Great Justice system we got here. the full ruling is in the second comment

Basically they sided with nestle is because of some :amerikkka: crap about statutes not applying extraterritorially because it happened in mali and not the US.

Oh and get the shit,

"last week he argued that because the corporation that supplied Zyklon B to the Nazis for use in their extermination camps was not indicted at Nuremberg, Nestle and Cargill should not be held liable for their use of child slave labor. In his argument before the court, Katyal espoused a view of corporate immunity so expansive that even the conservative judges seemed skeptical."

  • Sacred_Excrement [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    I've seen elsewhere it is speculated that the lone dissenter in the ruling (which was an 8-1 decision) was a conservative.

    Liberals going 'rules are rules sweaty' as they donkey punt people back into the pit

    Full ruling, if anyone wants to read it.

    Edit: Alito was the lone dissenter it would seem on reading the ruling, so it was indeed a Conservative that dissented. Libs suck, forever and always.

    • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Do these guys even care about optics

      They do not care about optics, because:

      1. They have enough money to push propaganda that covers up these bad optics, or excessively points out bad optics of others' (China)
      2. White westerners side with their "racial kin" even in the absence of propaganda
      3. The fact that POC worldwide learn English means that they are brainwashed by people in #2 without the CIA even needing to spend any money

      This is how White/Western propaganda works. Most of it is free.

      Remember, the CIA never pushed propaganda about whaling.
      White redditors still shitted on Japan while hypocritically going "damn muh badass vikangz" when Scandinavia killed even MORE whales. And this was Japan, a Western-friendly nation.

      It primarily comes down to racial identitarianism, NOT funded propaganda. Both POC and any leftist serious about understanding the reality we live in need to realize this.

      If 30% of Whites are racial identitarians, and even if a whopping 70% of Whites are "neutral", (in reality it's MUCH less) the whole will still be White supremacist, simply because there's no 30% "anti-White" with the same dedication and wealth of the 30% pro-White. And POC will absorb WhiteSupr propaganda from the "neutral" Whites, who are not militantly racist towards them, but will still unwittingly spread whatever propaganda they've been exposed to.

      To put it simply, -1 + 0 = -1. Not 0.

      16% of whites were anti-interracial marriage in 2018, compared to 4% of blacks (Gallup).
      Something like 60% of whites voted for Trump, an explicitly racist president (Dems are trash too, the point here is the perception).
      So we can say the absolute FLOOR for irredeemable Whites is about 16% of the populace, with various gradations of explicit White Supremacy present in up to 60% of the population.

  • Lovely_sombrero [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Is this the lawsuit that was argued by a former Obama official? He must be so happy!

    • regul [any]
      3 years ago

      Resistance hero Neal Katyal!

      Rumor is that Obama was going to nominate Garland* because his first choice (Katyal) was too liberal and had no chance of being confirmed as opposed to Garland*'s tiny sliver of a chance.

      The guy defending child slavers was too liberal for Obama.

  • comi [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Neal is also from clinton/obama sphere? Amaze :angery:

    • Lucas [he/him]
      3 years ago

      They'll say the system works, and in this instance they'll be right

  • Tofu_Lewis [he/him]
    3 years ago

    "As we made clear in Kiobel, a plaintiff does not plead facts sufficient to support domestic application of the ATS simply by alleging “mere corporate presence” of a defendant. 569 U. S., at 125. Pleading general corporate activity is no better. Because making “operational decisions” is an activity common to most corporations, generic allegations of this sort do not draw a sufficient connection between the cause of action respondents seek—aiding and abetting forced labor overseas—and domestic conduct."

    Yeah, choosing to provide financial and technical assistance to child slavers is just one of those day-to-day corporate decisions.

    Fucking psycho shit.