• aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
      hace 2 años

      However if you're a LGBT man you can take advantage of the homophobia and get a vaccine in certain cities and counties...


      The only reason it's spreading mostly among gay man at the moment is because the first superspreader was at a pride event, and anal sex is unfortunately a good disease vector. But it's not like the straights are the best practices of safe sex, and the disease can still spread though other vectors like close contact, watch them keep saying it's a gay disease and go all 😱😮😯😲 when a child or straight person dies.

      • im_smoke [he/him]
        hace 2 años

        Exactly, people will see that 98% figure and say "it's a gay disease! Scientists said so!" even after time passes and that figure changes.

      • cawsby [he/him]
        hace 2 años

        Fall semester should be fun. I'm not going to go to campus unless needed.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        hace 2 años

        when a child or straight person dies.

        Fortunately this really doesn't seem to be that deadly, yet. Be a big problem if it mutates though.

    • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
      hace 2 años

      Could I get a good source on it being homophobic? I feel like every report is just repeating it without a link

      • kristina [she/her]
        hace 2 años

        Chinese CDC doesn't report it as such from what I've seen, thats all I need to know cause theyre the only ones that know how to handle pandemics :shrug-outta-hecks: They said most at risk population was dock workers and shoppers looking for clothes and suggested regular cleaning of fabrics in congested areas. Oh, and masks.

        • kristina [she/her]
          hace 2 años

          just read a post on chinese social media that said that 'in the american empire it only spreads there, not by semen, but by sweating on each other profusely while mowing grass'

        • HauntedBySpectacle [he/him, comrade/them]
          hace 2 años

          Not only did the Chinese CDC not report it, they explicitly criticized it:

          "Stigmatising people because of a disease is never okay. Anyone can get or pass on monkeypox, regardless of their sexuality."

          Archived source (in Chinese): https://web.archive.org/web/20220621020458/https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/y8XXFqDTu5qNHgsrb17n2w

        • anoncpc [comrade/them]
          hace 2 años

          Only Chinese CDC are normal this days. Everyone else is going nuts

          • kristina [she/her]
            hace 2 años

            I'd assume so but I figure a regular washing would be fine

            • sappho [she/her]
              hace 2 años

              It may or may not be. Monkeypox is typically only killed at temperatures markedly higher than most washing machines and dryers can reach. However, it may be the case that the use of detergent will allow the virus to break down at a lower temperature. This latter bit is information I've seen repeated but without any source.

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]
            hace 2 años

            I have, in the past, just brought a sleeping back and put that on top of the hotel bed because my sleeping bag might be caked in forest and god knows what but at least it's outside forest god knows what and not whatever is on the hotel beds.

            • yellowparenti5 [none/use name]
              hace 2 años

              An alternative would be to just take off the bed covers and sleep on the linens as those are washed every visitor

      • im_smoke [he/him]
        hace 2 años


        This is the source I keep getting linked to on reddit. The main takeaway of this paper seems to be 98% of all monkey pox cases are from men who identify as homosexual or bisexual. Buried in the discussion section is a paragraph where the researchers cover their ass:

        Although the current outbreak is disproportionately affecting gay or bisexual men and other men who have sex with men, monkeypox is no more a “gay disease” than it is an “African disease.” It can affect anyone. We identified nine heterosexual men with monkeypox. We urge vigilance when examining unusual acute rashes in any person, especially when rashes are combined with systemic symptoms, to avoid missing diagnoses in heterosexual persons.

        We have learned exactly nothing from the AIDS panic besides sewing a quilt is a nice activity. At least monkey pox doesn't seem to be so deadly.

        • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
          hace 2 años

          At least monkey pox doesn’t seem to be so deadly.

          neither was AIDS when it first started spreading. In fact it was so mild that nobody even knew it existed

      • InsideOutsideCatside [they/them]
        hace 2 años

        I mean it's homophobic because it's literally spread by contact, it's just like smallpox, just less virulent. Theres no magic Gay Gene that causes one to transmit or be vulnerable to it but they continuously choose to emphasize gay men as a vector

    • Sea_Gull [they/them]
      hace 2 años

      I saw that too. Journalistic integrity at its finest.
