• Civility [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      This isn't even justifiable under Christianity.

      Like, Thou Shalt Not Kill is right there in God's top ten of things He wants you not to do

      • ssjmarx [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Half of Christian history is justifying exceptions to that particular rule.

        • FreakingSpy [he/him]
          3 years ago

          The Michael Scott approach

          "Thou shalt not kill"

          • Yes, but it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if I were to kill someone

          "Yes, it would be the worst thing in the world"

          • Got it, only on the rarest of occasions shall I kill
          • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Well if you consider just how many seconds there are in your life, killing people every once in a while could still be mathematically a considerably rare event :dean-malice:

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Plenty of sects of American Christianity (most Evangelicals, I'd argue) would say that, after dying of a nuclear attack, 99% of those Koreans would immediately be roasting in hell because they were not born-again Christians.

      • starvedhystericnudes [she/her]
        3 years ago

        Butalso that doesn't make it any less urgent to bathe them in nuclear power, because the thought of it makes me hard jesus

    • stigsbandit34z [they/them]
      3 years ago

      I can't fault people for looking to religion for comfort, but the belief in an afterlife is literally why life sucks on earth. People think that everything will be perfect after they die instead of accepting the fact that they may no longer exist

      • Ithorian [comrade/them, he/him]
        3 years ago

        Belief in reincarnation is where its at. You know you're coming back so you should do everything you can to make the world a better place to come back to.

        • rubpoll [she/her]
          3 years ago

          But belief in reincarnation tied in with a belief in Karma leads to a justification for unjust hierarchies. "He was born into a rich family because he was good in his past life, he was born into a poor family because he was bad in a past life." It's like Determinism but only so much as it benefits people born into power.

    • inshallah2 [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      For the majority of people, though they do not know what to do with this life, long for another that shall have no end.

      — Anatole France

  • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
    3 years ago

    all that civility shit goes out the window when it's a communist country. this is why i find it obnoxious being scolded by libs on violence bc all it takes is the right type of innocent person for libs to be frothing at the mouth for violence

    • rubpoll [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Every Lib I know balks at the idea of inconveniencing landlords and business owners by default, but simultaneously say Thanos was right and half the human population needs to be culled to save the other half. But who gets exterminated will be "random" so it's perfectly fair.

      • Zodiark
        2 months ago

        deleted by creator

          • Zodiark
            2 months ago

            deleted by creator

            • starvedhystericnudes [she/her]
              3 years ago

              Explain to me how I'm wrong rather than explaining to me who I am, as if that would somehow make me wrong.

              • Zodiark
                2 months ago

                deleted by creator

                  • Zodiark
                    2 months ago

                    deleted by creator

                      • zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]
                        3 years ago

                        you’re just projecting your blind acceptance of bullshit propaganda from a dystopian nightmare state onto me?


                      • RedDawn [he/him]
                        3 years ago

                        yeah that person you're talking to lives in North Korea and therefore is just repeating the propaganda theyve been exposed to. wait, no, thats what youre doing with this dumbass "theyre bad and a monarchy" schtick.

                          • RedDawn [he/him]
                            3 years ago

                            K but you've done nothing to explain how they're not communist or how they are supposedly a "monarchy", you've merely asserted it over and over like an idiot. not sure why you're expecting other people to put a lot of effort into educating you when you've put in absolutely none yourself, as evident by the absolutely absurd characterization of DPRK as monarchical.

                      • Zodiark
                        2 months ago

                        deleted by creator

                          • Kaputnik [he/him]
                            3 years ago

                            Based on the url I'm guessing it's a link to Edward Said's work on Orientalism if you wanted to find it

                            • starvedhystericnudes [she/her]
                              3 years ago

                              Cool. Is it worth? Does it explain why Asia is special and can't have shitty dystopian (as if there's another kind) monarchies like literally everywhere else?

                              • Kaputnik [he/him]
                                3 years ago

                                It's definitely worth a read, the concept of Orientalism is really important to understanding how western media portrays the rest of the world. It's a pretty important text for understanding more modern literary and political theory

                                • starvedhystericnudes [she/her]
                                  3 years ago

                                  I've heard of it! Had brief explanations from my lit prof dad! But I don't think asia is special. I think kings are shit. The tankie gaslighting is really fucking gross.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      There was some Twitter goon with a big following who was crowing about doing a new Civil War Against Blue States. And I know there are folks on the other side of the line thinking we need to "Liberate" Texas or Florida or some shit.

      This is eventually going to come home.

