularly spreads anti-Black propaganda for her personal benefit. There are countless such examples.

This shit drives me up the wall. And I haven’t even mentioned the amount of times these devolve into arguments about how ___ race/religion is actually bad and people who are a part of it/follow it are bad. So. Many. Times. And said with a straight face too! By people who say they’re not racist or xenophobic. For some reason people think being a POC means you’re immune from being racist/xenophobic. Which just isn’t true.

I’m not saying your bad for feeling this way. A huge part is the culture we’re born in and grow up in. But a sign of maturity is recognising this ingrained racism and getting rid of it.

Sorry, just sometimes liberals get on my fucking nerves.

      • purr [undecided]
        3 years ago

        yup! also it just sucks that beauty standards exist and that a big portion of a person's well being IS based on looks / sexual viability that they have no control over! I know the incel shit is embarassing but theyre not wrong when they talk about how being ugly is a really hard thing to be and how some of society's dominant ideas of what makes life worth living and our conceptualization of what a good childhood is like or other rites of passage we're all expected to go through, depends a lot on looks.

        this matters less because of an incel bemoaning the fact that they are unattractive or even the fact that they dont fuck (although thats definitely a factor) and more because of the fact that looks (which we cant control) literally lowkey decides whether or not they are allowed to take part in a happiness that normies (as incels would say) brand as "the common human experience"

        when this is considered admitting that looks matter is very very liberating

        its not childish to want to be fuckable or dateable its very very human and shaming that reinforces a little about why someone would crave bangability in the first place

        obviously incels are crazy and racist and sexist and horrible but theres an intense amount of bullying , shunning (intential or not), violence etc. that happens to people considered ugly (as well as fat, disabled, queer or being of color / whatever the non normative standard is )

        theres a reason so many incels have vivid stories of them getting attacked as children by bullies (stuff that I also observed growing up) for seemingly no reason but being told that its because theyre ugly. Like yes incels are usually white dudes who dont even have to deal with the bigotry that comes with beauty standards (and as a result are not subject to an increase of violence that corelates to having an "ugly" marginalized identity) but its still insane that people just get beat up and shunned for being ugly from childhood on

        • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
          3 years ago

          Everyone is fuckable, they just have to find the right kind of person.

          Not everybody is going be found attractive by everybody, but everybody can be found attractive by somebody. What incels do is maintain their position of writing off people of the other gender who are not conventionally attractive, but complaining about being written off themselves in turn.

          • purr [undecided]
            3 years ago

            thats true and i definitely agree with you. I guess when i was zeroing on the fuckability part, I wasnt trying to come at it from an incel narrow blinders angle, i was trying to point out how being considered less fuckable as a whole compared to others makes people feel bad about themselves sometimes

            • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
              3 years ago

              And most often, "being considered less fuckable" is just a lie that we tell ourselves in our own heads.

              There are lots of different kinds of humans, and lots of different combinations of preferences people can have. As part of the homogenization of culture over the past several decades, the idea of what is conventionally attractive has been presented as the only way to be attractive. This loss of variety has hurt everyone.

              • purr [undecided]
                3 years ago

                uh i dont know if its just a lie there really are swaths of people due to fatness, disability, racism etc who dont get to participate in the sexual market place. there are people who never have sex/ close romantic relationships or whatever other sexually and emotionally satisfying things because of this. they might be found attractive by someone but in these cases, nobody has ever shown interest and theyve been told that they are unfuckable constantly regardless of whether its true.

                So regardless of if theyre fuckable, lonely sexless relationship-less people exist and some of that is due to marginalizing factors they cant control

                • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
                  3 years ago

                  There is scarcely any adult demographic that is sexless besides asexuals and people with injured or absent genitals.

                  Many people have it harder, but that doesn't mean it's impossible.

                  • purr [undecided]
                    3 years ago



                    eh i think theres more sexless people than we think, and again just because its possible for people to have sex doesnt mean its happening, hence the alienation. , and again, if injured or absent genitals prevents people from participating in the sexual marketplace (assuming they want to ) that is bad in itself and is exactly some of the alienation im talking about, an alienation that is partially based on having marginalizing identities/experiences that are considered unattractive/ unfunctional within society's normative sexuality (which is genital based, cishetero based, penetrative based and able-bodied based among other things)

                    also its kinda weird how you think that those with injured or absent genitals being sexless is a logical conclusion to their this is exactly what im talking about, non normative people being made to sit in the corner, unable to participate in sexuality (specifically a sexuality that centers around genitals) due to the assumption from normies that they dont want to have sex/ cant have sex / and that that's okay because its what one can expect if they have injured or absent genitals

        • SardoNardo [doe/deer]
          3 years ago

          Actually if you go to an incel forum to study them you'll find its not a very white space. They are there, but majority seem to be asian/indian and most will be neurodivergent as well.

          • purr [undecided]
            3 years ago

            yeah thats definitely what i've noticed too! Its still reactionary and misguided behavior their exhibiting but its definitely not coming out of nowhere / is behavior being weaponized by people who dont fit into beauty due to various marginalized identities

            in my previous comment i generalized incels as white but they def arent all!

    • LibsEatPoop3 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Do read the highly upvoted comments before you post, especially those by other PoC like @purr and @Marijuana420b.

      Part of this post is specifically to call out PoC like you. I never really intended for it to be about white people.

        • LibsEatPoop3 [he/him]
          3 years ago

          I’m not taking about “racist shits”. I’m talking about liberals/“leftists” saying “I don’t date black people, Muslims, Asians etc.” That is racist. Equating this to saying “I don’t like blondes” and acting as if they are the same thing is missing the context. This has nothing to do with “getting laid” and more about fucking leftists recognising what internal biases we have that allow us to make generalised comments. Go read what at least those two users I named before wrote.