• Mother [any]
    3 years ago

    This is a fucking joke

    Seriously what a fucking joke. Has there ever been a more ineffectual loser than Joe Biden?

    Not that I hold any esteem or hope in bourgeois electoralism but this is what happens when you elect a wet noodle because orange man bad as opposed to electing someone with broad popular support and a corresponding mandate. He has zero political capital to spend.

    Fuck this

      • Mother [any]
        3 years ago

        I fucking hate this

        Just take a random sampling of 30 working class Americans and they will tell you right the fuck away that’s needed to keep this piece of shit from falling apart


        Decent living wages


        Infrastructure repair— not even building new shit just fixing what we have

        That’s fucking it. I’m not even a capitalist but for fucks sake anyone without a dog brain knows that for the grift to continue those four things need to be addressed, but instead the “leaders” are opting to let the leeches suck the country down to the marrow than give even a modicum of a concession to working people, instead opting for a descent into madness and conspiracy as people desperately try to square the circle of living in “the best country on earth” but being unable to afford basic staples.

        And they want us to sit here and pretend like they’re trying. Fuck off. It’s insulting.

        • LilComrade [comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          The oligarch’s model for development is creating walled enclaves of the rich with the entire globe looking like a mad Max version of Eastern Europe where everything is held together with duct tape. That’s THE PLAN.

        • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
          3 years ago

          "Healthcare", "decent living wages"? Tf you mean, we already have a labor shortage! You want to make these ingrates more uppity? "Housing"? I got 30 million seniors who will starve if house prices go down because their HELOC will get liquidated, what do you want me to do Jack?

      • Juiceyb [any]
        3 years ago

        But lib “progressives” like Sam Seder or anyone on TYT were going to vote blue. The groups of leftist minorities didn’t bend the knee for the most part. It’s why you saw an increase of African American and Latino support for Trump. What most of us saw here is how that “victory” was very pyrrhic in that the Democrats have cut the legs off it’s growing voter block. They did win and you’re right but it wasn’t a very long lasting win as we are seeing Biden underwater now. It’s not a win as we are not even seeing Kamala doing anything really after that disastrous Asian tour where she was brought back hella early. It’s to the point where Mayo Pete is being astroturfed back into the public eye with his upcoming documentary. Along with Obama coming back from retirement since he created this fucking mess to begin with. So yeah they won alright but we have been saying this was going to happen even back when we were on :reddit-logo:. If you could see my comments from there, then you’d see I also made this exact same comment from someone saying the exact thing. All we can do is prepare for whoever takes Trump’s place.

          • SerLava [he/him]
            3 years ago

            I'm not sure of the whole story, but I have seen a bunch of libs mad in the last couple days that Trump investigations have been shot down by Merrick Garland or something. Idk if they can really lean on that. Maybe they can but I'm not sure

            • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
              3 years ago

              I mean the neoliberal victory is total in the sense that there is no public avenue of marxism and even our most left wing politicians arent allowed to admit that a Cuban literacy program is good. Theres no actual argument in government about what to do and this bill was always going to get gutted like this because that was always the plan, we used to have small adjustments to the plan but now they wont even do that.

        • inshallah2 [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          All we can do is prepare for whoever takes Trump’s place.

          You gave me a posting idea...


        • spectre [he/him]
          3 years ago

          that disastrous Asian tour where she was brought back hella early.

          Haven't heard about this tbh, is there an article or pod that recaps it?

      • Mother [any]
        3 years ago

        Person with $100mm net worth opposes tax on rich people :shocked-pikachu:

  • inshallah2 [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    From a few hours ago...

    I asked @SenSanders if there will be an agreement on the reconciliation package today or a vote on BIF this week.

    “I don’t think so… Every sensible revenue option seems to be destroyed.” He said every “progressive” option has been “sabotaged.”


  • regul [any]
    3 years ago

    The money to pay for the new freeway widening projects and the $5 tax credit for single working mothers in an opportunity zone will be payed for by eliminating Section 8.

    • inshallah2 [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      I wonder if that will be enough for Bernie to finally say "I will not vote for the bill. Fuck that."

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The largest protest movement in the history of the USA was due to BLM. People were masking up and risking their fucking lives to protest against police brutality. The Dem establishment, the media, all colluded (either wittingly or not, it makes no difference post-facto, for any lib nerds that wanna get mad at me for saying this) to water down, misrepresent, or outright deny the relevance or messaging of the movement. Sometimes they did both!

    Imagine if they had turned those marches into opportunities to register to vote. Imagine if they had said "we hear you and we're with you, we need change in this country, we need racial justice" instead we got hand wringing over what "defund the police" means despite the fact that its a slogan, not the real idea being discussed at-large, but saying "we need to re-allocate police resources to non-police community oriented advocacy and public health etc etc" isn't really conducive to a street chant. I mean... just... I'm losing the ability to type coherently I am so fucking mad. Imagine if during the anti-Vietnam War protest era the media had chortled and chuckled its ass constantly clucking about what "hell no - we won't go" means. "Ho ho ho, they mean they won't Go To The Bathroom? ho ho ho. They seem to be Going to the Republican national convention. A bit hypocritical, right?" It's a level of rhetorical disservice that should normally belong to the Tucker Carlsons or whoever that punchable egghead at ONN is. No. Everyone knew it was about Vietnam.


