AKA I am writing a fucking essay on Deng Xiaoping and Xi Jinping in order to own my globpol professor

I am emailing it to him

Unlike Deng Xiaoping I do not consider myself mainly a pragmatist, i do consider myself a petty bitch however

to all of you who say it's not worth it: it is to me. he called me a fucking bernie bro. he owned me so hard. I will own him back. have fun reading 20 pages of email bitch half of which are just literal excerpts from the Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping and the Governance of China, if you ever unironically stan fukuyama in my presence again I will email you just the entirety of capital out of disgust. read theory fucker

  • WhyEssEff [she/her]
    3 года назад

    lol he replied to it with a single sentence of "talk to me about it during office hours" i am going to send him capital volume three part three chapter thirteen bitch you thought i slighted fukuyama with productivity wages? I will send you the trpf motherfucker hows liberalism gonna solve that? liberalism contradicts it. you thought productivity wages was bad? motherfucker i am sparing you from the fucking technical spiel. I'll fucking do it, I'll give a pre-class lecture on the TRPF to anyone there, it's actively fun for me. I will turn this class into whyesseff's proletarian soapbox for calling me a fucking bernie bro and not reading my equivalent of a un letter. i will rain fire and brimstone upon you for owning me like that. i will tear down the ideology you perpetuate in front of your eyes. i will challenge all the liberalisms you reproduce. you had your chance to be spared from me being the absolute worst person in a classroom environment (within rules and regulations). im in full agitprop mode, get ready you nerd because i will outnerd you. i am a theory freak. my method of learning is jamming the documentation into my skull until it sticks. i will literally fucking offer to debate you live and then just read state and rev instead of actually arguing. i will dismantle bourgeois academia with my own two hands.

    • ElGosso [he/him]
      3 года назад

      Get that motherfucker to admit it :marx-joker: he doesn't even know how many yards of linen are in a coat

    • MarxGuns [comrade/them]
      3 года назад

      "Bro, geez. I was just tired and didn't feel like reading it tonight. I figured you could explain it to me in person or something."

      • WhyEssEff [she/her]
        3 года назад

        well then he'll appreciate my efforts after i marxpill him during office hours, and if not then it still applies

      • WhyEssEff [she/her]
        3 года назад

        i tried to post the email here but it's too fucking long lmfao might segment it later if i get the chance

        • panopticon [comrade/them]
          3 года назад

          Yes plz it sounds dope

          I might be able to help if you can't get around to it (then I get to read it too, sounds like very much my shit)

    • captcha [any]
      3 года назад

      I always imagined fukuyamas book to have the twin towers on the cover.

    • cynesthesia
      11 месяцев назад

      deleted by creator

  • WhyEssEff [she/her]
    3 года назад

    this bitch is 5000 words and like 6 pages on a word doc i wrote it in like ten minutes it is extremely passive aggressive sent less go

      • WhyEssEff [she/her]
        3 года назад

        here's hoping, if not ill literally just paste theory in his inbox since theres no point

          • WhyEssEff [she/her]
            3 года назад

            I've been soft-banned from discussion after I raised my hand, grabbed a marker and drew the productivity wages graph with labeled lines and axes when he asked for criticisms of his bae fukuyama and "the end of history" bullshit of liberalism being the final stage, then just sat back down without further comment

            the end of conflict my ass ill draw some conflict that liberalism cannot solve

            • LibsEatPoop [any]
              3 года назад

              damn, just hope he doesn't take drastic action against you like snitching to the dean or something. all the best.

              • WhyEssEff [she/her]
                3 года назад

                what's he gonna do? Drum up a red scare? I haven't even talked about stalin or mao yet, they can't stick me with 'genocide denial'.

                like seriously, i'm not being disruptive. That was the most cordial way I could have criticised fukuyama, legit. I have words for that motherfucker he was spared

                It's pure political persecution otherwise. I'll dig in my heels on it. The class actually listens to me, legit, i talk with some of em before the teacher gets there while im compiling material. I am the teacher now, bitch give me your degree

            • Vncredleader
              3 года назад

              Hey leave some coolness for the rest of us!

              But for real what a bitch, he wants criticism in his "marketplace of ideas" or whatever yet is scared of a graph. I would've just drawn the burning twin towers

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      3 года назад

      If you banged it out in 10 minutes and it's that long a second draft would have maybe been smart before sending.

      • WhyEssEff [she/her]
        3 года назад

        i had my dad edit it so i wouldnt get expelled or look stupid

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          3 года назад

          Comrade dad. I usually sit on something like that overnight and then edit so I look less like a raging loon.

