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  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    Capital’s interests on your productive labor happen to coincide with your interest to not die a horrible death. They want covid done so they can keep skimming off your excess labor value, you want covid done so you and your family do not croak.

    Thank you. This is it.

  • BruceWillis [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    while you are correct in your analysis, capitalists are rarely unified in their thinking. which is why the bourgeois state exists: to mediate conflict between factions of the ruling class in the overall interest of Capital. the vast majority of capitalists threw tons of money into creating a vaccine as quickly as possible to get back to business as usual, as they saw this as the best path back to profits and growth, as technological solutions to the problems capitalism creates is what has kept them in power for centuries now.

    but there is one faction of capitalist class funding all the anti-mask anti-vaxx nutjob ivermectin shit coming out, which is how it has spread so widely. and they are doing this because they thought the best way to return to profit/growth/normalcy was to try and downplay the pandemic and go on as usual and just let people die and ignore it. they began this line of reasoning before the vaccines were completed, as some were saying it could be years or decades before a viable vaccine was ready to use. that's why they pushed junk like hydroxychloroquine, ideas that covid is no worse than the flu, etc... and now that faction is getting lots of people killed, but they don't care. it's not enough dead workers to disrupt profits more than the lockdowns did, so they are fine with it. hell both factions of the capitalist class would be fine with it if it wasn't straining hospital capacity. i'm sure even the pro-vaccine majority would be fine with it if we just built more hospitals and ICU wards so the capacity wasn't strained, and then went back to business as usual.

    see: The fucking Tea Party is behind the "America's Frontline Doctors" group founded by Simone Gold that pushed Hydroxychloroquine with Trump and now Ivermectin

      • Multihedra [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Nah, I think it’s more like…

        If you were a cop, you’d pretty much just beat peoples’ asses whenever you wanted , right (of course, they gotta be “the right kinda people” to keep it all acceptable)? And there’s like a 50/50 chance you’d absolutely do it if you were a cop, cause you’re the physical fist that backs up the state; you’re a violent scumbag and that’s just what you do.

        If you’re a weird billionaire you exploit everything you can; loopholes, institutions, resources, and, of course, people.

        So billionaires are exploitation incarnate (like police are state violence incarnate), it’s just *what they do. You exploit people for labor or whatever other sick shit you want, because you’re part of the web of relations that exists above the market and influences it, and essentially nobody is gonna stop you. You’re why all of these institutions of state violence exit, to protect your “right” to exploit people

      • Mindfury [he/him]
        3 years ago

        plus that exploitation of humans is already inherent to amassing capital, so going the whole hog to have a B near the dollar sign is a reconcilable step

    • coeliacmccarthy [he/him]
      3 years ago

      at the very beginning they should have offered a $2000 check to get the Standard Vaccine while also offering the exact same shot as the Elite Business Tier Inoculation, priced at $200. We'd have been at 80% vaccinated in no time

      • Mizokon [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        America needs a monthly vaccine subscription and it should be an app. :brrrrrrrrrrrr: for vaccine companies.

        • eduardog3000 [he/him]
          3 years ago

          At one point Pfizer was semi-ironically considered the "premium" vaccine by people who had nothing better to do than group themselves by something arbitrary.

          • 8006 [they/them]
            3 years ago

            Pfizer is still considered the premium vaccine over Astrazenca (the alternative) and it's caused huge delays in the vaccination rollout

            • eduardog3000 [he/him]
              3 years ago

              I meant more Pfizer vs Moderna. Astrazenica is at least a different type of vaccine with afaik a lower efficacy.

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
      3 years ago

      Something that is super cheap is possibly worse than being free.

      If it's free, you think "someone is covering the bill for this so I don't have to worry about it". If it's cheap beyond reason, you think "this is probably such bad quality it's scarcely worth getting".

  • D61 [any]
    3 years ago

    We should remember that there IS a difference between getting Ivermectin from the local Farmer's Coop that is NOT meant for human consumption and going to an actual hospital, getting an actual medical evaluation, and for medical professionals deciding to perscribe Ivermectin as a treatment option.

    • Mindfury [he/him]
      3 years ago

      yeah, the difference is that the medical professionals will determine that you have a parasitic worm and not covid

    • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      I mean there are plenty of quack "doctors" that will prescribe ivermectin if you know where to find them. There's a billboard on the side of a major road here saying that you can contact them and they'll give you an ivermectin prescription from an "actual doctor"

      • D61 [any]
        3 years ago

        So long as its prescribed in human doses, that will at the very least, cause less harm than the horsey paste.

