Greetings comrades! I myself haven't been around much recently (not like I ever posted much) but for anyone wondering how our good mutual friend @SorosFootSoldier (SFS) is doing, I got the go ahead to post an update on his situation.

He's still in rehab, for just a couple more days but is due to leave on the 20th(!), this coming Friday. He's still trying to secure a place to stay in a half way house upon release, but as of yesterday afternoon, there is no conformation that he's been accepted into one. Not because he isn't an awesome person as we all know he is, and even a shoe-in, but because of technicalities like specific prior living conditions and typical means testing bullshit. He might be able to stay in the rehab a bit longer while this is sorted out, and while he finds a viable halfway house, but even if that is not possible, he can return home. He is not keen on that prospect because he's afraid it will lead to an immediate relapse, being back in the place he so desperately struggled in. And fucking hell, I get it.

Overall, he's doing really well. He has some complaints about the monotony and some of the cringier aspects of AA (he finds NA to be superior and is looking into other secular groups, like LifeRing, and another I forget the name of) but he's making some friends there whose numbers he's got for when they're both out to reconnect. I talk to him most days, but miss some days, and I'd be happy to relay any messages, but it looks like that's unnecessary at this point as he's going to be able to post an update himself in a couple days. He say's he won't be able to be online as much, curbing his internet addiction (none of us can identify with that at all, right?!? :side-eye-1: ) but that he WILL post. :inshallah: I've been updating him a bit on world news thanks to @SeventyTwoTrillion's daily bulletin which makes it easy. He always asks how Hexbear is doing, and I usually don't know how to answer other than that, as I know some people here are really struggling (myself included) and others still chugging along, finding some way to balance the doomerism with daily life. He sends his regards to more of you than I could remember to tag, but I know @WhoaSlowDownMaurice and @aaaaaaadjsf are among you. (Sorry, my memory is shit, there are more of you he specifically mentioned but I didn't write it down).

His cat Mr. Softie is doing really well by all accounts, staying with SFS's dad and befriending his dad's cat. And despite what you may know of how much of a... difficult... person... SFS's dad can be, he's at least good at caring for cats. (As an aside, my own cat Duffers seems to be out of the woods for now too, though I still don't know what was wrong with him for sure - but that's a totally separate topic).

Anyway, SorosFoorSoldier always sends his well wishes to everybody here, he's been a really damn good friend to my loser ass self, even while he is the one stuck in rehab. He's even sometimes still doing little bits even over the phone about :melon-musk: buying twitter and fearing for his life from Russian oligarchs. So I'll stfu now, and hopefully in a few days, he'll be back posting here, though he always adds the caveat that he won't be able to be terminally online anymore, and going to cut way back on the hours in front of the comp. Not a bad thing. We do talk about the importance of touching grass, and unfortunately, of the necessity of wage slavery for survival.

Anyway, that's what's up. Solidarity and Empathy to you all.

Edit: here is the previous update from almost a month ago