• GeorgeZBush [he/him]
    6 months ago

    During his visit, Sullivan asserted, “there will be a transition to another phase of this war, one that is focused in more precise ways of targeting the leadership and on intelligence-driven operations.” The New York Times reported that “four US officials said Mr. Biden wants Israel to switch to more precise tactics in about three weeks.”

    Ah okay, only three weeks.

    Targeting Yemen is also monstrous considering the evil the US-backed Saudi coalition inflicted there. Literally nothing redeemable about this country. Great Satan really is the most apt name for it.

    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
      6 months ago

      So would RFK Jr, so would Bernie Sanders, so would Marianne Williamson, so would Ron Paul, so would Cornel West. I can't think of any presidential candidate that wouldn't escalate on behalf of Israel outside of Gloria La Riva or other communists. It's not even merely bipartisan, Zionism is universal for all politicians

      • blobjim [he/him]
        6 months ago

        Claudia de la Cruz is the PSL candidate for 2024 https://www.liberationnews.org/end-capitalism-before-it-ends-us-claudia-de-la-cruz-karina-garcia-for-president-vp/

      • batsforpeace [any, any]
        6 months ago

        RFK Jr. even has a little left-adjacent fan club for some reason, consisting of Aaron Good, Dan Kovalik and probably others I'm not aware of, then again Tulsi Gabbard also convinced some people last election

          • batsforpeace [any, any]
            6 months ago

            then maybe they are as well but they just don't know it yet, I know Aaron Good did like 20+ long videos about US history with Ben Norton not long ago

  • Infamousblt [any]
    6 months ago

    Has Biden done literally even one thing other than go to eat war (what the fuck phone) with the entire fuckin world

    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Uhh... he gave us a $600 check when he promised $2000 and got our hopes up on student aid forgiveness before giving up on that.

        • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
          6 months ago

          Wild how he just openly stated if he was elected, we'd cure cancer and libs just shamed everyone into oblivion because 'he obviously didn't mean that'

          So he's a serial liar? He has dementia?

  • Awoo [she/her]
    6 months ago

    Maybe the US gives up on China and just turns on the horrors in the periphery instead while being in full denial that it's a declining power.

    I had thought that they would eventually go for Mexico, but maybe this kicking off has become the new forever war.

    Or maybe this is just the beginning, a method to ramp up production and manufacturing for the big war later on.

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Ultimately, the US going against China is a long-term play. China represents the most significant threat to the US’ hegemony eventually. But right now the economic relationship between China and the US is mutually beneficial and if all of the sudden the US sees multiple fires on the stove, they can’t even afford to think long-term.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        6 months ago

        I am wondering if the ship is just too much of a mess to even steer it at this point. Every part of its design is pretty much to make it impossible to do anything. Can they actually do... Planning? At all?

        I get the impression that they might not actually be able to react to China because they do not have control of the ship, it's rudderless and seemingly goes wherever the current wind takes it. Changing the direction of that wind seems to require a major catalyst each time and manufacturing those huge events is quite costly and difficult.

        • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
          6 months ago

          Can they actually do... Planning? At all?

          For wars? Absolutely. For anything else? Not really.

          Long term planning at the national level has never been a strength of the US because of the rotating nature of the politicians in the system; even when both parties agree on a perceived threat to their hegemony, they react to it differently (and often condemn the other side for their reaction)

  • Beaver [he/him]
    6 months ago

    It would be so easy for Dems to wipe out Trump and the Republicans in 2024. Literally just yap 24/7 about abortion, and cancel student loans.

    Instead, their strategy seems to try to fan the flames of two wars until they erupt into regional conflagrations. sit-back-and-enjoy

    • @Great_Leader_Is_Dead
      6 months ago

      Considering how Pro-(starting)war the US public is, it maybe a winning strategy

      • Beaver [he/him]
        6 months ago

        A dark potential outcome: Biden starts a huge war, poll number turn around, gets re-elected in a landslide biden-harbinger

    • Sleve_McDichael [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Legalizing weed would be such an easy slam dunk but apparently the pharmaceutical lobby is still too strong or the dinosaurs running the country still associate it with reefer madness

    • @Kaplya
      6 months ago

      I still think Biden is going to win, but the Democrats losing the election isn’t going to hurt them at all.

      Remember, the electoral system is designed to PUNISH the voters. If the Dems lose in 2024, they’d be able to point to the voters who dared to defy the system and say: “see, this is what you get if you don’t toe the line. you get someone so much worse. this is your punishment and you better think twice before throwing tantrum again.” By 2028, the voters would have been sufficiently punished that they’d vote for the Democrats again. Thus, it ensures that the system is held up and working as intended.

      Also, if the recession is going to come around 2025-2028 (as I have said before, if the Fed rate maintains throughout 2024 there probably won’t be a recession, but it has to come down eventually), then it’s not such a bad idea to let the Republicans hold the basket of radioactive potatoes while the Dems is out of government.

      This is the key lesson to everyone who still doesn’t understand how the American electoral system works: it wins votes not by fulfilling campaign promises, but by punishing those who do not wish to participate in the system designed to enrich the bourgeoisie.

      At the end of the day, losing the voters is nowhere near as important as losing the donors.