They really are just trying to force people to get Covid, huh?

  • Dickey_Butts [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    I think gabe sucks personally but it is fucked to make someone take off their mask. He's got health problems.

    • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      "Nuh uh, there's nothing that makes him individually more likely to get Covid compared to anyone else and it's haaaarmless so nobody should worry! Take off your mask so we can hear you different when you speak into the microphone." covid-cool

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        7 months ago

        "I love you all but I am concerned about you, so just be normal and kiss a stranger on New Years and stop being a shut-in so you stop embarrassing leftism!" grillman

        • regul [any]
          7 months ago

          I don't think you normally kiss a stranger on New Year's.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            7 months ago

            According to the most normal leftist that started that thread last New Years, if you don't kiss a stranger, you're embarrassing leftism. grillman corona

            • Vode An@lemmy.ml
              7 months ago

              kissing randoms

              Alexa, what is herpes?

              embarrassing leftism

              I loved the part where Marx said: from each according to their viral load.

              🧠genius extraordinaire.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                7 months ago

                Leftism is about normalcy and not embarrassing your in-group. The more normal and not embarrassing the more leftist it is. grillman

                • Vode An@lemmy.ml
                  7 months ago

                  The final form of being obsessed with optics.

                  Like, I get not acting irl the way we act on niche websites, BUT damn that sounds like it was a wild post.

          • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
            7 months ago

            Just tacking my load onto this post. In my bachor years, New Years was one of the only times I had an issue being single. Valentines, no big deal. Being in a room where everyone is suddenly getting action instead of you? That shit stung.

    • kristina [she/her]
      7 months ago

      At least he funds Linux, most cool thing he ever did

  • macabrett[they/them]@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    Damn that's pretty dark. What would constitute serious risk? He's old. That's a risk right there. He's overweight (no judgement, it is what it is). Also a risk.

    Not cool. Happening to way more people than just Gabe Newell I'm sure. If I were him, I'd try to get air filters in that room near my face.

    • Yiazmat@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      yea I'm not about to defend a billionaire but the no mask thing is so weird. Like I still wear a mask when I go out to the store or whatever and have never (even going back to 2020) had anyone be like "bwuh??? I can't understand you because of your mask"

    • manuallybreathing [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      court etiquette is such bullshit, a while back I was advised to not wear a mask, or tell the judge 'it's for health reasons' at a mimimun, I wont be sheding tears for gabe but it is all really fucked

    • ElHexo [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      we shouldn't suffer because of people with pre-existing conditions, they can just protect themselves!

  • RION [she/her]
    7 months ago

    did a spike glycoprotein write that order or something

    what the hell

  • rafflesia [she/her, doe/deer]
    7 months ago

    You must arrive in person to the torment nexus and you must wear the pauldrons of pain the whole time.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      7 months ago

      you must wear the pauldrons of pain the whole time.

      New lore just dropped no-mouth-must-scream soypoint-2

  • @Xartle@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    Wonder if he'll sue the court? That seems pretty hostile behavior to a witness...

    • @Justice@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      Gabe is a billionaire. He could just not show up and email the judge a picture of his hairy butthole. Not like they're gonna ever do much to him

      • Dickey_Butts [none/use name]
        7 months ago

        This is mostly true. He could pitch a minor fit and have this taken care of. If you have enough money you can do anything in the legal system.

      • Infamousblt [any]
        7 months ago

        They could do something to Valve though and he will do what he needs to do to protect his baby

        • @Justice@lemmygrad.ml
          7 months ago

          It probably wouldn't go well for his case, for sure. Ask Trump or Alex Jones.

          He should show up and wear a N95 no matter what the judge or anyone says. If they try to physically remove the mask (unlikely) or tell him he has to leave if he won't (more likely) then that's easy appeal grounds that he (probably) can't lose.

          Also this judge should be in prison for this shit.

