imagine this being your pet issue that's awesome
If Jimmy Carter somehow ended up in a second term, he might have done it
I don't think any of those things are realistic, except maybe hrt in the far future
i don't know I'm hoping Americans will pick it up from drug use
Reminds me that someone dropped a take on here that imperial was better because it reflected workers real experiences or something and metric was bad because bourgeoise.
Imagine being one of two countries in the world that still uses the imperial system and insisting that it's objectively superior because you can't understand metric
imperial was better because it reflected workers real experiences or something and metric was bad because bourgeoise.
That sounds like horseshit, but trillions of dollars worth of productive machinery, tooling, and metrology equipment are designed with and operate in imperial measurements. A single micrometer can cost hundreds of dollars. A single plug gage set can cost hundreds of dollars. Tools which are well cared for last decades. The stuff simply isn't going away any time soon.
For the love of god though, people should stop designing new things in imperial units.
They should also stop using metric because base ten is bullshit and causes a lot of annoying problems.
I dunno, I think it's neat there are places in the world you can go where people build their houses by hand and when they say the door is four feet wide it's literally because they took four steps to measure the door drame.
I mean yeah, but it's not more or less authentically worker than measuring it out in metric and knowing exactly how long it is, or using an imperial measuring tape/stick for that matter.
Oh shit DAE remember Lincoln Chafee from 2015? I had to google "presidental candidate metric system" to remember his name lmao. I remember seeing Jon Stewart dunk on him for it lol.
What a time that was. Neither Bernie nor Trump had made their splash. Jeb Bush was the favorite to win the GOP nomination and everybody was saying it was gonna be Clinton vs Bush and then the other two bit Dem candidate, Martin O'Malley, with the guitar, he said something like, "The presidency isn't a crown to be passed between two dynasties" and lib media was all like "Oooh" and pretended he was a thing for five minutes.
That was only seven years ago geez. It feels like ancient history.
This is the most radical position possible under electoralism