Could be because they can make life easier for you if they know, or just fun

I've been driving for Amazon for a few weeks now and here's what I got

  • We only see delivery instructions once we park by your building, so telling us which streets/gates to use on the way is useless.

  • Also, we lose access to them once we finish the delivery (basically right after we leave the package on your doorstep) so if you for some inexplicable reason have an INTERNALLY locked gate, have the code/button somewhere clearly visible because otherwise we can get stuck (like i was for a bit yesterday)

  • All that said, you can really make them useful by being clear and specific about things. If the keypad to open the gate is hidden behind some shrubbery, let us know. If it's a confusingly laid out apartment complex, tell us which way to turn as we exit the elevator because you could be the only person with delivery on that floor and we don't want to waste time walking to the wrong end of the building

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    3 years ago

    I can do nothing about the price. Yes, it is overpriced, if I had the authority, I would change the price. However I am not the boss, if I change the price or agree that it is overpriced I will be given a warning or fired.

    • CheGueBeara [he/him]
      3 years ago

      That's when it's all brown all the way through but still juicy.

      :speech-r: :gigachad:

      • knifestealingcrow [any]
        3 years ago

        Literally had someone order "medium rare, but burn it a bit" then send it back twice, once because it wasn't burnt enough and the other because it wasn't medium rare anymore

        If everyone had to spend a year working in a restaurant I firmly believe my job would be 1000 times easier just from not having people order contradictory food like "severe gluten allergy but sub chips for fried naan bread"

        • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          Literally had someone order “medium rare, but burn it a bit” then send it back twice, once because it wasn’t burnt enough and the other because it wasn’t medium rare anymore

          Not to be a WHALE ACKSHUALLY shithead, but, that is something a skilled chef can do with a great sous vide setup, blowtorches, and a lot of practice. It's an unreasonable thing to ask at any normal restaurant, of course. But it's a real thing, and it's pretty cool.

          • knifestealingcrow [any]
            3 years ago

            We did our best by getting it close then putting it in the hottest part of the grill for a bit and using a colder steak so the inside would take longer to cook, but the dude wanted it charred in a way that's probably contradictory to "medium rare" even with all that setup. It's possible, but we sometimes get people who don't even intend to be pleased with the food

  • cybernetsoc [he/him]
    3 years ago

    When I was in High School, I worked in an arcade for two years. It was slowly dying because after home video game consoles, arcades have been dying a long, slow death, unless they are in a resort or otherwise get secondary customers from something else. Working in an arcade mostly just involves having patience with really spoiled kids. Most interactions are "I want the RC airplane", "That is 10,000 tickets, you have 10, so do you want the tootsie roll or the plastic vampire teeth?" The one upside of working in the arcade is that even as a borderline on-the-spectrum person, I developed a large amount of patience and the ability to talk to children, to where I am constantly told I would make a great father.

    The other, more practical side, is that crane games do have an adjustable difficulty/odds. It is dependent on the knowledge and motivation of the worker. But if the arcade guy knows enough about the machines, you can bribe the worker to make the crane game work in your favor for your child. I did this once for a father that wanted to make sure his daughter won the giant teddy bear she had her eye on.

    • luther7718 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      When I was a kid I'd beat the crane game by complaining about it when the maintenance guy walked by. Usually he'd open it up and hand me one of the toys

    • D61 [any]
      3 years ago

      But if the arcade guy knows enough about the machines, you can bribe the worker to make the crane game work in your favor for your child. I did this once for a father that wanted to make sure his daughter won the giant teddy bear she had her eye on.


  • TankieTanuki [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I did package delivery for a couple months and I wanted to burn down all gated communities.

    • Terkrockerfeller [she/her]
      3 years ago

      My experience with them so far has been that they're hell to enter, but once inside at least parking is easier since there's less traffic and I can just stop in the middle of the road for a bit and no one really minds (yet)

  • CheGueBeara [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Pick up your shit when you leave a stadium/theater. I didn't realize that 25% of customers just leave all their shit behind for someone else to pick up holy fuck.

