As a kid I read that scene as him just being an opportunist but watching it again the "yay capitalism" part is dripping with insincerity and sarcasm.
First Austin Powers was legit good to the best of my recollection, second was a step down but I remember it being pretty good. The third was a disaster
They'd run out of material by then. It was just dick jokes all the way down.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I wonder if this is a joke about Kim Philby and the Cambridge Five.
"Secretly", given that they were really, really bad at being spies. And yet they got a great deal of intelligence which USSR analysts disregarded because they assumed no nation could be stupid enough to fall for these dorks.
Austin Powers deserves more credit, cause it was full of gags that many people didnt notice, and they only latched on to the obvious ones.
I grew up watching all the James Bond movies on repeat and Austin Powers really does an amazing job parodying them.
Listening to Kill James Bond has given me a completely new perspective on Austin Powers. I was too young to catch many of the ways it lampshaded the 007 franchise's shortcomings when I first saw it, so I didn't realize how incisive it was until I listened to a podcast about Spooky Ghosts and a Stupid Policeman.
it was like a Zucker Bros movie with background gags you'll miss until you're 2nd or 3rd viewing
Sometimes it just does a shot for shot remake of the scene and it's obviously ridiculous when Sean Connery isn't taking up all the stage presence.
“My father would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark.”
The first movie was great then it jumped the shark super quick.
myers got his invite to little st james after the release
:epstein: knew pretty much everybody so I'd not be surprised.
Dr Evil is quite literally one of those capitalist pigs. The context of the scene includes this pivot.
mad man on the loose in Nevada
Hell yeah there must have been some good reason for my little kid brain watching the shit out of these movies growing up!!!