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    • NeverGoOutside [any]
      3 years ago

      Him and felix are right though.

      Vaxed people don’t get very sick.

      Delta spreading so fast will kill off the unvaxxed idiots or give those who survive temporary immunity just like the vaccine. Fuck em.

      The time for worrying about this shit is over.

      Fuck the unvaxxed.

      Kids die of the flu at a higher rate than covid.

      Vaccine eligible people who can’t get it because of some crazy disease or whatever had the same problems with the flu before covid.

      There’s no group left that still needs the protection of all of society changing how it operates. (Except the victims of capitalism, we still need to overthrow that.)

          • NeverGoOutside [any]
            3 years ago

            that's 19% of the 60% of vaccinated people who get breakthrough cases. starts to be a small number. and "long covid" can mean so many different things. from the mundane to the crippling. i don't know a ton about long covid but I think the number of vaccinated people who end up with severe long covid is going to be similar to the number of people who end up with long term problems from getting the flu. I guess we shall see!

            • BigLadKarlLiebknecht [he/him, comrade/them]
              3 years ago

              I think I’m particularly sensitive to not taking risks as a healthy, double vaxxed friend of mine in his 30s ended up in the ICU with Delta. He’s doing better now, albeit still exhausted a month after being discharged. I know very well that he’s an extreme outlier, but it was still scary and heightened the risk for me, perhaps unreasonably so.

              Personally I don’t have a problem maintaining NPIs like masks and distancing as long as possible, to reduce the reproduction (and hence mutation) rate to increase the chances of a lasting return to safety. Sadly, I think it’s going to be moot discussion regardless of what the CDC recommends now though, Delta is going to do what it’s going to do, both in terms of direct harm and new variants.

        • NeverGoOutside [any]
          3 years ago

          1 Those people had the same problem before covid. Covid is not the only airborne disease in the world. Did you wear a mask for them then? Oh? why not, you horrible murderer?

          2 Whether vaccinated people wear masks at the gym will not be the factor that determines whether another mutation emerges.

          3 I’m not against indoor masks at places that are not the gym, where you are working out and breathing hard. Essential places like grocery stores should require them be worn by everyone, but OPTIONAL indoor dishes such as bars restaurants or gyms should not require them. If you have special needs don’t go to those places, SAME AS BEFORE COVID.

          4 Everyone jumps to thinking people are anti-mask in general just because it’s obvious that it’s stupid in a gym setting. Grow up.

          5 Vaccinated people do not get seriously ill. Did you used to wear a mask before covid because of the cold or flu? If no then you have no ground to stand on.

          You think that you will get to be immune or opt out of our great mass extinction? Think again!

          • Awoo [she/her]
            3 years ago

            Lots of people have become compromised in some way since covid started. You're being super heartless.

            My dad died in all this shit. His cancer was not severe before covid, but it became severe during covid. He would have been exactly one of the people you're saying you don't give a shit about right now.

            He is dead because of all this shit. Of course he was on his way out anyway, but I could have had more time with him if circumstances were better. People refusing to care about others is exactly why he died earlier than he should have, because there was no oxygen available, because covid patients had used it all.

            It's not just covid people you're affecting. There is a huge knock on effect in the resources drained from the system that goes to literally EVERY single other life in need of saving and care.

            Please, really think this over. We deserved more time with him and it was stolen from us by a completely useless covid response that caused knock on effects for people entirely unrelated to covid. He absolutely wouldn't have gone when he did if oxygen were available that night, but it wasn't.

              • Awoo [she/her]
                3 years ago

                I'm sharing a personal experience about a person affected by covid who died not because he caught covid but because infections of other people affects the healthcare that can be provided to ALL people in urgent care. The point isn't to emotionally manipulate, it just happens to be what I've actually experienced first hand. You're acting like healthcare is an infinite resource and that completely unrelated people don't get affected if thousands of covid patients are in the system, that's simply not the case, the more people that are in the system the worse the system gets for everyone due to resource drain.

                Also, you're a fucking asshole.

                • NeverGoOutside [any]
                  3 years ago

                  yeah that's true, that's why i think the unvaccinated (who could have gotten the vaccine) should be denied medical care if they catch covid. but the liberal establishment won't let that happen.

                  also sorry to hear about your dad! i miss mine too.

                        • NeverGoOutside [any]
                          3 years ago

                          That video was wild.

                          At least our usernames accurately represent us.

                          I can’t wait for one of us to kill the other for deviating from the party line during the revolution, comrade.

                    • NeverGoOutside [any]
                      3 years ago

                      No everyone should get healthcare. But in a crisis where care must be rationed because capitalist pigs didn’t build enough healthcare infrastructure, selfish unvaccinated pricks should be the ones to be left out. But they won’t be, because many of them have money to buy themselves care in this capitalist hellworld.

                  • Awoo [she/her]
                    3 years ago

                    Sure. Nobody will let that happen. So don't go around advocating an attitude that ultimately ends up leading to lots of people being hurt that don't deserve it. You're advocating not giving a crap about wearing masks because you don't care about these unvaccinated jerks but you should care about the effect the spread has on people that are completely unrelated to covid.

