:volcel-judge: :anarcho-bottom:
remember to only use non-sexual anarchy to destroy america
The real split on the left is between sexual anarchists and volcel vanguardists.
How much you wanna bet "sexual anarchy" = premartial sex or some boring vanilla shit.
It's so funny that his whole pitch was to reach young men, and he's doing it by being socially conservative. Like yeah, that's what young men hate most: sex.
I don't think incels hate sex, they hate that they can't get any while everyone else can, at least that's what they believe, and instead of dealing with their issues or forming any coherent critique of patriarchal gender relations or beauty standards or whatever they descend into vile misogynistic conspiracy theories.
Charlie's rhetoric here plays into that envy, though. It gives them another way to project their problems onto society, just call it "sexual anarchy" instead of "Chads stealing my perfect virgin wife".
Absolutely. "The [bad people] are taking our women!" Is one of the oldest reactionary tropes in existence.
They definitely end up hating sex, by associating it with other people who "have" what they can't "have".
Remember that Rush Limbaugh quote where he said "to the left, ANY sex is OK, as long as you have consent, but if you don't have consent, here come the rape police!" Same energy.
Its been sectarian as hell on the Sexual Left ever since Ballin had Frotsy killed with a dickaxe
You also have to read the Kama Sutra in a book club before you're allowed to join in.
If anything, the reality is that people are barely fucking at all nowadays.