          • WhyEssEff [she/her]
            3 года назад

            he's a lib but he's one of those "respect people's beliefs" libs so he doesn't really change the essence of what I write which is lit. I vented like half an hour last time after class to him

    • WhoaSlowDownMaurice [they/them, undecided]
      3 года назад

      this bitch is 5000 words and like 6 pages on a word doc i wrote it in like ten minutes

      Hey can I borrow your quick writing abilities or ability to focus for a day lmao

      • WhyEssEff [she/her]
        3 года назад

        sure just get really really mad and type stream of consciousness, then check grammar. a skill i have mastered for polisci papers.

        the compilation of evidence is the hard part. Write it like you're lenin, lenin gets really mad and writes but also cleans it after and people love it

        also this is adhd hyperfocus i zoned out in class writing this lmao i just got so mad

        • WhoaSlowDownMaurice [they/them, undecided]
          3 года назад

          It'd be a bit harder to work up that emotion for history, for long gone events, or historiography, for reviewing other works on long gone events :thinkin-lenin:

          I also got the problem that I can't stand not having it be perfect as I write it, maybe I ought to dictate more, I'm fine with editing that

          But I think these are good tips, thanks :kim-salute:

          • WhyEssEff [she/her]
            3 года назад

            fair but obligatory

            for history

            undemocratic collapse of the soviet union under mikhail gorbachev and subsequent neoliberalization

            • WhoaSlowDownMaurice [they/them, undecided]
              3 года назад

              Hell yeah, that I would like to do a paper on. Right now it's just a book report on the racial component of secession of the South, which is something I should be juiced up for, but I'm required to look through the book to find good quotes, so sadly I can't just type a bunch down :yes-honey-left:

              • WhyEssEff [she/her]
                3 года назад

                quick tip, take a bunch of pictures of good quotes and run an online ocr service on them. it's not perfect, it's sometimes actively bad, but it's much easier to copy

                • WhoaSlowDownMaurice [they/them, undecided]
                  3 года назад

                  It'll be a bit more slow since I don't have a wire that can connect to my phone with, I'll have to email them.

                  That said, wow, this looks awesome, thanks :meow-floppy:

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            3 года назад

            I Hemingway it, write drunk, edit sober. I understand my own stream of consciousness and come back later and turn it into real sentences and move stuff around so it flows better. It takes a lot longer than actually doing the writing.

  • 420clownpeen [they/them,any]
    3 года назад

    Seems terminally poster-brained, but hey if you keep just hinged enough that there aren't academic or career consequences for nothing. :shrug-outta-hecks:

    And hey, many great left theorists were terminal posters so who knows

    • Spike [none/use name]
      3 года назад

      In every pol class there's one student who does this. Just from personal experience I've seen a guy who would always bring every topic back to atheism, one who would bring every topic back to their personal ethnicity, and one who would ask questions about every single thing. The prof would have seen this many times by now, so its unlikely that anything bad happens, especially for a first year student.

      • 420clownpeen [they/them,any]
        3 года назад

        Truuuue. I never took any poli sci shit but that's probably the department with the highest concentrations of students who are like that, huh?

        • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
          3 года назад

          Philosophy has a lot of open ended discussions, but I guess being like that is pretty much invited.

          Imo any of the women's studies courses are much worse. I sat in on my friend's women's studies course, I forget if the whole thing was athletics focused or just that one lecture but there were at least three dudes who constantly had to get their opinions in and play devil's advocate. It wasn't even the first lecture, which probs means they'd been doing it for a while, which seems SO exhausting. Not just for the profs, but for those dudes too. Like how do you not tired of constantly doing that, especially since the tenured prof teaching the course has a well crafted response to everything you say ready to go, lmao.

    • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
      3 года назад

      Profs tend not to hold grudges about stuff like this over undergrads. If a grad student or a colleague did it, there might be career consequences, but with undergrads it mostly blends into the background noise. Unless you want a letter of rec from this person it probably won't matter. They likely also aren't doing the grading, and even if they are I doubt it would influence them much.

  • Sushi_Desires
    3 года назад

    u dropped this 👑 queen

  • Alex_Jones [he/him]
    3 года назад

    Uncritical support for petty bitch moments. :marx-goth:

  • ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 года назад

    if he still claims fukuyama , just ask him , if in his world theories get weighted with the passing of time or if they stay true, no matter the passing time ...

    • panopticon [comrade/them]
      3 года назад

      Yeah like it's literally been decades and he's still claiming the end of history? What a large dumbass