like idek wtf you'd have to do to actually get authleft lmao besides say some shit like "yeah we should kill literally everyone and gay people are bad"
Political compass broke so many people's brains. You pretty much have to be a nazbol with incredibly fucked up views on sex and race stuff to get authleft. The political compass has probably convinced a lot of young potential MLs that they must be anarchists.
And purely incidental, that is. The test was invented by a right libertarian, who would want to design it so most people landed in the "lib" half.
It's basically impossible to score anything that isn't roughly on the bottom left-top right diagonal by earnestly answering the questions. If you do something is probably wrong with you.
The distinctions in the political compass (the theory of it, if you will) was developed by one of those weirdo "anti-authoritarian" professors who arose out of liberalism's inability to totally disavow fascist ideology and its existential desperation to downplay the appeal of communism in the post WW2 era. The test is extremely rigged to make fairly normal opinions come off as "anti-authoritarian."
Political compass was invented by a libertarian to convince people that it's an actual ideology instead of an aberration a small section dumbass Americans held up.
Are we really just going to scratch off the idea of authoritarianism as a concept because American libertarians cosplay as anarchists?
Yeah, anyone getting top left of a nazbol or strasserite.
It's basically "I'm cool with mass murder and racism" on top and "I'm not cool with mass murder and racism" on bottom with right and left being "exploit people for profit" and "help people" respectively
It's a well-known problem of the test that it is completely incapable of distinguishing between anarchists, communists and halfway capitalism-critical radlibs - they all indiscriminately score as anarchist on this.
That's because all the questionaire items for the authoritarian <-> anarchist axis are related to American culture war issues. So the only people this test can identify as "authoritarians" are sexist, racist homophobes who like marble statues and think beating kids is the only proper way to educate them.
Answer the questions as if you're the fanged demon communist in a libertarian's fantasy and you'll get top left.
Why are you so concerned with being labelled authoritarian? Maoism is less authoritarian than liberal capitalism imo. After all, communism is liberation from the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie :lenin-heart:
This is a fairly fundamental dichotomy of the left ever since Marx's early writings. But if you think both an empirical analysis of the world rooted in materialist thought and a utopian critique of power rooted in moralist idealism are equally valid, you're simply smack dab in the middle of that axis, so this isn't really a problem.
maybe i don’t understand what utopian means here.
Yeah, i think that's it. Utopian in Marxist jargon means something completely different than how it's commonly used. A utopian socialist does not believe in revolutionary struggle, but believes that the idea of a classless, moneyless, stateless society is so just and appealing in itself that you just need to argue for it persuasively enough and the ruling class will see the error of their ways and adopt these virtuous ideals. Scientific socialists also want a moneyless, classless, stateless society, they just think that such a society has to be brought about against the utmost resistance of the ruling class and make the case for such a society not on moral grounds, but based on historic materialism.
that seems like more of a revolutionary/reform dichotomy, though.
To a degree it is, but the main point is that utopian socialists argue for such a society on moral grounds ("it's good and just not to exploit people"), whereas scientific socialists leave morals out of that entirely and argue that capitalism will at some point collapse under its inherent contradictions.
Not bad!
Imagine the political compass questions, but with a "the premise of this question is fundamentally flawed" answer
On the very first page of the quiz:
No one chooses their country of birth, so it’s foolish to be proud of it.
This is a blatant eurocentric white-supremacist dogwhistle. How does anyone take this shit seriously?
How is it a white supremacist dogwhistle? The people I think of when I read that question are the flag-waving American warhawks and British tories longing for the days of empire convinced that they live in the BEST COUNTRY EVER.
I doubt most people who use/agree with the phrase would ever apply it to themselves. Considering how the compass is couched in right-wing ideology, it comes off as "don't be proud of something you can't control, however America is objectively the best so suck it poor nations".