I hope everyone had a great week! Hang out. Chat. Talk about what's going on. Have fun :3

  • ashinadash [she/her]
    6 months ago
    Just more spoiler-free Unjust Depths, talkin' villains

    I think Prince Erich von Fueller is a comedy villain, honestly. He's the heir apparent to a literal empire which is currently boiling over with nascent fascist movements, and he commands the massive, aggressive Great Western Fleet full of Irmingard dreadnoughts and such... but he is a boykisser boykisser (also, the fact that so far the only male gay is an evil badguy is very funny)

    And no harsh to our evil boykissers, we love to see them! Critical support to evil boykissers! But Erich isn't selling me on his being a brutal, iron-fisted ruler of the imperium, because right after he goes 'IMPUDENT SLAVES, we will be your masters again, a quick slap will SHOW YOU YOUR PLACE!!!' he turns to his pet evil twink and says 'My beloved, thou art the most beautiful creature human eyes have yet beheld... I shall give you a kingdom and more...' like, just the fact that he seems to be primarily motivated by his endless devotion to a pretty boy is incredibly funny to me. I am looking forward to having him back in the plot c:

    • Cromalin [she/her]M
      6 months ago
      responding to your old mega post too

      yeah! i love the whole cast so much, it's all really good stuff. whenever we get to leave the brigand it's amazing seeing the new characters, and then when we go back and get to go "i wonder how the brigand crew is going to deal with this stuff?" it's the best. absolutely all killer no filler. basically any character who gets a pov section makes me go "oh boy, i've been looking forward to this!"

      i LOVE the stuff with murati seeing serrano and experiencing capitalism, that's really strong stuff

      yeah lmao, very funny seeing him doing it all for a twink. sometimes brutal iron-fisted rulers love their bfs!

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        6 months ago
        Hiiiii ✨

        I knooooooooow right???? As soon as we met Maryam and her little "cuttle fish/inky" card, I was like ohhhh I'm so excited for her to come aboard and yes, I instantly want her to kiss Shalikova!! They are gonna kiss and it'll be rad! Tentacle lady... I will say though, the Brigand has not been good so far(5.9) for Elena "My Feet Hurt, I wish I was in Vogelheim with Gertrude" von Fueller, lol.

        I noted that too, seeing our girl "Husband material" get even further radicalised by the enforced poverty of capitalism is rad. She's so indignant about the mere possibility of being unhoused or going hungry, she's so wholesome. I adore how she disrupts the extraction mission for this, beloved.

        Actually relatedly, the little glance of social dynamics we get between the extraction team--Murati, Zachikova, Shalikova--is really cool, since these two have been varying levels of icy to Murati for not entirely obvious reasons before. I mean Zachikova is clearly just a top tier autist, and her approach is appealingly straightforward, but I'm enthused to see a little warmth from Shalikova too :) I desire to see them build rapports!

        Help, I can't even be mad at Erich due to this. He's not a bad brutal iron-fisted dictator, he just loves his bf!!! bottom-speak

        • Cromalin [she/her]M
          6 months ago

          yesss maryam is so good!!! love her and shalikova so much. elena is not having as good a time, but seeing her exposed to communism is very fun

          yeah murati is so good. i love how shocked she is, it's really good characterization for both her and for the union broadly. that whole extraction mission is great, i love the whole team. i agree, it's nice to see shalikova open up!

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            6 months ago
            Everyone's favourite kind of cuttlefish!

            I opened a spoiler you and user buckycat were talking about once, and I was like... cuttlefish?? Now I get it, now I GET IT lets-fucking-go and tbf I've only seen Elena basically be a rude bitch to Marina. I know she doesn't know anything about her mum or Marina, but it's rough buddy :| I want her to stop bitching about gel beds, and start bitching about the theft of workers' surplus value...

            Yeah c: I have always liked Murati because yes, but I felt that she didn't have a whole load of depth to this point - her first brush with the Empire in person lends her a lot of complexity, it's rad. And yes I'm just excited to see all the shipmembers getting cozy together, I'm excited about everything rjfjgjfjdksk This is pretty much the best thing I've ever read comfy

            • Cromalin [she/her]M
              6 months ago

              yeah elena needs to start reading theory. though tbf marina works for the cia

              murati really shines when she's getting righteously furious about capitalism. and yeah it's pretty great!