From Biden's "Disinformation Czar"
The first woman tsar
FALSE! While it's true that the overwhelming majority of U.S. "Czars" have been men, Kristine Gebbie and Patricia Fleming were appointed "AIDS Czars" by Bill Clinton in 1993.
I refuse to see the Alexander Hamilton play but I imagine it's two hours of this.
I have to say, I think 3 of the non-rap songs in that are pretty good, namely "Quiet Uptown," "Dear Theodosia," and "Satisfied," probably because in those they weren't trying to do Schoolhouse Rock shit and tried to make standalone songs that worked.
I made it ~3 songs in until the nausea got to intense and I had to turn it off
I bet you a hundred dollars George Orwell never considered the ministry of truth would involve musical theatre
So you mean hucksters will go to congress or a mainstream paper and say lies, but congress or the mainstream paper makes it seem like it's legit? Surprisingly based take for a Hamilton song
God I fucking knew before clicking that this was gonna be a condescending lib explanation song, and I somehow knew it was gonna be Marry-Poppins???? Has it always been some core lib culture movie?