          • D61 [any]
            3 years ago

            Yeah, that's kinda the point.

            The stuff doesn't have instructions on the side of the box for what the human doses would be, so if you do the math wrong you're easily going to overdose yourself. Since we can assume that there isn't a regular doctor visit scheduled to check up on the patient, there is less chance that there is somebody who will be paying attention to enough vital stats to know when to stop treatment.

            And its not like we know how many people are using horse paste instead of getting the vaccine, so if somebody has just been steadily dosing themselves for long periods of time the stuff is going to build up the system. Its why it causes liver problems.

            When given to livestock, you only give like one or two doses and wait for the parasite poison to do its thing. You watch the animal to see if it starts gaining weight, if its poop is filled with dead worms, if the animal is acting like it has more energy.

            Since that won't happen with people trying to treat cold/flu symptoms, I'd imagine that its really easy to just take horse paste in the same way I take cough syrup and antihistamines when I get a cold, I'm not surprised if people are overdosing themselves on Ivermectin.

    • barrbaric [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yes, the only tricky part is if/when chud medical professionals start prescribing it.

      • ProfessionalSlacker
        3 years ago

        Already happening. My friend's aunt was given ivermectin by some quack to treat her covid and she's handling it really poorly.

      • D61 [any]
        3 years ago

        But are they going to be prescribing the human variant or do we think they are just going to go down to the Feed store and dozing them with the horse cum?

        I'd imagine that the grifter is going to spring for the human designed stuff knowing that AT LEAST, what they are going to be giving them won't directly cause organ failure.

  • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Even Max Blumenthal is dipping his foot into the anti vax waters. It is really concerning.

  • toledosequel [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    I was disappointed to see Max Blumenthal get on that shit too. Will make me take his foreign policy takes more skeptically now.

    • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Has Norton said anything about it yet? I know Mate is against the Horse Paste.

    • Doom_Paul [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Max Blumenthal does associate with some libertarians (Scott Horton being one of them) for his anti-war journalism, so I guess it’s not too surprising to see that start to rub off on him. It’s a shame though that he ended up adopting one of libertarianism’s worst positions in being basically opposed to a lot of proactive pandemic policy out of liberal fears of “authoritarianism”, “violations of informed consent ”, and it being “draconian”.

      While he acknowledges that American covid vaccines are effective at reducing hospitalizations, severe illness, and deaths and that high risk populations need to get vaccinated, he still opposes mandates, “vaccine passports”, and lockdowns because he apparently thinks that these policies are “draconian”, racist, and anti-working class. His naive stance here is in opposition to the proactive pandemic control policies of socialist governments like Vietnam and China that have had more success in combating the pandemic. I know other writers at the Grayzone disagree with Max on this issue like Aaron Mate and I believe Ben as well. It would be nice if they could do more to knock some sense into Max on this issue so he doesn’t keep embarrassing himself with these tangents that greatly detract from his foreign policy work. I had assumed that he leaned more ML, but I suppose it’s possible that he may have always had more libertarian sympathies than I had thought. Regardless, it’s disappointing to see.

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]M
    3 years ago

    Capital does not do the things it does because they are mustache twirling villains

    Damn near all of the rich don't even have facial hair SMH :bern-disgust:

  • Elon_Musk [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Yea and there are pro vax pro horse paste people from all sides of the political spectrum.

  • Deadend [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Honestly, it’s about asking “where is the the money in THAT?”

    Even though Covid is odd, it made the rich a lot richer, but even they think it will go bad.

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        3 years ago

        You can make a lot of money shorting stock and even more buying up companies that go under after you've shorted them and rolling them into your own company

        (Cough Amazon)

          • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Obviously, but that doesn't mean that there aren't fissures in capitalist solidarity. What we've seen since the beginning of the pandemic is an exponential heightening of internal fractures in the capitalist class. The consumption of the petty bourgeoisie to keep the wheels of industrial and finance capitalists turning.

            As the distribution of that capital has shifted you've ended up with some weird shit like a horse paste company having enough money for a viral marketing campaign that feeds on existing vectors of false consciousness.

            We're experiencing a breakdown of the existing neoliberal world order and something will come in to replace it. What that is, I don't know. In America it seems to be a heightened police state and a rapid shift towards fascism to maintain the complacency of a petty bourgeois class that's loosing their standing. In the rest of the world, it seems to be a mad dash away from the west while their pants are around their ankles.