I don’t specifically remember us all chanting death to amerika, but it sounds about right.
that's when you know you've absorbed enough theory. It's like when you start dreaming in a 2nd language for the first time.
"We have confirmed reports from intelligence officials that Iranian Hezbollah has gained a stronghold in California."
-Mike Pompeo
Lmao at all the libs saying "this is dubbed" in the comments because they can't even conceive of why people would be saying this.
Uhhh I know people have argued before about whether 4chan language is okay to use and I'm mostly fine with it, but something about "Hello? Based department?" is so fucking cringey. idk if that's even 4chan language, but it's like nails on a chalkboard to me for some reason.
personally I think that the "uhhh, hello? BASED DEPARTMENT?" are so stupid it's hilarious
Lol the fucking morons saying it's edited "Russian propaganda" in the comments
Wish more of you could have been there with us when some people who I do not know and have no affiliation with smashed up that whole foods. The energy was real strong for a little while there. It was a beautiful night.