This is so fucking funny, just the owner of the sub trying to clarify basic leftist positions and get downvoted by even bigger liberals.

  • HornyOnMain
    2 years ago

    Vaguely tempted to jump in pretending to be a liberal and accuse all libertarian socialists of being tankies because they oppose the USA’s attempts to spread democracy abroad

  • Ziege_Bock [any]
    2 years ago

    "We are a libertarian socialist community, we want to a radically different world, where no state exists and capitalism has been overthrown by the working class."

    good luck doing that while abstaining from anything that resembles "authoritarianism".

    • jackmarxist [any]
      2 years ago

      Liberals are the least likely group to do any of the revolution stuff.

  • ButtBidet [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Congrats, you taught liberals the word. Now you're a tankie too.

    • eduardog3000 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      OP: We don't support liberal democracy, we are socialists after all.

      Reply: That's pretty tankie.

      I don't think we could parody this any better than they do themselves.

    • rubpoll [she/her]
      2 years ago

      To the left, two, three

      To the left, two three

      To the work that we must do

      Stand tall in the Tankie United Front

      For YOU are a Tankie TOO

  • quiet [she/her]
    2 years ago

    At what point does a rejection of “liberal democracy” just become authoritarianism?


  • ides_of_Merch [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    state capitalists, authoritarians and similar anti-communist ideologues,

    (Synthetic leftist PMC voice) "Every socialist state got Marx wrong, if you want to see true revolution, you need to imitate the CHAZ, not the settler red fascist state of Cuba"

    We also do not support the Ukrainian Government, the support lies with the Russian and Ukrainian people against both this imperialist invasion as well as their respective countries.

    Woke leftists will never talk about finance imperialists doing the 2014 coup to privatize Ukraine's world-class farmland. These alleged "true communists" lack the most basic materialism displayed in 1/2 of the symbol of communism.

    We are a libertarian socialist community,

    "community" neoliberal detected

    Edit: Since the post got some backlash, mostly due to me wording things badly or leaving it vague,

    this has been a failure on our part to communicate effectively, and we do apologize for that. Nothing really changes,

    Democrats have one strategy: "our messaging is bad, we need better messaging"

    • ButtBidet [he/him]
      2 years ago

      privatize Ukraine’s world-class farmland

      I didn't know this. Is there a tldr anywhere?

      • WonderSwanCrystal [she/her]
        2 years ago

        The fate of Ukraine’s agricultural sector is on shaky ground. Last year, the Oakland Institute reported that over 1.6 million hectares (ha) of land in Ukraine are now under the control of foreign-based corporations. Further research has allowed for the identification of additional foreign investments. Some estimates now bring the total of Ukrainian farmland controlled by foreign companies to over 2.2 million ha;1 however, research has also identified important grey areas around land tenure in the country, and who actually controls land in Ukraine today is difficult to ascertain.

        The companies and shareholders behind foreign land acquisitions in Ukraine span many different parts of the world.

        • WonderSwanCrystal [she/her]
          2 years ago

          That's as of 2015. And for context, of Ukraine's total land area of 60 million hectares, roughly 42 million is classified as agricultural land.

      • emizeko [they/them]
        2 years ago

        large parts of Ukraine have a meter-deep layer of black humus that is incredibly fertile

  • happybadger [he/him]
    2 years ago

    one time i was at the grocery drinkin a gallon of milk when a buncha dang tankies surrounded me and starte d screamin "YUOR A FUCKIN MILKBOY. SPIN AND DRINK. SPIN AND DRINK.". i started cryin cause of course i'd wet myself but they kept chantin "SPIN AND DRINK". eventually my feet started spinnin on their own and before i knew i t i was a hurricane of milk and tears and pee in aisle 6.

  • TrashCompact [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    The backtracking and reassurance that it is not a "tankie takeover" is hilarious. Of course the top comment is indignantly praising NATO too.

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    2 years ago

    Well I just brigaded and shot out five comments, one of them being the famous Parenti quote, you all better do the same

    • Venusta [any]
      2 years ago
      CW Hostile. I'm sorry

      lmao are these the western left that it is so important to espouse campist positions in opposition to, gotta take a stand against r/tankiejerk ?