    • Tervell [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I've read people justify this (with regards to movie theaters) by saying "well, we're just ensuring the janitors have a job", and it was just :agony-limitless:

    • ButtBidet [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I think this is the rudest thing, and I definitely stare daggers at people who do it.

  • Clicheguevara [he/him]
    3 years ago

    When I delivered pizza there was this one snooty gated community that I learned the hard way didn't have a keypad combo at all. The only way in OR OUT of this place after like 5pm was to use a fob, The first time I delivered there, someone had just pulled up to and opened the gate so I just tailed em into the complex. After delivering the pizza, I hopped back in my car and drove up to the gate only to learn I was stuck. After a few minutes of disbelief, I went back up to the apartment I'd just delivered to. Of course, now they weren't answering the door, despite knocks and doorbell rings and a very loud television. Must've tried off and on for 15 minutes. Eventually I just sat in my car idling near the gate for like 50 minutes while the 3 other orders I was supposed to be delivering congealed in my backseat. Eventually another resident buzzed themselves in and I quickly drove out the entrance.

    This was before the age of cell phones so when I showed back up to the store an hour and a half after taking 4 orders, the owner, despite himself being a complete fuckup, gambling addict, alcoholic, acted like I had quit. He accused me of all sorts of transgressions from having a drug problem to being lazy or stupid. When I tried to explain, he did not believe me. "I don't want excuses" he kept saying. I managed the requisite amount of groveling amd kept my job but only just.

    For subsequent orders at that complex, I'd park on the street and scale the walls, balancing the pizza bag as best I could.

    • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
      3 years ago

      God this is miserable, fuck those scumbags pretending not to be aware of you, fuck your shithead boss and fuck all the assholes who continued to order delivery while living in this dumb place.

    • Terkrockerfeller [she/her]
      3 years ago

      LMFAO that sucks but also damn irl spiderman pizza

      Sad to report that that is still a thing. I tailed a car into a tiny parking lot that I couldn't leave any other way because of low clearances, and the gate didn't automatically open when approached from inside, so I did my deliveries while dispatch tried to figure something out. The inside of the building was a fucking labyrinth and literally looked like something out of Condemned. Eventually I got back to the van and dispatch hadn't figured anything out, but luckily another car came in right as I was getting back to the van so I quickly followed it out. Hope I never get that building again.

    • FidelCashflow [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I know it isn't your fault, but grading is some artificial scarcity bullshit. You know what happens when a doctor can't remember something? They go to the offive where they keep all the reference books and look it up. Life can be just that easy. It sucks that it falls on you to li e with the contradiction

      • D61 [any]
        3 years ago

        90% of everything that I made "good grades" on during public education because I remembered it at the time, I have forgotten as an adult.

        I really wish that assignments in classes could be split between wrote memorization and "do you know which process should be used and where to find the details of the process".

        • emizeko [they/them]
          3 years ago


          sorry for correcting but I think this helps avoid a confusion that it requires writing, instead of repetition

          • D61 [any]
            3 years ago


            Exactly, I use the term so infrequently that I'm not gonna use the right word but I guarantee you that at some point in middle school I got an A+ with a smiley face sticker because I got it right on a pop quiz.