          I'm not interested in defending a billionaire like Gabe. Don't care. But on a purely humanistic level, if Donald Trump was being hauled into court and wanted to wear a mask, he should absolutely be allowed to do so. This is just evil and honestly attempted murder considering Gabe's age and health.

  • Kuori [she/her]
    7 months ago

    think if i were him i'd show up to court sans mask but in a tank and see how things go from there

  • Owl [he/him]
    7 months ago

    I hope he pushes back against it. He's got the resources, other people in this situation will not, and the legal system runs on precedence fetishes.

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Sorry Gabe, the lathe must have picked up my jokes about banning any and all actions that could constitute COVID prevention.

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    7 months ago

    I'm gonna be honest, I wasn't even thinking about them wearing n95 masks and was very confused that they wanted everyone wearing like eyes wide shut masks and that mental image was kinda funny.

  • FumpyAer [any, comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    I mean, I hate anybody having to remove their mask against their will, but it's most important that everyone else wear one, right?

    • @bobs_guns@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      Aerosols don't just magically vanish from the air when you put your mask back on. Unless there is air filtration in place in the courtroom, any virus that was hanging out in the air will stay there, and can infect anybody is not wearing a mask at any point, or whose mask doesn't fit that well. It's better than having everybody be unmasked, but it could be better still.

    • @ColeSloth@discuss.tchncs.de
      7 months ago

      Yes. While masks will lower the viral load that you inhale that would infect you, making the covid (or colds or flu for that matter) not as bad because it gives your antibodies a bit of a head start, be main benefits of masks is that it reduces how far an infected person's fluids from reaching through the air to infect a new person.

  • Stoatmilk [he/him]
    7 months ago

    If this is accurate it's not great optics, but you won't see me shedding tears for a billionaire, and the 30 % cut is atrocious

    • buckykat [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      It's not like the apple app store where there is no other option, or even like the android play store where enabling non-play store applications requires the user to find a hidden setting and tap through deliberately scary popups, steam has no control over where you install software from on windows or even on the steam deck which runs a full desktop linux

      • Stoatmilk [he/him]
        7 months ago

        yeah the developers should be thankful they don't take 40 %

        • buckykat [none/use name]
          7 months ago

          They can use the epic games store or just sell .exe and .deb files from their own site I'm gonna get them from fitgirl-repacks.site anyway

          • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
            7 months ago

            Can devs implement denuvo selling a straight .exe like that? I thought the appeal of selling on Steam or Epic was all the antipiracy stuff that only like three people on earth have cracked (fitgirl, empress, and the other one)

            • buckykat [none/use name]
              7 months ago

              Well, first of all, if devs want to implement denuvo they should be shot.

              But from a purely technical perspective, denuvo is not affiliated with steam or epic, which have their own DRM measures. Steam is fundamentally a DRM scheme, it's just a DRM scheme which tries (and largely succeeds) to ingratiate itself to users by doing things like handling multiplayer and achievements.

              Also, fitgirl doesn't do cracks, fitgirl does repacks, putting the game and the cracks that others have done all together into one simple easy to use package.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    7 months ago

    Huh looks like Receiver 2 sold pretty well on Steam in 2020 and then they launched this lawsuit. Small indie company, 4 people.

    I guess they looked at the 30% cut and decided to take a stab at suing over it. Honestly if other indies knew about this they might lend some support as it stands to reduce the cut taken and that would benefit them all.

  • dRLY [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    Maybe he could get one of those Razer respirator style masks they made some limited runs of. Both because RGB for a gaming related lawsuit, but also because they made a point of making the mouth area clear so you can see the person's lips moving when they were talking. That or one of those Dyson headsets that has the air filter thing, but it would cover the lips from view. I am sure a mic of some sort could be added if their claimed issue is about being able to hear him clearly.

