How does this get accomplished? Bernie tried to promote a bunch of pro-worker/pro-labor policies, but clearly that didn't work. I also think all of the "Right Wing populist" stuff is phony and not actually true.

So what is the actual answer?

  • InternetLefty [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Enforcing a strict pro worker party platform, party ideological discipline, and actually changing the economic conditions of poor and working people. They can do this by starting programs to nationalize our healthcare system, ending the consumer debt crisis, providing high quality education and childcare, rent reform, etc. Essentially, use the political power they have in an effective way to enact change. They won't do this because it's not the purpose of the Democratic Party to do this, or any bourgeoise organization for that matter.

    The only solution is revolution I'm afraid. :cool-zone: :victory: :big-cool:

  • Blottergrass [he/him]
    3 years ago

    by Dems doing what Bernie did but as a party, not as a lone, fringe outlier hated by his own party. They have no progressive economic agenda. People rule this out like its already been tried, but it hasn't.

    • GoopOnYaGrinch [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      But how would that change anything? Bernie presented a platform that was extremely pro-labor and with a progressive economic agenda. The working class voters were given the option to vote on having a party lead by people with that agenda in mind and they chose not to.

      So what would change about that if more Dems adopted Bernie's platform?

      • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
        3 years ago

        do you remember the insane amount of energy they put into demonising Sanders? They stopped just short of saying he boiled and ate children live on TV. The party asked them to do that. If the party didn't ask them to do that, or asked them to favorably report, it would be better received.

      • D61 [any]
        3 years ago

        So, Bernie go to be the "good guy" but not the "practical guy" when he was running for president.

        Remember all the framing of Bernie's policies as "pie in the sky" or "everybody gets a free pony"? Yup, Bernie got to be the nice uncle that lets you stay up late to watch movies past bed time and looks the other way when he sees you sneaking cookies before dinner. But he didn't get to be the serious responsible adult.

        Having a large block of Dem party members who would actually stick to an agenda and vote as a block for pro worker policies would make it much harder to paint Bernie with the "he's a nice guy but impractical" brush. There would be more people so it would make those policies harder to paint as "pie in the sky" by media and detractors. Having a disciplined voting block who would actually make demands of other legislators and punish them for not failing to meet those demands could give the impression that there would be a reason to keep voting for those representatives.

      • MockingTurd [he/him]
        3 years ago

        The working class voters were given the option to vote on having a party lead by people with that agenda

        Were they though? The democrats as a party just have that corporate stink on them now. A lot of people I canvassed would say they supported the policies but didn't think bernie could do it with the party fighting him

      • L183R4L [any]
        3 years ago

        "Chose" is doing a ton of work here. Canvassing for Bernie, I heard so much outlandish shit about what he was going to do or how it was going to negatively impact them (almost exclusively working class people living in some not great areas) personally. If elections were somehow fair and only facts were given to the voters AND it was made readily available and easily understandable and Bernie still lost then yeah the voters chose this, but there were innumerable instances of Democrats, Republicans, and the media at large (samepicture.jpg) straight up lying about what would happen under a Bernie presidency that I'd be surprised if 1/10th of registered Democrats could tell you the actual difference between Bernie and Joe Biden

        • MathVelazquez [he/him]
          3 years ago

          The majority of voters in the 2020 South Carolina primary thought that Biden was pro medicare for all. The media really does control elections.

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    3 years ago

    It seemed like it worked pretty well tbh. Like his campaign didn't just fall flat on its face, and despite more obstacles and institutional opposition than most candidates, he still seemed to come close to taking it home. I don't think the message was the problem.

  • BeanBoy [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Voter turnout for record-breaking, high-profile presidential elections is around 60%. Everything else is maybe 40% or below. Some of that is due to systemic disenfranchisement, but I also think that a significant amount of voters are saying they don't believe in electoralism at all. What to do about that...

  • Vanjones [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    I have this crazy idea. Quit yelling at trailer trash telling them they are privileged might be an okay starting point. Iono.

    • MathVelazquez [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Honestly Sanders just needed to drop the socialist label.

      Extremely bad take. We should never shy away from coomunist or socialist labels, you're only poisoning the well further. Sanders lost because the entrenched forces of capital agreed to converge on him. He could call himself a "Christian Patriot" and every major news channel would condemn him for his policies. We cannot win by watering down socialism, that is conceding defeat.

    • SoyfaceKillah [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      are you implying that sanders should've run further to the left (as a proper socialist), or that he should've branded himself as something of a "new deal democrat" rather than a "socialist"?

  • MathVelazquez [he/him]
    3 years ago

    By engaging in non-electoral political action. Democrats (and US parties in general) refuse to take political action outside of the prescribed lines. Imagine if we had a labor party that was encouraging wildcat and sympathetic strikes, using resources to push unionization, or any other form of direct action. Americans will reject anything they don't trust and a left party needs to build trust by performing direct action. Then people will go to the polls for you.

  • Vncredleader
    3 years ago

    They can't, and this progressive movement is as unequipped to get working class whites as the prior progressive era. Embrace wildcat strikes and the communist party