  • Dimmer06 [he/him,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Everything in a grocery store is disgusting, especially the belt. This is probably true of every retail and food industry. We almost certainly don't have it out back and if we do we have one at the bottom of a tote on a pallet ten feet in the air. We've mostly given up on rotating product because the shelves clear so fast. Don't expect full shelves outside of 12pm-5pm. Before 12 we're trying to get product up from yesterday. After 5 is after they've been cleaned out by other customers. Employers won't admit it because it's cheaper, but self checkouts back things up and end up slower because customers don't bag nearly as quickly as trained cashiers with twice as many bagging stands. Don't leave stuff that's not supposed to freeze in a freezer. Don't leave frozen stuff in coolers. Don't leave cold stuff out. Customers leaving stuff where they aren't supposed to is probably 20% of damages. Probably half of damages is shit that comes to us broken. Eggs are particularly bad and we have to dump the whole carton if one is damaged, so we usually end up dumping hundreds of good eggs a day (I don't eat eggs but someone could). Sometimes the milk jugs have a few drops of milk on them- this is a pressure leak because of pressure changes en route or because there are ten other gallons of milk pressing on that one on the shelf. You can usually see an actual leak. We're super understaffed, untrained, and constantly bleeding veteran workers. I'm happy to help if I can, but I'm not customer service. If you want customer service beyond basic directions please go to the customer service desk.

    Also, many customers are mesmerized by treats and barely know what is going on in front of them. I've seen people walk around a wall of wet floor cones then step in poop because they are looking at the products. I've heard stories of people stepping on a dead guy. Please if you see a wet floor/hazard cone, identify the hazard or that there is no hazard before you proceed.

    Happy to answer any other questions about grocery stores if I can.

    Edit: Ooh I forgot, our inventory system is ridiculously dysfunctional and shrink (including shoplifted stuff) is a tax write off.

    • sovietknuckles [they/them]
      3 years ago

      I’ve heard stories of people stepping on a dead guy.

      Finally, a mistake I haven't made yet

    • D61 [any]
      3 years ago

      To add to the "grocery worker experience"...

      To customers... When I'm punched in, I'm not your friend. I don't need your life story. We can be polite with each other and cheery, but there is so much to do and so much of it won't get done anyway please don't make it worse. Every second I have to stop and "play nice" with a grown adult is less that I will get done during my shift, which will make more work for the next shift, which will make more work for me when I get back on shift tomorrow.

      If you need help, ask. I'll either be able to help you or not. I will tell you this. Don't keep asking me the same question that I just answered expecting a different answer. Don't make me stop my current task, walk to the back of the store, count slowly to 30, and walk back out to tell you that "nope, the thing I just told you wasn't available is, in fact, still not available".

      The grocery store is not the distributor, the grocery store does not make your frozen waffles, the grocery store does not run the farm that grows the green beans that are canned on aisle 3. The store places orders and either the order will be filled or not. If you, as a customer, feel powerless to get something from the grocery store that is out of stock, guess what, the buyers for the store don't have any more power over the distributors than you do over the grocery store.

      • YouKnowIt [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Dead people happen pretty much everywhere and people pooping themselves is more common than anyone would like. I worked as a grocery store cashier for a bit too, we once had someone on one of those motorized carts poop themselves. They left a trail behind themselves across the store, pretty gross day.

  • Eco [she/her, he/him]
    3 years ago

    i have heard every joke you make, and do not want to hear them

    "oh it's not scanning, i guess it's free" die

    • Nagarjuna [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I like those jokes, the human interaction keeps me going another 5 minutes or so.

    • D61 [any]
      3 years ago

      “oh it’s not scanning, i guess it’s free” die

      picks up hand held scanner and shoots person in their eyes

  • Deadend [he/him]
    3 years ago

    That I’m not going to get dev on the phone right now.

    Unless you’re running our latest build, it sucks, we may fix it, but the best fix is patch and then complain.

  • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    when i worked at a wholesaler:

    • The entirety of this warehouse you are standing in is "the back", if it isn't on the shelf we don't fucking have it
    • Why are you asking the scruff that looks like they haven't slept in a week wearing a hi-viz in deliveries where the fucking cat food is?
    • We all fucking despise you
  • FidelCashflow [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Hospitals are implssinly slow even at the best of times and we cannot fix what is wrong with you. If you are lucky we can make it feel better and provide support for it to start healing. After that gou are likely on your own good luck. Maybe someday I will be able to move to a real country where I can actually do my job and help people but those health systems keep getting fucked up by liberals as well I hear.

  • honeynut
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator