"gay" as an insult is rightly on the way to the scrap heap of history but "ur mom gay" is a classic and you will never take it away from me
It is a classic, but my mom actually is gay so I always reply with "yeah".
Me and all my bi/gay/pan friends call stuff gay all the time. I don't think I've heard the f-slur said so many times in one day from one of my gay friends.
Sometimes it's okay to say this stuff if everyone has accepted it as okay and comfortable to use.
Work boundaries and realise you're speaking to people, not rigid dogmatists who have to avoid saying naughty words.
I am quite pleased that Yolo died as fast as it appeared
Not sure if I enjoy "cringe" being used in its place but still
I feel that. Saw a "cringe" video compilation once that was mostly making fun of awkward people. I had more videos recommended to me and they all were obsessed with targeting women and overweight people.
Me and the boys in high school said mawkward instead and it was somehow way cooler
Kids movie have completely ruined awkward for me so I'll take cringe as substitute. At least it's shorter.
i say that stupid shit way too much i gotta stop lol
Incel and chud need to be taught in first grade english classes.
C'mon, embrace dialectics. This is not "based" or "chad" but it is Brad.
the chad "based" and "chad" hater vs the virgin "based" and "chad" enjoyer
"that's sick dude" and "Sick as hell" have never left my vocabulary. I will use them until I die
We should start using "harsh realm" even though it was some Gen X woman in the '90s making up slang terms to troll an interviewer.
I will never stop using Huzzah! Unironically. So glad "The Great" has revived it a bit.
I watched deadpool last night so I'm gonna choose every single line from that movie
I have one that will probably never die, but that I think is dormant rn:
The nomenclature of affixing -gate to every scandal.
Watergate was the name of the fucking hotel. It wasn't a disaster involving water. Just stop.
Ugh, so true. I think even the media companies have realised they ran that thing into the ground, feel like I haven’t seen a -gate in a while.
More like nobody bats an eye at corruption/other scandals anymore
The last one I remember is Dieselgate here in G*rmany (VW emissions cheating scandal) and that was in 2015
I don't miss the time when "uber" was used for "very" but I think I preferred that to it becoming the eponym for taking a shitty ride share
Damn hearing Uber this way just makes me think of playing Roblox a long ass time ago
I’ll start with the most obvious one: “gay” as a bad thing.
Yeah the only time I've seen this nowadays is ironically in LGBT+ communities.
I hear it from male teen gamers on voice chat every once in a while
But that is in contrast to literally every single game in the year 2006
Yeah, glad that died. Though I do miss, back in the early 2000s, parodying it by saying "that's so straight" as a negative thing to my gay friends. And yes, I realize I am old.
I remember in middle school there was an intentional campaign by the school administrators to make sure everyone knew that "that's so gay" wasn't an okay phrase to use since it was pretty common.
My school did that too and the kids just started calling everything the f slur so