• SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
    3 years ago

    >The entire thread is people trying to convince him that this behaviour is absolutely terrifying from his girlfriend’s point of view.

    Didn't read the plebbit thread, if this is the extent of their comments then for once hexbear has stooped below anti-human levels before :reddit-logo: did

    >If your partner is willing to hide in a closet for hours then that’s pretty deranged, and even if he now knows nothing was wrong in the relationship, she won’t be able to get that shit out her mind. If I was the SO I’d see a clear trust issue there. Plus it’s a privacy issue. Stocking the person youre dating is pretty fucked and shows a personal issue needing to be worked on.

    Firstly, its not a stalking issue, because stalking implies that there has been a pattern of privacy invasion, desire of knowledge of whereabouts, and a desire for control. This is a one-off incident of a man hiding in the closet of his girlfriend for a few hours due to bad mental health. A pattern of abuse and a one-off incident are not the same.

    Furthermore, having trust issues does not imply a person is an abuser. It is obvious that such incidents borne out of a lack of trust hurts both sides of the relationship, we have no place to mock and ridicule how our fellow imperfect humans work through the problems in their private interpersonal lives. This is a tragic example of the absolute state of human relations under late capitalism. He is not a devil deserving of public mockery, just another unfortunate person.

    I need to touch the grass.

      • Mother [any]
        3 years ago

        Yeah what’s this person on about closet guy is a fucking weirdo

        • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
          3 years ago

          Exactly he did the home invasion trope but irl and broke into his gf's home, an act of trespass and a fundamental violation of women's rights, I'm sure he's some disgusting libertarian cuck too. I misread the first few lines of the post and thought they had a shared apartment Im so sorry smfdh................................

        • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
          3 years ago

          Who gives a shit if he's a weirdo? Seriously! Its embarrassing as hell to go hide in your lover's closet like this and then post about it on plebbit later but for christ's sake have some goddamn compassion! If you want to go dunk on him thats fine but go do it on reddit and reduce the amount of human ruin on this site.

          I can guarantee if we all had full access to the past of anyone above the age of 18 using this site then we can find a cornucopia of cringeworthy shit like this to ridicule. This is no different!

          Here we have a good lesson....

          • Mother [any]
            3 years ago

            Oh look the guy defending creepy guys hiding in closets is in other threads bypassing the filters to make gendered slurs what a surprise


            • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
              3 years ago

              Look, I'm sorry and I acknowledge that saying the C word is bad, Ill go remove it, but what does gender have to do with this??????

              How is me saying the C word on an entirely different shitposting thread relevant to people here ridiculing some innocent dude going through some mental problems?

              How does his panicked actions have any political bearing beyond alienation such that he deserves ridicule?

              In the art...

              • Mother [any]
                3 years ago

                It’s relevant bc your take is what he did isn’t that bad. My view and that of others is no actually it is that bad and definitely deserving of ridicule. Excusing this persons fucked up behavior and arguing we should go easy on the guy rings very “what about the men” to me, which is of course a common trope of sexists. Then I’m browsing another thread and I see someone has bypassed the slur filter to use a gendered slur (ie that person knows this is an inappropriate word to use but chose to use it anyway) and I am not used to seeing that around here, so then I glance up at the username and oh look it’s you…

                • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
                  3 years ago

                  It’s relevant bc your take is what he did isn’t that bad.

                  No. My take is that it is not our place to be judge and jury to this random man's life based on the smallest of a window. His behaviour is a problem here, obviously, it is very fucking embarrassing, but neither is it right to make sweeping judgements of his character and ridiculing him for his interpersonal failures without knowing a broader context especially when its just some random mentally disturbed normie with no bearing to any political project, its not our business and its frankly quite anti-social to try make it be so imo. I am not an MRA or basing this critique out of any "men's rights" political ideology, if anything its an appeal to human decency. You can judge my character and thats fair enough, but my point still stands.

                  Of reading comprehension.

      • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
        3 years ago

        Yes you are correct I fucking misread the first few sentences and somehow came to the conclusion that they shared an apartment......................

      • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
        3 years ago

        Of course nobody of sound mind will do that!

        The problem is this dude is a fucking socially alienated, mentally disturbed individual with obvious deep seated psychological problems, not an abuser, not a chud, just some random person who is not our enemy politically or otherwise.

        He went to post on fucking reddit about this ffs (unless this is the alibi for something else later)

        So, again, assuming good faith, ridiculing him shows a fundamental lack of compassion, its embarrassing that he shares this but its literally none of our business to do anything else except give advice on the reddit thread.

        Reading comprehension, yet again.

          • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
            3 years ago

            >he’s controlling and jealous

            >had no respect for their partner’s privacy.

            It boggles my mind how we can reach these conclusions just from someone hiding in their lover's closet once and then posting about it on reddit. Universe brain thinking, holy fucking shit. This a huge problem with the internet, we only see these snippets of a random person's life and then feel as if we have enough knowledge to armchair-psychology our way into the fundamental nature of their mind and relationships. This is not fucking right at all. We don't know all of the fights they've had, or the loving moments they've shared, or the experiences they've had before this. So who the hell are we to judge the entire character of this random man based solely on this harmless misadventure? The consequences have already been dealt, the girlfriend will leave him, so whats the big deal??

            >At the end of the day posting and sharing this has no effect on OP at all

            Nobody gives a shit about what this will do to OP. The problem is that we're creating an environment of making fun of random people in such an anti-human and thoughtless way.

            >he is again planning to disregard this lady’s wishes and corner her unexpectedly at a family function.

            Unimportant drama and gossip.

            I should read more books.

              • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
                3 years ago

                >ignores the entire point

                >"muh closet"


                Ok tell me why its damming evidence that a person is a uniquely horrible despicable piece of shit who should go to hell just because of a single isolated incident of hiding in a closet due to an irrational fear?

                This thread is damming evidence that I need reading lessons.

                  • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
                    3 years ago

                    Of course you didnt say that because im being hyperbolic due to frustration. Lets just leave it at "agree to disagree" since we have vastly different fundamental presuppositions about human life and how to act on the internet.

                    I still think its totally wrong to ridicule vulnerable people based on private interpersonal failings because its human to fuck up like this and not necessarily something related to chuddery/nurgle worship.

                    In my opinion, it is also ridiculous to draw such drastic, sweeping conclusions about a person's moral character solely based on information given to us on normie level reddit posts. Hiding in a closet is fucking cringe and violates privacy, but we dont know enough about the life context to determine with certainty whether it is part of a pattern of abuse or a one time incident spurred on by extraneous factors not mentioned in the post leading to a declining mental health. Whether the man is a respectful, good partner is up to his girlfriend to decide because she has the context. We dont. Thus it is absolutely none of our business to make any vast moral judgements of character within a person's harmless interpersonal struggles.

                    The person who made that post on reddit is a son of nurgle and literally should be prosecuted for home invasion.