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  • LangdonAlger [any]
    4 years ago

    American law enforcement really is past the point of reform. Trump says they're not brutal enough and Biden wants to give them more funding. What is to be done?

    • PresterJohnBrown [any]
      4 years ago

      You can't reform a bigoted, corrupted soul with a little extra training. Even if you replace every single sentence old officers say to their cadets in the academy, the culture will pervade between training and those who resist it will be run out of the system.

      The only choices we have are either keep the police as they are, but reduce their numbers by at least 90% so they can respond to the 3% of calls that are actually violent. We keep them violent bastards, but only unleash them on other violent people, like human attack dogs.

      Or, abolish them entirely and rebuild an entirely new peace-keeping force with absolutely no members of the previous force involved at all, a completely fresh start like what Georgia did. One of the major problems with police culture is the unbroken lineage of old officers training new cadets dating back to their days as slave patrols and union busters (which is how the police got the idea for the police union - beating up union workers). If you sever that lineage, you sever the old, old, old attitudes that it kept alive within the police.

  • sydnerella11 [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I feel pretty useless and used tonight. Nope not going to elaborate, sorry for posting here, I just feel horrible and I don’t have anyone in my life to talk to anymore about it.

  • chance [they/them,none/use name]
    4 years ago

    just reset my youtube watch history for the first time in years and my recommended is like 50% alt-right pipeline content, this was a mistake. no wonder so many people fall into this with youtube shoving it down their throats - watching anything vaguely political and your whole feed is Shapiro and PragerU

    • Young_Lando [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      YouTube stole my little brother from me. His mind is filled with capitalist propaganda, and nothing penetrates now. He's too young to understand how economies work. All he has are things other people told him. Life sucks

      • chance [they/them,none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Nobody's truly lost, I've seen people make the jump from proud neo-nazi to leftist so don't give up on your brother just cause he thinks capitalism is good. Hell, I've found "libertarians" to be the easiest to convert. Ask him to explain why he thinks X or Y and then highlight the flaws in his thinking instead of telling him he's wrong right off the bat. Show him videos of people like Shaun debunking some of the channels he might watch.

    • SimAnt [any]
      4 years ago

      My recommendations go off the rails immediately if I don't contantly scrub my watch history (and search history!) of the things I view out of morbid curiosity. One single viewing of Blue by Eiffel 65 was enough to transform my feed into 75% terrible VEVO new releases

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Woke stream banned me for telling people that were saying the molotov throwers were cops to stop pacifying the radical nature of the protests. They're all in there trying to claim it was thrown by cops and I definitely don't think so, the protesters were up for a fight and trying something new tonight.

    Real lame lib mod team.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            4 years ago


            It's super important that they don't pacify literally everything. People need to stop trying to disown it and start just fucking calling it good... Because it is good. This is the coolest Portland has been in a long time.

              • Awoo [she/her]
                4 years ago

                I don't do subtle outside the workplace.

                  • Awoo [she/her]
                    4 years ago

                    Gotta learn worker language. Complain about bosses. Complain about treatment. Us vs them. Radicalise the groups into workers vs managers to ripen things for salting a union, assuming one doesn't already exist.

                      • Awoo [she/her]
                        4 years ago

                        What's the union structure? How are organisational positions filled and how large is it? Opportunities to gather popularity among workers (or propel someone else to popularity) in order to switch up leadership?

                          • Awoo [she/her]
                            4 years ago

                            A lot of these much larger unions make their leadership democratic positions. It's quite possible to get involved and take them over, even more possible than local politics in a lot of cases because there is very little large-money effort going on to fight for organisational power unless the unions also have voting powers inside a labour party in politics (like here in the UK).

            • extraterrestrial5 [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              People need to stop trying to disown it

              The proletariat needs to stop disowning faux-revolutionaries? no thanks

              his is the coolest Portland has been

              haha anarkiddes don't have any materialist political projects, they're just into the spectacle of revolutionism

              • Awoo [she/her]
                4 years ago

                Dude you're being super fucking lame and would be called out for this among any practicing ML party. Support people performing actual praxis in all forms whether it is perfect or not. The people actually engaging in clashes and forging a stronger and more experienced body of the population that has had years of practice in actual clashes with the police is pre-requisite to the revolution you want even if you think these actions won't magically bring about a revolution right now because they're not labour based and not part of organised actions. Stop being ridiculous, don't suck out the energy of everyone around you for no reason other than to appease your own sense of "haha but IIIII the one true revolutionary have chosen the correct path hahaha, sniffffff".

                It's ridiculous bullshit. If you think reading Marx and spreading theory is all there is to it you have seriously fucking missed the part where people need YEARS OF EXPERIENCE FIGHTING IN VIOLENT CLASHES WITH THE STATE in order to become revolutionaries.

                Stop sucking the energy out of people engaging in actually acquiring that experience. You ain't going to have a revolution with a bunch of untrained libs that still want everything to be a peaceful protest. You MUST encourage these people and this activity. It is essential.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Portland threw 3, dozens of fireworks, smoke grenades, burned a car, set up barricades, showed up with shields raring for a fight.

          • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            you would think we would know that after thousands of years of using them in war
            putting solid thing between you and pointy things was one of the first things we figured out

    • extraterrestrial5 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      saying the molotov throwers were cops

      nothing learned from OWS, cointelpro is a classic reactionary praxis.

      stop pacifying the radical nature of the protests.

      Radlibs are radical liberals, the fact that you think internet comments defang the working class shows how useless your idealistic delusions are.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 years ago

        God this is super lame and makes you sound like you huff your own farts, you're high on your own ego and need to bring it down several notches. Attack the state, the bourgeoisie, or anything that isn't the left. This is useless.

  • Leper_Messiah [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Watching woke rn and they're doing some bomb ass chants in Portland, but the best part is somebody right next to the streamer is squeezing a squeaky toy in time to the chanting

  • Koa_lala [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Anyone want to take a stab at modding /r/collapse before it goes to the fascist types like any other sub on reddit nowadays?

  • GreatBearShark [he/him]
    4 years ago

    feeling so aimless, lost trying to believe anything good can happen in America. maybe I need to stay off Twitter, Reddit etc

  • ProCephalopodAktion [any]
    4 years ago

    I was crawling through some Twitter threads a while ago and stumbled across a discussion drawing parallels between QAnon and ARGs (alternate reality games) from July that had some interesting info:

    Im going to say this again... I find it highly suspect that the Qanon thing took off a few years after DARPA attended the last ARGFest in Seattle. They approached us to come, they spoke, and grilled all of us creators all weekend on the psychological aspects and game mechanics.

    Another reply from the same person:

    Im not throwing my opinion one way or the other on this... I just know it was a series of very strange interactions from when they approached us. At the very least I was hoping that they were researching how to STOP something like Qanon. But that doesn't seem to be the case.

    Another commenter:

    We definitely were in brief talks with the guy from DARPA, discussing his RFP, etc. Our main critique was you can't necessarily glean what real-life behavior would be from watching someone's behavior while knowingly playing a game. Then questions were asked...

    What if they didn't know they were playing a game? etc. That's when we noped right out of there....

    Right?!!? I remember specifically one of the women at lunch really focusing on the suspension of disbelief and how we covered up the 4th wall. Pushing hard enough for me to remember several years later.

    Nothing really groundbreaking here, but it did catch my attention. Since I have no idea who these people are I decided to do the most basic amount of research and it turns out there really was an ARGFest in Seattle back in 2013.

    ...We explored the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) Using Alternate Reality Environments to Help Enrich Research Efforts (UAREHERE) project...

    If I'm understanding this correctly IARPA is basically DARPA but for intelligence agencies instead of the Department of Defense - I guess they got jealous and wanted their own parallel program.

    Anyway, that's all I have for now. Since my curiosity is piqued I'll probably do some digging into their cheekily named UAREHERE project.

      • ProCephalopodAktion [any]
        4 years ago

        I may end up making a standalone post once I find out more about this UAREHERE project. Before I stopped researching for the day I did come across this relevant post from 2014:

        Spies Like Me: My Response to IARPA’S RFI UAREHERE

        It’s not every day I am contacted by a foreign governmental agency (I am Canadian), particularly ones devoted to intelligence gathering. The email itself was amusing in both its sweeping overreaching and vague request married with dry attention to detail.

        I had two concurrent thoughts: 1) it was written by a bot; and 2) it was the rabbit hole to an Alternate Reality Game (ARG). I immediately forwarded it to Tom Liljeholm, one of my producing partners on The Karada . Tom and I met in 2010 when I became the hardcore ambassador player of the ARG he produced as a component of the juggernaut Conspiracy for Good (CFG) transmedia experience. I soon became surprised to find out CFG was referenced in the RFI as the only ARG specifically mentioned by name.

        Since IARPA had not reached out to Tom, or anyone else I could find in the ARG community, I decided the grass roots Alternate Reality Game I produced last year, titled Work with No Pants , must be how I got on the radar of this intelligence gathering agency that runs, according to its website, “high-risk, high-payoff research programs that have the potential to provide the United States with an overwhelming intelligence advantage over future adversaries.”