Conservative: Schools should be run by the free market.
Free market: I'm going to make the gayest school of all time, and I'm going to run it so well that even straight people will want to go there.
Conservative: visibly shaking
I've always wondered whether conservatives are being stupid or just disingenuous about what they actually want.
Both. They use le free market because it lets them hide their goals, but they also huff their own farts and get confused when the market doesn't give them what they want.
Conservatives and liberals both believe the market can supply some kind of internal implicit goodness if guided in the correct directions. Conservatives believe all possible consumer options are available to all people simultaneously, but it gets incoherent when they can't get what they want or they see gay people on TV.
They don't know what they actually want most of the time.
Their worldview is born out of ignorance, and their response to being unable to materially parse a way through the fog to their end goal (because all their mechanisms for action are idealistic liberalism/fascism) is to willingly engage in disingenuous behavior to try and weasel their way into what they want.
They took er jerbs but with the straights infiltrating lgbt spaces, events, and lingo.
Conservatives screaming about the free market then screaming even louder when the free market does things they don’t like
"the free market is perfect, that's why we force it to aggressively and violently subsidize our ideas"
Is it surprising that the gay prison resembles the gay factory, the gay school, the gay barracks, which all resemble gay prisons?
pretty sure this is what The History of Sexuality was about
So is an lgbtq charter school, specifically made to give a space where lgbt kids won't be harassed, the only example of a charter school that is actually good within the current system, in the sense that it exists to reduce harm to kids and not to shove people through a shitty education for as much of a profit margin as possible?
Ultimately it's systemic and none of it exists in isolation. I don't think you can meaningfully extricate the good of it being a pro-lgbt from the bad of it being part of the privatization of the educational system. Trying to take these as things that can be isolated and sorted into good or bad feels pretty undialectical.
Better than other charter schools used for reactionary religious fundamentalism yes, but still attached to the same evil whole, that's about the most credit I'll give it.
A lot of Schools for the Deaf and Schools for the Blind are technically charter schools, but really predate charter schools as a concept. Those schools are generally good because mainstreaming Deaf and/or blind kids often ends up with them not getting their needs met.
When it comes to these schools, I'll die on the hill that they're far more good than bad.
Sorry, shouldn't have used the language good, should have used the language of "better than"
But yeah I get that
I just wish I went to a school that wasn't a bigoted atmosphere
This is mindblowing.
JoeByeThen 6'3", 3" soft, 5" hard, 8" deep, IQ 120, Pikachu
9:00: GAY LESON!!
9:45: how to be be GAYY!!
11:15: GAY RECESS!!
12:45: GAY LESON!!!
2:15: BLM PERIOD!!!
lmao at all the people in the replies claiming that creating a space specifically for allowing students to not be harassed for being queer is literally the same as segregation despite the fact that they know that straight kids are allowed to go there, they'll just probably be punished pretty harshly if they call someone a homophobic slur
I'm halfway on board with an LGBT charter school. But I demand the full "be gay, do crimes" curriculum.
his name on Twitter is some in-joke or something, right? because if it's not I don't even know how to mock someone who is that oblivious.
Has to be, IQ tests give a range rather than a number, plus they don't go up to 187 (well, not reliably)
"These amps go to 11", but for your brain.
I always love to ask folks who brag about their IQ test what the Q stands for.
I always love to ask folks who brag about their IQ test what the Q stands for.
Qranium measurements. Which are only slightly less scientific than IQ tests, if we're being honest.