I doubt they're actually at home, but it's a good first step.
In the Soviet Union, protestors had to beg for rights outside of the homes of unelected officials
I can't wait until the inevitable nuclear first strike wakes us up from what I am forced to conclude/pray is a giant op to distract us from all the other garbage fires currently raging; including of course, the actual wild fires.
if biden was a real one he'd use the three letter agencies to [redacted] the manchin and sinema
same with these "lifetime" appointments
so the filibuster is a roman tradition, that's where we got it from, same with half of western civilization. One particularly noteworthy account of this practice is when a young Julius Caesar was attempting to pass a direly needed land reform law. Caesar was consul this year, which sort of the president of Rome. The reform was very popular and even had majority support in the Senate, but the conservative faction didn't want it so a senator named Cato just tried to sabotage the whole thing by filibustering until the Senate was dismissed. (This sound familiar at all?)
When Caesar realized what Cato was trying to do, he just straight up ordered him to be arrested, right on the Senate floor. The lictor came in and threw Cato in jail for the rest of the day while the rest of the senators freaked the fuck out and started calling Caesar a tyrant. Cato hasn't actually committed a crime so he had to be released tomorrow, but Caesar decided he wasn't going to waste his time with the senate anymore.
Caesar printed copies of the wildly popular land reform and just started posting them around town saying the public assembly vote would occur soon. (That's how laws got passed in Rome, first the Senate then a public assembly vote). The Senate hadn't actually approved it but until Cato started filibustering everyone seemed supportive. Caesar got some of his rich dude allies to say they approved which made things a little more legitimate. Still it was very sus what he was doing.
So weeks later people start showing up to Caesar's technically illegal vote, and everyone is hype af. The crowd loves Caesar since he's delivering these badly needed reforms, obviously the vote will pass. But then the conservative politicians, roll up with the intention to stop the vote by using their veto. Caesar doesn't even have to say anything, the crowd erupts into anger and charges at the conservative politicians. Several senators are attacked by the mob and surrounded. The conservative leader, a loser called Bibulus, tries to use his senatoral veto to stop the vote but he can not be heard over the screams of the angry crowd (at least this is what Caesar claimed later lol)
The crowd seizes Bibulus and starts beating the shit out of him as the other conservatives, including Cato, flee for their lives in absolute terror. Bibulus later wrote that he legitimately thought he would die at this moment. Instead the crowd took turns dumping buckets of human shit all over him until he managed to run away to a nearby temple. The crowd unanimously passed the land reform law after this and started chanting Caesar's name. Bibulus was so humiliated by this he wouldn't show his face in public for the rest of the year, which allowed Caesar to basically do whatever he wanted in the Senate.
so yeah not saying we need to dump a bucket of shit on a senator's head but this is established western tradition when faced with a filibuster. I think we need to at least give it a try and see if it helps matters.
The conservative leader, a loser called Bibulus,
even back then conservatives had stupid made up names
Caesar bad (I think? I actually know nothing about Rome) but that fucking rules.
Caesar exist in a world so different from my own that it’s almost impossible to apply my own moral analysis to his actions?
He wouldn't even have to go that far. The DOJ could have indicted Manchin's daughter on insulin price fixing the minute he showed the least bit of resistance.
He could have unleashed the FEC on Sinema and her fellow travelers ages ago.
All these Senators are extremely pliable, especially from within their own parties.
Bush Jr knew this and used it to great effect during his first term in office. A bunch of his USAs even went on to win national office later on, as anti-corruption candidates.
And in my hands, I hold the fates of millions
sinister six
lib moment
release yourself from the shackles of great man theory
Nothing that supreme court justices hold an inordinate amount of control over American lives is not "great man theory"
characterizing them in particular as sinister, as if there's something special about them , absolutely is. even if these six justices all died tomorrow they would be replaced with six equally awful ghouls (this would be hilarious and good but it wouldn't change the scenario at all). the institution of the supreme court is what has power, not the actual people that serve on it, because it's the institution that's backed by capital. the people are just avatars of the will of capital
"A democratic republic is the best possible political shell for capitalism, and, therfore, once capital has gained possession of this very best shell it establishes its power so firmly, that no change of persons, institutions or parties in the bourgeois-democratic Republic can shake it."
That's Lenin in the first chapter of State and Revolution.
That's a statement about the possibility of overthrowing capitalism with the institutions of a democratic Republic, not of other change within a capitalist democratic Republic. It's clearly not suggesting that replacing the 6 anti-choice justices with 6 pro-choice justices they'd still repeal Roe V Wade, or that individuals with a ton of political power aren't allowed to otherwise operate in the system as long as they aren't a direct threat to capital.
You're missing the big picture, comrade. Roe was decided 50 years ago and here we are watching it torn down. Replacing the "sinister six" with liberals would change nothing over the long term. All this justifiable outrage needs to be directed at overthrowing the bourgeois state and replacing it with a revolutionary working class state. Everything else is wasted effort. The idea that we could replace the bad six with six "we" like is just :vote: with extra steps. The bourgeois state must be "smashed".
