I don't want to hear any shit about me shilling for Biden, because I'm not. Fuck Biden. Need to get this off my chest though.

I want fascists around the world to feel what we felt the night Corbyn lost, when we found out Bernie had a heart attack, when he conceded defeat like a coward.

Because they haven't felt anything but power and hate for the past 5 years.

The wave of fascist parties taking hold in Europe and parts of South America were buoyed by what happened on our stolen land. We showed them what was possible and we need to do that again, except in an explicit rejection of rightwing fascism.

I want Trump to be buried alive (electorally) so we can take (online) pilgrimages to piss on his (campaign's) grave.

I want Biden to be on full display 24/7 so that the entire world realizes what a joke neoliberalism is and we can finally destroy it.

I want to build real power and bully libs and tell them that we don't have to take their shit because "The dang cheeto" is no longer in the White House and we're not fucking around, and all of the harm that is happening to people around the world is because their guy is a failure.

I feel at this point leftist orgs need to own up to their anti-fascist claims and do the bare minimum of calling for Trumps removal, even if they also denounce Biden in the process.

Anyways. Have a nice night, comrades. Stay safe and stay hydrated.

QUICK EDIT: I also wanna see the left organize an anti-war movement rivaling the leadup to Iraq under a Democratic president the minute Sleepy Joe tries to pull some shit. That would fucking slap.
Misinterpreted and I'm dead tired but this was just an example, not "wishing genocide" or some other weird shit.

ANOTHER EDIT: People seem to be implying that I am saying "vote for Biden".. I'm not, I am expressing my own views and feelings on the current state of hell, though it should NOT be controversial to want to remove a literal fascist from office on a leftist internet community.

  • heqt1c [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Good points, there certainly is a lot to be wary of RE: Syria, and that's a huge quagmire right there.. On that subject it's worth noting that Trump is largely maintaining the status quo laid out by Obama on that front, new rounds of sanctions and various escalations up to and including this year.

    On China, I think the relationship would be better purely out of the interest of international capital, so potentially a soft win compared to right now? Who knows at this point.

    Here are a couple of "pro-Biden" points I wanted to post with regards to foreign policy and the reasons I am pretty confident he wouldn't be worse (subjective) than Trump on various things, I dropped them elsewhere in the thread. Mostly just past positions, like you said, Campaign rhetoric etc. etc... it goes both ways though, some of the hawkish stuff doesn't match his record necessarily (specifically regarding South America).

    • When he entered the Senate he was against the Vietnam War.

    • Biden was actually way better on Foreign Policy than Obama during their time in office, which is fairly easy. He opposed the intervention in Libya, he opposed the surge in Afghanistan, he opposes the US being a proxy for Saudi Arabia, he backs a two-state solution (same as Obama).

    • He promised in July of last year to end the US forever wars

    • He was against the 1991 invasion of Iraq

    • He argued against the covert raid in Pakistan that killed Bin Laden

    • He specifically and repeatedly has railed against US Post-WWII foreign policy for a long time, and on the campaign trail.

    • He led an effort during the immediate aftermath of the Afghanistan War to build schools and rebuild parts of Afghanistan that were destroyed by the war.