God damn shit like this makes me miss old dirtbag left subreddit r/cth. :(


    • 7DeadlyFetishes [he/him,comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      Leftist unity is when we can all make jokes and no one gets offended over some stupid pedantic shit.

      (Christ almighty that makes me sound like an asshole, doesn’t it?)


  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Like, as a fat guy I never took it to be like "Look at these gross uggos, their corpulence makes me gag"

    It always seemed to me to be about the fact that these guys have deluded themselves into thinking they're "Tier One Operators" and couldn't take over a damn bowl of Jell-O

    • MiraculousMM [he/him, any]M
      3 years ago

      As a fellow fat guy, I feel the same way as far as how I personally take it.

      In terms of policy though, I think that if a fat joke directed at reactionaries could hurt even one comrade who struggles with body image, it should be removed. Personally, I remove any body-shaming comments I see no matter who they're directed at.

      • cawsby [he/him]
        3 years ago

        We can still call Trump a cheeto though right?

        Us liberals need that.

        • MiraculousMM [he/him, any]M
          3 years ago

          That joke is very specific to Trump himself, so I think it's fine for now at least, but I can still see why it might hurt someone in certain cases.

    • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
      3 years ago

      I mean the fact that they were getting Burger King delivered to Forward Operating Bases really says it all.

  • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Next you'll be telling me we can't make fun of Ben Shapiro for being a squeaky-voiced little gremlin, pc culture gone mad :19: :84:

    • 7DeadlyFetishes [he/him,comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      I almost feel bad for Ben for audibly sounding like the most Jewish person to Grace talk radio and media, almost.


  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    "Making fun of tacti-cool dorks in ill fitting kit, cosplaying as super soldiers is... uh... unkind to the differently weighted"

    God damn :LIB:s

  • Abraxiel
    3 years ago

    Depending on the day, you're not allowed to say that here either.

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It's my divine, God given right as an American to make fun of LARPers. They're gonna come for our :thumb-cop: emote next!!

  • jabrd [he/him]
    3 years ago

    You'll have to pry my hotdog necked cop jokes from my cold dead hands :cop:

  • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
    3 years ago

    I am almost always on the side of "all this achieves is upsetting your friends who fit the demographic you're dunking on," but not here, given that it's mocking not their weight, but the discrepancy between how they portray themselves as badasses and being anything but. Especially since it seems their proposed alternative is just grounding the concept of terrorism to Islam, which is just changing which group of friends you're hurting.

    • CommieElon [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I’ve seen so many fat jokes of JB Pritzker’s weight. They go along the line of “he’s wearing a mask to protect people’s health but look at how fat and unhealthy he is.” That is just gross and pisses me off.

      This is at least making fun of tacticool badass larpers who wouldn’t hesitate to kill marginalized people.

  • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Listen, fat! Back in '52. CornPop and I, we were in a street brawl. That's street talk for a fight that happens in the street. A street is something a car drives on like on the hit television program Car 54. That Fred Gwynn, heh.

    CornPop. He was a bad dude. Like a predator but with almost... super powers. Some might say a Super Predator, but back then we didn't cage wild animals. NO! We let them roam free in their natural habitat. CornPop had a younger brother, Cornmeal. 'Meal would hang out with 6 portly fellas and were referred to as Meal Team 6. Meal Team 6 were so hard, a cat couldn't scratch em!

    Cornpop had a falling out with his brother over a bad batch of left handed cigarettes found to be filled with Italian spices. It cooked Cornmeal from the inside out! He blamed CornPop.CornPop said to me, hey listen Leg Hair, I know we've had our differences in the past at the pool, but I need your help here. You and me, we can work together and fix the streets! Your soft white complexion and my musky blackness can mix things up. Yknow. Like gravy. Is it white or brown? Doesn't matter, it's delicious on biscuits. And we swim in it. Like seals.

    Get it? Gravy Seals, Jack!

    Anyhow, we met with Meal Team 6 and the boys were ready for a real fisticuffs showdown . I stepped out of my fathers Studebaker and said, hey listen, dark friends! Drugs are bad, sure, but so is violence.

    And we had a brawl in the street. But it wasn't with our fists. It was with our words. And words are what I'm saying now. Hey! And that's why its time to pull out of Afghanistan and stop fighting terrorists with our fists and start drone striking our enemies with our words. Because that's America.

    America's back!

  • bigboopballs [he/him]
    3 years ago

    That sub was crawling with fed-posters during the BLM riots last summer. Wonder if it's still like that.

  • Elon_Musk [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    lmao. next we won't be able to make fun of the ATF for shooting dogs over and over again.