Not a hot take but I’m driving across the county rn and there’s so much natural beauty I can’t fully appreciate bc every time I see a god damn fucking billboard I am so enraged. Especially the ones that are just advertising the billboard itself, “if you’re looking at this it means it works! Rent today!” SHUT THE FUCK UP!! I wanna pull over and torch them so much

  • AFineWayToDie [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Only 10-20%? You have the entire marketing industry (an industry whose only purpose is to balance out to net zero by cancelling out other marketers), almost the entire financial sector (moves money around, produces nothing), real estate (same), a huge chunk of manufacturing since goods are built to last rather than to fall apart as soon as next year's model comes out, consulting, recruiting, and a great deal of mental health support since capitalism exacerbates mental illness so much.

    Sp much of the "economy" is functionally useless, or holds up the damage it itself causes.