• SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    5 months ago

    She was a former real estate agent, every real estate person I've ever met in my life has turned out to be a massive abusive asshole.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      I was flirting with a girl because I thought she was in STEM. A cringe field but at least it’s relatable and has good applications. Found out s few hours later she’s just doing STEM certificates for promotions and is working as a real estate agent.


    • motherofmonsters [she/her]
      5 months ago

      I know one who’s a sweet little guy but he does work for a huge company so his job inadvertently hurts others

    • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
      5 months ago

      My real estate agent once rented out a brewery with an open bar for all his clients, and there was even free pizza! So idk I guess he was alright.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    5 months ago

    I mean, this is pure right-wing welfarism. But also, imagine volunteering to work with this anti-cracker-aktion

    You think you're bringing in a big hitter, but you're just putting yourself within stinging distance of the scorpion.

  • Futterbinger [he/him, they/them]
    5 months ago

    First calls for siccing animal control in furry kids, then calling all Hispanic people terrorists, now appointing the hate lady to the department of education. Oklahoma is really giving Florida a run for it's money in terms of being the worst state in the nation.

    • Optimus_Subprime [he/him, they/them]
      5 months ago

      Oklahoma is really giving Florida a run for it's money in terms of being the worst state in the nation.

      You forgot to factor in the Tulsa Race Massacre and the Osage Murders. With that, Oklahoma beats out Florida.

    • Greenleaf [he/him]
      5 months ago

      Google “Dusty Deevers”. He is a newly elected state rep in Oklahoma. He recently put forward bills to charge women who get an abortion with murder, criminalize watching porn, abolish no-fault divorce, and a few other batshit ideas.

  • Umechan [he/him]
    5 months ago

    And one she's probably completely unqualified for. I can only assume that the meritocracy loving conservatives will come out against this nepo baby diversity hire.

  • tactical_trans_karen [she/her, comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    I don't remember the name of the movie, but years ago I saw this flick where the protagonist goes around bumping off what were clearly stand ins for Bill O'Reilly and other mouth frothing chuds who had a platform. Before he shoots the O'Reilly character he says "why can't you just be nice?"...

    Just remembered that movie, no particular reason.

    • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
      5 months ago

      I think I remember it too, it was about the guy who decides to become a serial killer after being jokerfied by rancid tv

      • tactical_trans_karen [she/her, comrade/them]
        5 months ago

        And he actually goes and kills the faces of the rancid TV instead of shooting up a mall or something. It's really curious to me that we have this film that depicted this guy doing this directly to the shit heads he saw as responsible, and yet in our modern day we have psychos who go around commiting mass murder of civilians. Not that fiction is how real life plays out, but people that do this stuff attack who they feel deserves it... Why don't they do this on the floor of the stock exchange, or the executive board of some bank? It seems to me that the perspective of believing wealthy elites are the symptom and face of societies problems doesn't engender mass homicidal acts, whereas racism and xenophobia does, and I don't get why. It can't be that everyone who has the systemic view/critique has good mental health and a materialist perspective - there's plenty of unwell, angry, leftists with nothing to lose, and yet we don't see something like this movie play out.

        Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it hasn't happened, it wouldn't be helpful.

        • barrbaric [he/him]
          5 months ago

          The local walmart or public school are both much easier to access and much softer targets than Rachel Maddow or whoever. Also most shooters are chuds, meaning they are physically incapable of targeting the actual causes of problems rather than convenient scapegoats.

        • Adkml [he/him]
          5 months ago

          That sure seems awfully similar to the newest joker movie.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      5 months ago

      I'm surprised somebody hasn't done something to this fascist. She has a massive platform and uses it to try to get people killed for things like having rainbows in their 1st grade classroom.

      I'm having a hard time thinking of a single (until recently) non governmental figure that would have a more positive impact r on society if they weren't continuing to do their thing.

      • tactical_trans_karen [she/her, comrade/them]
        5 months ago

        Yeah, def causing a lot of direct harm. I wouldn't encourage someone to go dome her... But I sure as hell wouldn't get in the way. And if she got got... Then 🦀🦀🦀.