    Protester: "Black lives matter!" Some dipshit: "Oh so white lives don't matter?" Protester: "wtf I never even brought up white people"

    Libs have taken this stupid check to the bank like ten thousand times in the last year and yet when protesters say "defund the police" they shit the bed. It's you, you fucking liberal ingrates who are now purposefully, willfully, taking a slogan out of context because it makes you uncomfortable. Fuck you. Fuck you. Take this fuck to the bank and cash it up your fucking ass you pieces of shit.

    Again, it was the largest mobilization of protest in this country and it occurred directly under and served as an indictment of the presidency of Donald Trump and the libs looked this gift horse right in the teeth and then sold them down the river. Fucking snakes. Wait I take that back, snakes have spines. These ghouls are worms.

    Edit: Jesus, see what I mean? I can't even close the argument lmao. What I'm trying to say here is that the dems are fucking losers who can't do shit. They had a real opportunity for a grass-roots based movement for change, and they could have mobilized the masses to help achieve their goals, and they pissed it all away. And now one rich white asshole is stopping them from getting anything done. Born to lose.

    • inshallah2 [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Good post.

      I wish I could say something to lift your spirits but I'm as angry as you are. The only thing diffuses at least some of the anger is that I come here to laugh, tell some jokes, and shit post. If this site was ever forced to shutdown I think I would go postal.

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I'm actually in otherwise good spirits. I am channeling righteous anger. Keep your hate pure, comrade.

    • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Libs are worse than fascists because at least the fascists tell the truth about what they want to do to you

    • inshallah2 [none/use name]
      3 years ago


      Lib: "Half a loaf is better than nothing."

      Me: "Fuck you."

      r/politics mods: "You have been permanently banned..."

      Why was I banned for telling them what they really needed to hear?

  • Alex_Jones [he/him]
    3 years ago

    No see, it's pragmatic to work within the system of congress instead of making executive orders that would fundamentally improve the material conditions for the majority of the people in the US.

  • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    That was quick lmao. I feel like I only started seeing serious conversation around this proposed method like less than a week ago

  • PeterTheAverage [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Even more ridiculous because doesn't it only project to get a relatively small of revenue anyway? If we can't even get that...

    Also every chud on Reddit has been claiming that these types of taxes have failed every time they've been tried. Anyone with more knowledge than me on this topic know if there's any truth to what they're saying?

    • bananon [he/him]
      3 years ago

      This tax only applies to like 500 people. Joe Manchin, a single person, is defending 500 people against the political machine supported by hundreds of millions of people. Every day Mao’s Ultrademocracy becomes more poignant.

      • PeterTheAverage [he/him]
        3 years ago

        They're claiming that every time a wealth tax has been tried the billionaires just end up fleeing the country and causing a long-term drop in tax revenue, and that every country that has tried it has eventually had to repeal it due to this.

        Even if it's true though, I'm not sure how "you better let the billionaires do whatever they want or they'll cripple the country by leaving" is a good defense of the current system by letting individuals have such an enormous amount of power to be able to do that.

    • barrbaric [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Just put capital flight restrictions in place beforehand so they can't take their assets with them.

  • inshallah2 [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Biden wanted to finish this shit up today because he is going to Europe tomorrow and he'll give a major speech at a climate summit.

    Biden's speechwriters will have a hell of a time trying to make a silk purse out of this fucking sow's ear.

    White House details Biden's schedule for second major foreign trip - CNNPolitics

    The President then heads to Glasgow for COP26, a UN climate summit. The President will give a major address on climate as part of the summit.

    • inshallah2 [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      My hunch is the day after election day 2022 - the GOP will start demanding Trump immediately become Supreme God Emperor. The dems will reply that we are a nation of a laws and yada-yada-yada. But it happens anyway Trump will have his second inauguration January, 2025. This time he'll get a dozen military flowovers and he'll get military parades filled with scores of strong (and powerful) tanks, armored vehicles, and other matériel. Kim Jong-un will be jealous of Trump - says Trump.

      The democrats say not to worry because the GOP overplayed their hand and the democrats will win big in 2024! In Trump's three hour horror-comedy inauguration speech just one of the many gems is - "I am Supreme God Emperor. It's good. Very good. And no more supreme court. No justices. Trump is the supreme court. My first ruling is right now. It's against the law to be a democrat..."

      The democrats again say not to worry he can't actually do that. But he does actually do it within a couple weeks.

      • spectre [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Trump will have his second inauguration January, 2025.

        A safe R district has their rep step down. Trump wins easily and Reps vote him into Speaker, and then he's just a couple of resignations away