Based Giannis

  • EcoSoco [he/him]M
    4 years ago "The players will hold a union meeting tonight where they will likely hold a debate and possibly put to vote a formal general strike. Right now this is a wildcat strike. There are plenty of ways this can take shape that go short of a general strike."

  • Bedandsofa [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Looks like it’s spreading to other leagues. Professional athletes now offering more political leadership to the working class than any major politician and most unions.

    • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I know we like shitting on reddit and there are lots of chuds there too, but it seems like the NBA subreddit is with them

          • MarxGuns [comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            I'm listening, tell me more. I was aware of some racism in the NHL and hockey in general so this would be good to hear about.

            • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
              4 years ago

              okay I don't really know tbh all I know is that I'm a leftist and like hockey and the subreddit is not awful most of the time.

              • MarxGuns [comrade/them]
                4 years ago

                Ah, alright, no worries. I know there are various levels of antiracism and racism within the sport. The subreddit does seem alright though. I seem to remember a post or two where racism was discussed and racist people in the comments were shut down.

                I play in a local outdoor inline roller league but it's mostly white bread around here (myself included). The guy who is currently running it essentially has a gear library type system in place which reminded me of the series of podcast that the Srsly Wrong guys did about something they called Library Socialism. Most people who have the means throw him a few hundred dollars after a while since he pays for all the gear himself that he finds used on ebay.

                Through his efforts, the kids league had grown to nearly 200 kids prior to the pandemic. This is in an area with about 50k population in the county.

        • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Weird i didin't see any issue with the hockey sub (except if we don't count that these posts have to be regularly locked, if that's the issue i agree)

        • GlobalistCuck [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Dear, Ron MacLean Dear, Coach's Corner I'm writing in order For someone to explain To my niece, the distinction Between these mandatory pre-game group rites of submission And the rallies at Nuremburg Specifically the function The ritual serves in conjunction With what everybody knows Is in the end a kid's game I'm just appealing to your sense of fair play When I say She's puzzled by This incessant pressure For her to not defy Collective will Yellow-ribboned lapels As the soldiers inexplicably rappel Down from the arena rafters If not so insane Would be grounds for screaming laughter Dear, Ron MacLean I wouldn't bother with these questions If I didn't sense some spiritual connection We may not be the same But it's not like we're from different planets we both love this game so much we can hardly fucking stand it Alberta-born, prairie-raised Ain't a sheet of ice north of Fargo I ain't played From Penhold to the Gatineau Every fond memory of childhood that I know Is somehow connected To the culture of this game, I can't just let it go I guess it comes down to What kind of world you want To live in If diversity is disagreement Disagreement is treason Well, don't be surprised if we find ourselves reaping A strange and bitter fruit That sad old man beside you Keeps feeding to young minds as virtue It takes a village to raise a child A flag to raze the children 'Til they're nothing more than ballast for fulfilling A madman's dream Of a paradise Complexity reduced to black and white How do I Protect her from This cult of death?

      • Poetjustice [he/him]
        4 years ago

        /r/NBA does well with the easy stuff. It’s when they encounter anything mildly inconveniencing to the median NBA redditor (middle class Straight white college male) is when they go mask off reactionary

  • buh [any]
    4 years ago


  • EcoSoco [he/him]M
    4 years ago "Kenny Smith, Inside the NBA host, just walked off the set: “As a black man, as a former player, I think it's best for me to support the players and just not be here tonight."

  • buh [any]
    4 years ago

    Interested in seeing how the chuds spin this as disrespecting the flag or the troops

    I feel like they're going to say it's disrespectful to "law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line and work very hard every day to keep us safe 🥺"

    • Ronalpinhos [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Im interested in how many they show up when the precincts start to get a little toasty. Please be careful.

  • redthebaron [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I do enjoy the hit them where it hurts move the nba is probably losing money because of this

  • Spartacus [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    i can't believe they did it. i'm so proud of them and it further proves to me that basketball good

  • EcoSoco [he/him]M
    4 years ago "The NBA, owners and front offices didn't see this wave of player boycotts coming today. Hours ago, they all expected to be playing these games tonight. This is a pivot point for the NBA and professional sports in North America."

  • opposide [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    How long before the media starts calling Giannis a Greek anarchist provocateur?

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      4 years ago

      If you wanna see a chud get really angry, call Giannis a Greek. If they know who he is they'll be all "actually he's an African who moved to Greece, he isn't a real Greek!"