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    3 years ago

    As empires decline, mental exercises in pure psychopathy become a common pastime among the sexless worms of the comfortable middle class male population :theory-gary:

    • starvedhystericnudes [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Again, none of the actual literal psychopaths I've met, including serial killers (it's not actually that uncommon) would be okay with this.

  • redthebaron [he/him]
    3 years ago

    "there would be world peace as one more communist regime will be destroyed" this is fun because you would think that then russia wouldn't be doing war stuff all the time now that they are not communist but i imagine something something the shape of the slav skull is prone for communism is the answer i would get from these doltz

  • LangdonAlger [any]
    3 years ago

    Park appears to hold libertarianism as her central political identity, based on conversations with Fox News's Fox and Friends and Jordan B. Peterson on his podcasts called "The End of Universities?". Park experienced what she characterized as "the culture of political correctness" at Columbia University and compared it to what she saw in North Korea.[38] Park described her Columbia education as brainwashing, such as learning gender-neutral pronouns to not offend anyone of different sexual orientation. She also described how a female staff from Columbia scolded her for reading Jane Austen's books. The staff described the author as a racist and bigot for having a colonial mindset who's subconsciously brainwashing her. However, some of her works have hidden abolitionist messages inspired by her brother against slavery.[39][40] She then said on Fox Business that “our education system is brainwashing our children to make them think that this country is racist and make them believe that they are victims. It’s time for us to fight back. Otherwise, it might be too late for us to bring the glory of this country back.” [41]

    What a cool lady

    • Sasuke [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      She also described how a female staff from Columbia scolded her for reading Jane Austen’s books.

      this is such a funny thing to make up lmao

    • richietozier4 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Park described her Columbia education as brainwashing, such as learning gender-neutral pronouns to not offend anyone of different sexual orientation.

      So let’s get this straight: Socialism is when the government does stuff, communism is when the government does a whole lot of stuff, Marxism is when you don’t consider why the cheese is free, Stalinism is orjogian1498thiccsibling, Maoism is when you kill literally everyone, Dengism is when you use the productive forces to genocide 2000% of Uyghurs, and now Juche is when you respect people’s pronouns

    • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
      3 years ago

      At this point I don't even believe that she ever lived in the DPRK.

      She was 100% born and raised in South Korea.


      • Glass [he/him,they/them]
        3 years ago

        A psychadellic Japanese apocalypse cult that at it's height had tens of thousands of members, a small arms and chemical weapons factory, connections to the yakuza and international arms dealers, and a dedicated shock corps made up of former and current Japanese cops and military. The group is best known for carrying out the 1995 Tokyo Subway sarin attack. The entire story is beyond fucking insane, but one of the key parts of their belief system was that to kill another person was to free their karma, so you were doing them a favor.

  • medium_adult_son [he/him]
    3 years ago

    North Korea has lots of old-school artillery pointed at South Korea's biggest city. War is not an option, unless millions of SK citizens dying is also an option.

    WTF, just negotiate with NK, the US already killed 20% of their males and destroyed most of their buildings and infrastructure in the 1950s.

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      WTF, just negotiate with NK, the US already killed 20% of their males and destroyed most of their buildings and infrastructure in the 1950s

      The DPRK has come to the table multiple times asking for an official end to the Korean War in exchange for nuclear disarmament, offering to privatize and allow foreign investors into their economy in exchange for access to the world economy, and so forth.

      The U.S has stonewalled them at every attempt.

      • Sen_Jen [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Interesting, I've never heard of this. Can you tell me a bit more or point to where I can read about this?

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Joe rogans youtube comments are always bad, even by Youtube comment standards. Look at any episode with a woman and the comments are just as bad

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    3 years ago

    This person literally does not understand their own religion

    Unless they're Mormon, which is an entirely separate can of worms

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Well, if I'm recalling my Sunday school right, if they're not baptized they don't go to heaven if they die

        Pretty sure Protestants require unfaltering belief to get into heaven

        Mormons are the only Christian sect (outside of the Unitarians, but they're not so much Christian as their own little religion that has some of the trappings of Christianity) that believe that everyone goes to heaven regardless of belief.

        Only benefit to being a Mormon is that if you're a good enough Mormon, when you die you get to be your own God and start a universe

        Knowing Mormons, that's a lot of universes worse than Hell

  • richietozier4 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Damn, I wonder why North Koreans hate us so much? Could it be because we constantly casually talk about murdering them by the millions? No, they must be brainwashed

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      They're so poisoned by propaganda that they don't actively yearn for us to massacre them.

    • MarxMadness [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      Could it be because we constantly casually talk about murdering them by the millions?

      Nah, I bet it's because of the time we actually murdered them by the millions