                    • NeverGoOutside [any]
                      3 years ago

                      No i think people should wear masks indoors when they can. Definitely anywhere that is an essential place like a grocery store or post office etc etc

                      The gym seems like a crappy place to have to wear one. Same with like a bar.

          • Segorinder [any]
            3 years ago

            Did you used to wear a mask before covid because of the cold or flu?

            You keep using this boomer line about covid being just like the flu. The flu kills an average of ~36,000 people in the US per year. In the last year, covid has killed ~460,000 people in the US. That's with ongoing vaccine rollout for the majority of that period. Yeah, people change their fucking behaviors when we go from dealing with the flu, to what is effectively more than a dozen simultaneous flu seasons.

            You're pointing to the fact that people weren't careful around medically vulnerable people before to justify that when they are now facing a far more dire situation we shouldn't care if they die.

            • NeverGoOutside [any]
              3 years ago

              post what I wrote in context next time instead of trying to create a strawman to virtue signal against. it's pathetic.

              I wrote that in the context of replying to this: "also fun stuff today like that article re: an outbreak in Massachusetts had 75% of cases involving vaccinated individuals. Yeah, wow, you’re less likely to die, and probably won’t be severely crippled, enjoy your lifelong cough- hope the next wave of SuperCovid doesn’t finish the job!"

              the flu killed people before covid but no one wore masks for that. then came covid and it killed 10x the people as the flu, so people wore masks. now vaccinated people have lowered their risk of dying of Covid back to flu-like levels or less thanks to the vaccine. so they're taking off the masks. this is completely different than a bommer anti-mask argument that conflated the flu with covid in the context of no vaccine being available. but you just want to create a strawman to virtue signal against. why is it? why is making yourself feel righteous so important to you that you'd mis-represent my arguments? stop being a :LIB:

              • ShutUpShutUpShutUp [she/her]
                3 years ago

                You are a selfish fucking asshole, completely indistinguishable from any given right-winger.

              • Segorinder [any]
                3 years ago

                I replied directly to your comment, the context is right there for anyone to see.

                If masks only protected the wearer, I wouldn't care if vaccinated people wore them. But we know that with the delta variant, and the effects of the vaccine wearing down over time, vaccinated people are going to be an increasing part of keeping the virus spreading through the population.

                People who can't get vaccines are still in as much danger if they catch covid as they were before the vaccine. If vaccinated people stop caring about them because they personally are protected from consequences that makes them assholes.

                1 Those people had the same problem before covid. Covid is not the only airborne disease in the world. Did you wear a mask for them then? Oh? why not, you horrible murderer?

                You are pushing for acceptance of vulnerable people dying preventable deaths, because vulnerable people have died preventable deaths in the past. I have a problem with that. I keep rereading your comments for more 'context', but nothing changes the apparent message here. If you think that's wrong, maybe rethink what you wrote.

                I'm done with this conversation. I've already said everything I'm choosing to say.

            • NeverGoOutside [any]
              3 years ago

              Chud chud chud everyone’s a chud except the most hysterical pandemic chicken little in the room. That’s you.

          • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
            3 years ago

            This line of reasoning will result in more more new strains that will not be affected by the vaccine. This will put us back at square one again or maybe even worse because who knows what the new strains will be like. You're risking mountains of corpses because you don't like wearing a bit of fabric, don't be like this.

            • NeverGoOutside [any]
              3 years ago

              Oh I don’t mind at all. I don’t go to any gym. I just go to grocery store and i wear mask and it ok. But I understand where felix is coming from.

              It’s the anti-vaxxers that deserve scorn not anyone else. And politicians and capitalists obviously.

        • NeverGoOutside [any]
          3 years ago

          Excellent counter argument.

          Self-righteous virtue signaling feels amazing and makes you feel vewwy righetous I understand believe me, but it is :LIB: SHIT.

          • Sacred_Excrement [comrade/them]
            3 years ago

            Way to be the reddit bro and respond to the person telling you to piss off, and not the person giving you a 5 point argument as to why you should piss off

            • NeverGoOutside [any]
              3 years ago

              Way to be the extremely online person who comments this 5 minutes after the response. Log off loser. What could be more reddit bro than that??? the reply you are whining about is right here sweaty:

              • Sacred_Excrement [comrade/them]
                3 years ago

                The hell is wrong with you? You're being asked to wear a mask for a bit longer and are responding like every maga brained moron that screamed about how they couldn't get a haircut.

                I have close friends that are immuno-compromised. Another one is going through chemo in the midst of all this. So they deserve death, according to you? And it's virute signaling to press people to do a bit more then the bare fucking minimum?

                  • Sacred_Excrement [comrade/them]
                    3 years ago

                    Delta spreading so fast will kill off the unvaxxed idiots or give those who survive temporary immunity just like the vaccine. Fuck em.