Okay, well, if Libs see a bunch of commies out fighting tooth and nail for their right to control their own bodies that will probably gain us support and legitimacy. Millions of people aren't going to magically wake up one day and decide they want to fight the US army. Gotta do the little things before we can do the big things.
birdbrained analysis to say that thesix R backed judges voting to overturn roe are identical to the three D backed judges voting to upholdroe
Comrade, you're still suffering from liberal brainworms. Please take a deep breath and do some self‐crit. Try to understand that as long as we live under this liberal "democratic" system, outcomes like we've just experienced are possible and even likely. Capeing for the liberal justices is not that much different than screeching "you did this" at Bernie bros. Everyone is angry and upset right now and wants to do something, but unless that something is tearing up the constitution and eliminating the Supreme Court, we risk ending up back in this same place eventually.
you're missing the trees. some peoples' lives are about to get way worse and we don't need to smash the bourgeoise state to address this immediate problem.
it's all idealism anyway, and if we can pick six people to write off the show then doing all six justices is probably redundant. :melon-musk: for one, if literally only to make him shut up.
The three D judges are controlled opposition, just like the dems in Congress and the white house. It's all Kabuki theatre, the Democrats are just playing the role of opposition. They are not actually opposed to any of the horrible shit the Republicans want
even if these six justices all died tomorrow they would be replaced with six equally awful ghouls
Of course, but that doesn't take away from the fact that these six are the ones who are stripping rights away from workers. Revolutionary justice is cool and good.
I don't think it would really be justice if it didn't change the outcome though. Not to say they don't deserve it, but there's no justice until abortion is easily accessible
My understanding of revolutionary justice (could be wrong) is that it's not about changing an outcome, but just making those who have committed "legal" crimes against the working class face punishment, and put the other members of the bourgeoisie on notice.
They wouldn't get the job if they were going to be hesitant. The system explicitly selects for the worst possible ghouls
Dude there's six of them and Spiderman fights the Sinister Six all the time. Don't read too much in to it. If all Six justices had aneurysms it would buy time. And ideology matters. A Biden court pick probably wouldn't throw out abortion. Which would make life a little less horrible for some people.
why do you think biden is suddenly gonna do something good, after 40 years of always doing the worst possible thing? it wouldnt surprise me in the least if he appointed some republican justices to promote bipartisanship or whatever the fuck. he has no incentive to help us.
plus hes a catholic, he personally hates abortion (to the extent he can remember his own opinions anyway lol)
Dude. Banning abortion is a purely Evangelical ideological program. No one else wants this. And this isn't just about abortion. Alito's opinion violates the principles of common law in a way that is so extreme I don't think most people without a legal background can really wrap there heads around it. You do not just overthrow fifty years of settled law because you have a personal crusade. Moreover, Alito has asserted that there are no rights except the rights specifically enumerated in the constitution, which throws out the very foundations of common law going all the way back to the Magna Carta. This is some an incredibly extremist act of legislating from the bench that it should be appalling and terrifying to any jurist who has any principles at all. It completely delegitimizes US law and opens up the overthrow of the entire US legal regime. No one except the specific Chuds chosen to execute this program are going to go along with it. The GOP Scotus justices were chosen because they're Christian Fascists first and have no other beliefs or principles. Anyone else would be horrified by this judgement and would never concur with it.
Whatever else you can say about Lib lawyers, they believe in their system, and this utterly destroys their system to such an extent that it's hard to comprehend. People say this is opening up the possibility of overthrowing gay rights and shit, but this is actually overthrowing the right of women to have their own checking accounts, the right to any labor organizing at all, even the fucking right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Asserting that Biden would just blindly support this shows a profound lack of understanding of what the actual stakes are for Libs.
Dude. Banning abortion is a purely Evangelical ideological program. No one else wants this. And this isn’t just about abortion. Alito’s opinion violates the principles of common law in a way that is so extreme I don’t think most people without a legal background can really wrap there heads around it. You do not just overthrow fifty years of settled law because you have a personal crusade. Moreover, Alito has asserted that there are no rights except the rights specifically enumerated in the constitution, which throws out the very foundations of common law going all the way back to the Magna Carta. This is some an incredibly extremist act of legislating from the bench that it should be appalling and terrifying to any jurist who has any principles at all. It completely delegitimizes US law and opens up the overthrow of the entire US legal regime. No one except the specific Chuds chosen to execute this program are going to go along with it. The GOP Scotus justices were chosen because they’re Christian Fascists first and have no other beliefs or principles. Anyone else would be horrified by this judgement and would never concur with it.
why do you think biden gives a shit about any of this? hes going to tell us to fuck ourselves, just like he always has. good things do not happen in america
I'm going to indulge you because I have lots of free time.
Do you understand that there are different political factions with different goals and aims in the ruling class of America?
even if these six justices all died tomorrow they would be replaced with six equally awful ghouls
Those ghouls wouldn't rollback abortion rights, the topic at hand.
Yes they would lmao. They wouldn't be able to get the job otherwise
A liberal that would nominate fellow liberals and be confirmed by liberals. The general liberal position on abortion is supporting it.
Biden would appoint a pro-abortion guy if one of them died in a skiing accident. However Biden would appoint vicious republicans if they were all killed by assassins.
To restore unity
"Hierarchies of power don't exist! They can't hurt you!" I shout at the victims of a drone strike initiated by a handful of senior officials in a Beltway office building.
:sicko-hyper: :gui-better: :harold-manic: :inshallah: I wish they would if they could, But I know they probably wont.
Who can forget how many successful revolutions began without any newspapers, public gatherings, or organized protest events?
You wouldn't catch a guy like Rospierre or Lenin or Castro publishing their stared beliefs or whipping up large crowds near the homes of government leaders.
The Bolsheviks were literally a bunch of shitposters who couldn't shut up about whatever was on their minds at any given moment.