President fucking up covid response praises president who fucked up covid response.
Cant wait for the excuse of “he’s only been there x months” to morph into “he doesn’t have a congressional majority, he can’t do anything”
They're already doing that by saying Manchin and Sinema aren't "really" Dems
They have the exact same strategy - tell everyone to get a vaccine, hope they listen, and pray it all goes away.
Remember how quickly 43 was rehabilitated by the very same libs that called him a war criminal just a few years earlier?
Mr. Trump, I've been waiting for this day, welcome to the resistance.
Democrats love trying to win over Republicans for no reason
He must think he can turn chuds on trump because of trumps vaccine support?
Democrats just want Republicans to like them, more than any policy or national agenda. Every elected dem would vote mainline Republican 100% if they got enough votes. But any Republican is a literal psychopath, so they will just vote for a rabid chud instead.
Democrats do everything they can to demonstrate there's only one party rule and yet neither libs nor chuds get it.
They're going to rehabilitate Trump by giving him credit for the vaccine
lmao it's chud pandering at its finest
bro these bois are long gone
Lol frantically grasping at conservatives and rejecting the growing number of leftists.