We can push two buttons. We all push thousands of buttons every day. I think we keep forgetting its real life and we have more than just right now. I look forward to pushing every button I think might help, even if it means using both hands.

    • PopCultureIsTheCIA [he/him]
      4 years ago

      But you do have a place in electoralism. You don't get to opt out of the effects of the election. Are you thinking about this as a single transaction? a 1 off event or do you ahve actually have a personal strategy for how we can change things? I don't see how "not pushing a button" helps.

      You have been gaslit into thinking voting is something special. You buy products from rapists. You probably work for or with rapists. I really think voting for the lesser evil just the easiest thing to do 1 day for about 20 minutes. If you can explain to me strategically, in the context of a long term plan why I shouldn't vote for biden then please do it. I'd love to save a trip to the polls lol. Not being sarcastic, I just dont see how it can help.

      • CenkUygurCamp [none/use name]
        4 years ago


        You know how angry you get when you think of all the crimes the U.S. committed abroad? The guys that did it just told you they can do their job better under Biden

        • PopCultureIsTheCIA [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean. What does this have to do with the strategic value of voting vs not-voting as a long term strategy for increasing worker rights? Electoral strategies aren't for elections, they're for lifetimes. That's why sociopaths like the Koch brothers will always have more of an effect than psychopaths like Steve Bannon.

          Lets accept the fact that we have 20-60 years of activism of ahead of ourselves and settle in for the long haul. Voting for the lesser evil, moves that market. That one small president market that's actually just a lagging indicator of other shit. Let's attack the problem from both ends. Vote for the loser, force him to have his donors arrested in March.

          • CenkUygurCamp [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            Why don't you tell me how Biden can be part of any long-term socialist electoral strategy. His entire career, the party he is a veteran of and his function in the last career suggests he might be hostile to worker's rights

            • PopCultureIsTheCIA [he/him]
              4 years ago

              long-term socialist electoral strategy

              3 elections without a far right candidate winning and the overton window shifts. biden now. warren later. bernie eventually. And the fact that bernie will be dead by then is the point. The "Bernie" we'll eventually get won't be a 70 year old career politician.

              The levers they bought work a certain way, pretending that electoral politics is a dark art we can't study is just silly.

        • PopCultureIsTheCIA [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Foreign policy is a lagging indicator of who's been voting for the past 2 decades. The left refuses to vote and our foreign policy reflects that.

            • PopCultureIsTheCIA [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Vote blue no matter who/voting for the lesser evil just perpetuates the evil.

              How would that work? Right now we are far left. biden is center right and trump is far right. You have to kinda say "10 concentration camps is the same as 1" and ignore quantitative differences that are real peoples lives. They keep having buy out and blackmail and manchurian the DNC because people want to vote for the further left person but then they create massive propaganda aparatuses to make sure they don't get more than 8 years in a row because they know the overton window will shift and they'll never get a nother chance.

              You keep trying to make everything a binary, all or nothing kind of situation as opposed to parts of building something long term.

              • ByteFoolish [he/him]
                4 years ago

                Biden was a part of the administration that built the camps and was personally an architect of the Iraq war. Sorry I guess "not being a rapist or a warmonger" is too difficult of a purity test. If we keep voting for shit options they'll keep giving us shit options. If we vote it should be for someone who actually represents our interests while working outside of electoralism to build dual power.

                • PopCultureIsTheCIA [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  too difficult of a purity test.

                  It's not that. He's a horrible person. I just don't have any purity test. I'm not voting for messiah. Or voting for good guy. I'm voting between a bad idea and a worse idea. It'll take me 30 minutes, 1 day every 4 years.

                  The effect of your actions isn't "you doing them" it's what happens next. Compare the "what happens next if biden wins" vs "what happens next if trump wins". That's the question. This purity stuff is just how you keep people stupid. Voting is just a voting and it doesn't effect your actions at any other time then in the booth.

    • PopCultureIsTheCIA [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I can not in good conscious vote for a rapist,

      Every time you buy a product you're doing this to some degree. This is literally the least powerful way to vote for a rapist because its not monetized. When you shot on amazon you're paying every liberal tech financier with stock in that monstrosity. This is a vote they have to count and can't charge you for.

    • PopCultureIsTheCIA [he/him]
      4 years ago

      None, buddy. I just have free time and like talking about big ideas. Why do you think a person's entire identity is what switch they're gonna flip on one day? Activism isn't about a series of transactions, we're building lifelong relationships and thats how we win. Talk me out of voting for Biden. I'm open to it.

    • PopCultureIsTheCIA [he/him]
      4 years ago

      the government is bought off. your vote means nothing

      Oh ya donors bought them all how does that prove the second part? It's kind of unrelated. Donors do politics. Vote in a way that'll help the worst donors the worst. I've voting against Manafort, Black and Stone.

  • gay [any]
    4 years ago


    Edit: Lmao, salty cause I thought the post was cringe? Only waited 2 seconds for the downvote. God bless.