Chicago what the fuck bro

  • Babs [she/her]
    5 months ago

    Nah these guys were pretty cool. Little confused, had the right spirit. The BPP and rest of the rainbow coalition eventually talked them out of using the Confederate flag iirc.

    • Infamousblt [any]
      5 months ago

      I just find it hilarious they claim anti racism while using one of America's most popular symbol of racism

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]
        5 months ago

        You'd honestly be surprised with how many people still claim it's not about white supremacy but some vague notion about honor or dignity or some other bullshit

        And then you'd be surprised again by how many people actually believe that earnestly and it's so infuriating how bad schools are!

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    The spin-off


    Despite its association with white supremacism, the Patriot Party used the Confederate flag as a symbol. In addition to easy access at military surplus stores, the flag was used, according to Amy Sonnie and James Tracy, "as a symbol of southern poor people's revolt against the owning class." Buttons with the slogan "Resurrect John Brown" - a reference to the avowed abolitionist - were also commonly used. Pamphlets contained slogans such as "The South will rise again, only this time with the North and all the oppressed people of the world."

    Wild lol

    In 1982 the civil rights activist Jesse Jackson adopted the name of "Rainbow Coalition" for organizing multi-ethic groups to support and vote for liberal (generally Democratic) candidates for public office, in order to strengthen minority voices by acting in collaboration.

    Notice how the liberals who make no material difference get to become famous and live healthy while the poor and disadvantage who still serve and inspire their communities are killed and slandered.

    • RedQuestionAsker2 [he/him, she/her]
      5 months ago

      "The South will rise again, only this time with the North and all the oppressed people of the world."

      Really rolls off the fucking tongue lmao