Are you fucking serious.
What a fucking buffoon. A piece of shit asshole nazi enabler but also a fucking buffoon. She's taking the same template to every other issue and applying it to THE ONE ISSUE holding together the democratic coalition. She's a fucking idiot.
It was always the case that they just didn't want people to look at their inaction or failures and not because "it's ripping the party apart." Gotta say it's funny seeing them do this to their basal basement level foundation issues to the dem coalition like with immigration.
It's an old article. Pelosi saw the writing on the wall five years ago but could do nothing to change the conversation or soften the blow.
Love that stupid fucking article, love 2 conflate campaigning for a shitty dem against a Republican with campaigning for a shitty dem against a lefty
This is their one chance to turn around the midterms, promising to restore abortion rights would have massive support and wouldn't even hurt their donors' bottom lines. Instead they're going to go all in on "Putin's price hike" BS. Useless.
I think they are opting for Plan B, mutual nuclear annihilation. No need for abortion rights then
What date is this from?
MAY 3, 2017 - Nancy Pelosi Says Democrats’ Focus on Abortion Access Is Hurting the Party
any way, fuck pelosi regardless
I jsut woke up, my cat had a kitten on my face - cutest, grossest thing to happen to me in a while.
Wow you really buried the lede on that one haha. But in answer to your question, yes that did make sense.
You cut off the date. But yea Pelosi don't care and Biden is anti abortion
policies with overwhelming voter support are actually bad for the party you fool you simpleton
The party can't be removed from its original factory packaging or it will lose all its value.
What is the fucking point of the party, in her mind, in the average Democrat voters mind, if not exactly this.