Fuck them so much lol

  • a_maoist_quetzal [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Biden, then, should go immediately to Wisconsin, the crucial state that Hillary Clinton infamously ignored. He should meet the Blake family and give them his support and comfort. He should also meet Kenoshans like the small-business owners quoted in the Times piece, who doubt that Democrats care about the wreckage of their dreams. Then, on the burned-out streets, without a script, from the heart, Biden should speak to the city and the country. He should speak for justice and for safety, for reform and against riots, for the crying need to bring the country together.


    • TillieNeuen [she/her]
      4 years ago

      If anything can heal this country, it's definitely an unscripted, stream-of-consciousness chat from good old uncle Joe.

      • a_maoist_quetzal [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Get it STRAIGHT, Jack! Donald Trump wants me to take a drug test before the debate, I'm the guy who SENT the DEA to Hondur... excuse me, Colombia. I'm the guy who GOT these drug dealing thugs off the street for real, for real, for real. And that's why we need a full investigation, a FULL investigation, of James Blanco's death, and I'm the one to do it. But we HAVE to come together and deal with our differences peacefully... peacefully...