                    The time for worrying about this shit is over.

                    Fuck the unvaxxed.

                    Right there chief. They can't get vaccine because of their fucking immune system.

                    • NeverGoOutside [any]
                      3 years ago

                      yeah those people had the same risks before covid. nothing changed for them with covid. they had to be cautious before, they have to be cautious now. I don't see your point.

                      and you didn't quote where i said "don't wear masks anywhere ever" because I never said that. this is about going to the gym.

                      sorry your friends have cancer that sucks! tell them to stay out of the gym!

                      • TankieDukakis [none/use name]
                        3 years ago

                        I agree. People should wear masks everywhere to stop this airborne pandemic. Except where people are breathing heavily in close contact with each other, we don't need masks there.

                        • NeverGoOutside [any]
                          3 years ago

                          people being forced to be vaccinated and having a lockdown for a month with full support for everyone's needs is what should have been implemented, but it wasn't.

                          masks are a pathetic attempt at a half ass solution by capitalist pigs. but yes, let's all continue to virtue signal like the consumer piggies we were trained to be about our individual choices about masks. :LIB: shit.

                          we don't need masks anywhere if people are vaccinated. and if they aren't they shouldn't go to the GYM.

                          • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
                            3 years ago

                            Masks are literally the solution that the Chinese pioneered. That's a big part of why Western piggies have so much hate for them- for pieces of cloth that go in front of your mouth.

                            Saying "we don't need masks if everyone is vaccinated" is firstly outright wrong: you can still transmit and catch the virus if you've been vaccinated. Secondly, it's one hell of an inversion. Where were you last year when China led the world in stopping the spread of the virus, largely due to popular willingness to mostly stay at home and wear masks in public?

                            • NeverGoOutside [any]
                              3 years ago

                              Yeah but if everyone were vaccinated the transmission rate would be low enough that it would die out.

                              And i was cheering China on dumbass. Why do you think I’m on this website?

                              BTW masks were worn during the Spanish flu in 1918. Masks have been known about since the Middle Ages. I guess i should have said “masks alone” in the comment you replied to.

                          • TankieDukakis [none/use name]
                            3 years ago

                            I mean, obviously we wouldn't need masks if people were vaccinated but welcome to hellworld where people aren't.

                            I'd rather have half measures that only somewhat work than people breathing into each other's mouths to create COVID resistance like bugs do with pesticides.

                            • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
                              3 years ago

                              The vaccine doesn't kill the virus so we should still wear masks until it is gone IMO. Or we will just get a new vaccine resisting strain that will start us back at the beginning.

                          • fermentedbees [they/them]
                            3 years ago

                            I literally can't get vaccinated because of a blood disease I have and my doctor telling me it would be extremely risky to get vaccinated as a result, go fuck yourself, covid enabler are fucking infantile shrieking babies who really don't care about anyone's reality but your own and just want the inconvenient realities of it to just die off so you can go back to "normal" and enjoy yourself consuming shit, pathetic consumer lib, projecting your callous indifference of peoples lives onto other people, eat shit and die.

                              • ShutUpShutUpShutUp [she/her]
                                3 years ago

                                It's called "stop trying to invade someone's privacy just so you can continue shitting your pants about masks."

                                • NeverGoOutside [any]
                                  3 years ago

                                  It’s called half the people on this website have a “rare disorder” that means they can’t get the vaccine yet can spend all day virtue signaling about how everyone else is killing people if they don’t wear a mask at the gym.

                                  I call BS

      • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
        3 years ago

        Delta spreading so fast will kill off the unvaxxed idiots or give those who survive temporary immunity just like the vaccine. Fuck em.

        Yes, I am quite certain that the virus will kill all the people who deserve it, and won't disproportionately kill the poor and vulnerable.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          3 years ago

          Hexbear anti mask protest outside the local gym and it's fine cause it's not Applebee's cause what makes you a chud boomer or a based gen z is your consumption choices and not whether you're willing to kill people for your pathetic convenience.

        • NeverGoOutside [any]
          3 years ago

          If limo buskit could have done a riot they would have you lost.

        • NeverGoOutside [any]
          3 years ago

          Indeed. Do what you want chud morons. Cough on my grandma.

          /s Makes sense.

      • quarantine_man [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        Delta spreading so fast will kill off the unvaxxed idiots or give those who survive temporary immunity just like the vaccine.

        It will also lead to more mutations, unfortunately.

      • Multihedra [he/him]
        3 years ago

        It is, unfortunately, a complicated topic. The largest unvaccinated group in the US are the uninsured, with 52% having received no doses. People without insurance literally do not believe it’s free (can you blame them? They’re also partly right that plenty of health businesses will try and charge them in some capacity)

        The second least vaccinated group are Republicans at 48% having received no doses.

        There are large societal forces at work here. What it means, I dunno. But I do think it’s worth considering. Much of this is largely a foregone conclusion at this point. I agree that “fuck some people” is correct, I’m just not sure that “the unvaccinated” as a whole should be that group.