Games? Trash, poo, pants, arse.

  • heartheartbreak [fae/faer]
    4 months ago

    Arcane is just me and my maoist homies plotting the revolution while edge runners is me and my ancom homies plotting the revolution

  • KittyBobo [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 months ago

    Arcane was great, I've never played LoL. But I got super in to Cyberpunk (pirated) after the update. What frustrates me about those open world games is they can consume your life for weeks and you'll still never be done with them.

    • Aryuproudomenowdaddy [comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      I think I'm just burnt out on most open world games, I spent like a week on Cyberpunk and then started running into nothing but copy and pasted quests so I finished the main story because it didn't feel like there was anything else to see.

      • KittyBobo [he/him, comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        I can get really in to that sort of thing. I don't think most of the Far Cry games are very good but if I'm in the right mood I can just go lizard brain mode and go through the checklists, CyberPunk is pretty to look at though so sometimes I wouldn't even do missions I'd just walk around and look at things.

        • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
          4 months ago

          Once i installed a driving overhaul mod it really became a pleasure to just drive around the city looking at all the cool stuff instead of wrestling the vehicles from a to b.

          • KittyBobo [he/him, comrade/them]
            4 months ago

            I got a mod that lets you play as the Exotics (furries) so that's always fun for me. It's a great game to mod.

    • Yurt_Owl
      4 months ago

      I think cyberpunks open world is actually really detailed and beautiful especially with the latest update. But i don't care about or anything post Jackie.

      I feel like half the game was cut out of the best character and replaced with finding samurai man his honour back...

      It has good moments the trans character side quest is poggers and getting her vehicle at the end was great. There were good bits and the city was just wonderful to oggle at but i just didn't like V or anything post silverhand just felt poo tbh.

      I do like how they made the game mechanics work post 2.0 though

      • KittyBobo [he/him, comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        You know what else is another great game just to look at is the Hitman games. I got it after all three came out in one game, I did Silent Assassin for each mission first before going back to goof around, probably played each level at least four times and unlocked all the ducky guns and clothing. I love just going through the hotels or other places and just looking at all the fancy detail.

        • Yurt_Owl
          4 months ago

          You don't know how many times i played hitman. One of the few that ran well on my celeron pile of poo laptop. I know silent assassin, contracts and blood money levels off by heart.

          Aah hitman aaah levels so detailed i could play them on loop and still find new things

      • HelltakerHomosexual [she/her, comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        It has good moments the trans character side quest is poggers and getting her vehicle at the end was great. There were good bits and the city was just wonderful to oggle at but i just didn't like V or anything post silverhand just felt poo tbh.

        wait what


  • replaceable [he/him]
    4 months ago

    I think people hate lol so much because they have an incorrect approach to it, they derive enjoyment from winning which of course means that in every match half of the players are having a good time and the other half suffers, the better approach is to take pride in your skill and enjoy overcoming difficult matches as proof of your skill, personally winning close matches where i knew my impact led to the victory was my greatest pleasure in that game, i would ride that high for hours

    • Yurt_Owl
      4 months ago

      I just dislike lol cos it felt like a boring back forth most matches where no real decision mattered whereas in dota a teamwipe could mean defeat and every action felt like a genuine risk. Pulling off a good fight and pulling back a match felt great.... Well until the afk antimage stopped jungling anyway

      • Comp4 [she/her]
        4 months ago

        I dont play mobas but If I had to play one it would be dota 2

    • NuraShiny [any]
      4 months ago

      Man I dunno, I think those games are inherently toxic, for a combination of reasons:

      First up, it's a 5 person team game where moment to moment decision making matters a lot. Unlike a team shooter where the main decision is 'do I go left or right? or 'do I peek this corner?' or 'do I throw the grenade?', decisions in LOL have a lot more weight. If I leave mid to gank bot but the gank doesn't result in anything, then I lost 2 waves of creeps in my lane and let my enemy there recover, or do their own roam. If I take one risk and it doesn't pay off, I am now behind and will stay behind unless someone else helps me, or my opponents make a mistake.

      If you play alone and you made that mistake, people will blame you for losing the game.

      If you play with friends, you better be equally good at the game (you won't be), because if one of you is a lot better and one is a lot worse, the matchmaking will roll some dice and, most likely, you will end up in a weird game where the good players roll over the bad ones. And god help you if you like playing support at a high level, because you will have to carry anyway because your less good firends are being ganked by a player too good for them to handle...

      And then there is picking heroes, the main appeal of the game. About 20% of all my games were decided by someone just picking the wrong-ass hero into someone else's pick. And then you atre stuck in a game for 20 to 60 minutes with that terrible decision. And if you picked wrong, or fed or whatever, that feels real bad.

      It's just a mess and it creates misery. I am happy I stopped playing it or games like it.

      4 months ago

      The problem is that a lot of the design of the game leads to winning being the only fun you can get out of it.

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    4 months ago

    CP2077 is just future flavored Oblivion and that's why I love it

    Very flavorful indeed

    • booty [he/him]
      4 months ago

      I also felt that about Edgerunners. The animation is beautiful (Trigger never disappoints there) but the story was just kind of dull to me.