I know some Ukrainian folks who consider themselves “left leaning” (they’re liberals obviously but they don’t really understand what that means) . The situation in Ukraine has triggered a lot of “Russia has always hated Ukrainians, there was forced starvation!” Kind of talk.
I get it, because most of these people are second generation and know history from their parents’ perspectives. I understand where the sense of nationalism is coming from. Regardless of the truth it’s a pretty dark thing to talk about andI don’t want to come across as saying “Ackshyuallyyyyy”
I feel like saying something along the lines of “the prevailing academic opinions don’t back as historical fact” is a bit insensitive but I wish people were even open minded enough to listen. I guess I’m just wondering if this is a thing anyone else engages with? What do you say if this comes up in conversation? How does it go? Why would a loving god cause such agony?
Fraud, Famine, and Fascism by Douglas Tottle. This covers the entire history of the Holodomor myth from its invention in the American yellow journalism of the 30s through to the revived cold war of the 80s when this was published
and if reading a PDF is too much for them, you can buy the book here at Lulu. Which also seems to print lots of out of print material.