    Also I don't see how Valve could lose to an antitrust lawsuit in this case. They do have the most "name brand" storefront for PC games. They aren't like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Sony, or Nintendo with regards to being either forced to use services and all the shit that Microsoft, Apple, and Google pull with their OS'es and products really really not making it easy to use options you want to (if the option is even present). And they aren't stopping you from playing games from other storefronts or media (like direct downloads from the studios or from physical media), they even let you add non-Steam games to the launcher and don't tend to stop you from modding. It isn't like GOG, Epic, EA, Battle.net, Microsoft Store, etc are some tiny unknown options that most gamers are not aware of.

    • tyler99b [he/him]
      7 months ago

      From what I've seen valve is implementing anti competitive practices here, the devs wanted to release their games at a lower price on platforms that give devs a bigger cut of the sales but valve doesn't allow devs to sell games at a lower base price on other platforms.

  • @TraumaDumpling
    7 months ago

    lmao the liminal space apocalypse cult gun game devs trying to bio-minecraft gaben i can't even be that mad get that billionaire

    although on the other hand reciever 2 had some racist shit in at least one of the in game collectible tapes:

    cw: racism, references to slavery

    "America had its first conflict with radical Islamic insurgents in the Philippines in 1899, when they politely asked the Moro people to stop enslaving Christians. US soldiers were used to fighting enemies who would surrender when shot, or at least make some attempt at self-preservation. The Moro swordsmen were different: .38 caliber bullets didn't seem to stop them at all, if anything, they just made them even holier." - from reciever 2 wiki

    • Vode An@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      It sucks they did that, the Moro resistance is badass though. Their suicide attackers are partly where some of the .45 stopping power mythology comes from.

      From the wiki

      Candidates, known as mag-sabil, "who endure the pangs of death," were selected from Muslim youth inspired to martyrdom by the teaching of Imams. Parents were consulted before the young men were permitted by the sultan to undergo training and preparation for Parang-sabil (the path to Paradise). After an oath taken, hand on the Qur'an, the chosen took a ritual bath, all body hair was shaved, and the eyebrows trimmed to resemble "a moon two days old." A strong band was wrapped firmly around the waist, and cords wrapped tightly around the genitals, ankles, knees, upper thighs, wrists, elbows, and shoulders, restricting blood flow and preventing the mag-sabil from losing too much blood from injury before reaching their target. Clad in white robe and turban, the chosen youth would polish and sharpen his weapons before action.[9]

      At the moment of attack, the mag-sabil in Tausug would approach a large group of enemies, shout the tahlil, draw kris or barong and then rush into the group swinging his sword, killing and maiming as many victims as possible in the time he had left. The mag-sabil's body would be washed and again wrapped in white for burial. In the unlikely event the mag-sabil survived his attack, it was believed his body would ascend to Paradise after 40 years had passed.[9]

      • @TraumaDumpling
        7 months ago

        yeah its pretty wild to reduce an entire anticolonial resistance movement to 'the good and noble west stopping the savage foreign hordes from enslaving cute blonde european women and children'

        pretty ingenious to kind of pre-tourniquet for a suicide attack tbh, i wonder if modern suicide attackers do anything similar, and also if any kind of drugs were involved or what kinds of mental preparation were undertaken. i can't imagine the cord wrapping being too comfortable in a normal mental state or sustainable with normal blood pressure and heart rate unless its more like compression wear than tourniquet. i've heard of modern soldiers and/or criminals wearing loose tourniquets on their limbs preemptively but not pre tightened ones.

        • Vode An@lemmy.ml
          7 months ago

          It may be a bit disrespectful, but the fact they wrapped the dick and balls too is funny.

          Tourniquet meets shibari.

          I don’t recall reading anything about attacks using it in modern times. It’s usually a vest or vehicle.

          Your point about wearing loose tourniquets means some Hamas fighters are probably aware of the wisdom of doing that. A bit of a parallel maybe?

  • SerLava [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Killing billionaires emilie-shrug forcing the spread of COVID to disabled and immunocompromised people