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        2 years ago

        "Campist this, campist that" bro you don't know what that word means, and yes I prefer the side with the less neo-nazis to triumph over the side with more neo-nazis

        Pretty simple political position any commie should find non-controversial, kinda like saying "Yes I prefer nationalist China under Chiang Kai Shek to triumph over the Empire of Japan under Hirotio" of course 1945 version of you be like "wow pretty campist of you bud, do you socialism much"

        Also keep arguments in the threads they originate from, don't follow me around like a wounded puppy yapping at my heels, come on man you know better

        • Venusta [any]
          2 years ago
          CW Hostile. I'm sorry

          It just makes a lot of sense that you spend your time on place like this in :reddit-logo: and on the bird site given the conversation :waluigi-stalin:

          • CyborgMarx [any, any]
            2 years ago

            lol I haven't been on reddit in over four months and I don't have a twitter I'm not from Brookyln

            Also you're like a month old account, don't talk to your elders like that :knifecat:

            • Venusta [any]
              2 years ago

              I hope this was somewhat good natured ribbing, it's always hard to tell, I switched my account for two factor ID and a different email

              • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                2 years ago

                You need to brush up on your geopolitical Marxism, read some Samir Amin and Vijay Prashad

                • Venusta [any]
                  2 years ago
                  CW Hostile. I'm sorry

                  Prashad :lmayo: I have and I'm not too impressed

                  also definitely not impartial being almost completely bankrolled by an American pro China market socialist and working at a Chinese university as a foreigner

                  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                    2 years ago

                    Prashad I have and I’m not too impressed

                    I mean you clearly haven't, but you should

                    also definitely not impartial being almost completely bankrolled by an American pro China market socialist and working at a Chinese university as a foreigner

                    what did google spit that at you or something, damn dude you swallow fast :volcel-judge:

                    Also "iMpArTiAl" lol what are you a lib media pundit from 2015?

                    • Venusta [any]
                      2 years ago
                      The poster claims this is false information to make Vijay Prishad look bad, but I have some doubts and they did not present compelling counter evidence, other than just saying my original source once sources a right wing source, also I don't really understand the premise of how he would look bad taking money from China aligned people and groups when his brand of leftism is in toe with Chinese state media, he appears on Chinese state media, and works as a professor at a Chinese university ... They also refused to see any skepticism in the son of a hundred millionaire american marxist who is pro China working at Prishad's Tricontinental Institute, they clearly really like Prishad and I hit on a nerve and I'm sorry for that

                      I haven't read a book, but I've read his writing in Tricontinental and that hasn't inspired me to go any further.

                      He is literally completely funded by pro swcc specifically entities, it's different than recommending a book from some academic who is also pro swcc

                      The tricontinental is largely funded by american multi millionaire Roy Singham, this was revealed bc he illegally laundered money to the PSL and them among other groups (not that that's a bad thing) also Roy Singham's son works at tricontinental so we get a nice dose of nepotism involved with the funding.

                      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                        2 years ago

                        lmao motherfucker you didn't read shit, you typed his name in google and then literally clicked the second link

                        In 2021, Indian media reported that India's Enforcement Directorate named Singham in a money laundering case against Indian media portal Newsclick and its People's Dispatch website, alleging that he was "the key source of Rs 38 crore" (380 million Rupees – approximately US$5 million) it received between 2018 and 2021 to promote a pro-Chinese narrative in the Indian media.

                        You a modi fan now? You taking hindutva accusations against left-wing publications in India (a country where leftists are murdered and jailed arbitrarily) as an excuse not to read? Dude wtf is your problem?

                        The tricontinental is largely funded

                        No, read your own sources dipshit - i.e. Hindutva rag the Times of India

                        ED sources said their investigations have shown the media portal recieived funds from Justice and Education Fund Inc, US; GSPAN LLC, US; Tricontinental Lt — all located at the same address — and Centro Popular Demid - Times of India

                        Transcontinental gave the portal money, if anything that proves Singham is actually a socialist sleeper agent workin for Vijay, lol fuckin wasting my time with this hit piece nonsense and trying to slander a respected scholar of the left, fuck outta here troll

                        • Venusta [any]
                          2 years ago
                          CW see above post and sorry

                          Update 12/21/21: People’s Forum confirmed the hypothesis of this post that tech billionaire Roy Singham used Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund to launder money to them.

                          Update 1/18/22: Newsline magazine confirmed all of the substantive findings of the post below and found that many of the entities we mentioned have significant investments in Israeli companies and/or companies complicit in Israel’s occupation of the Palestinians in stark violation of the boycott, divestment, and sanction (BDS) campaign.

                          lmao they're getting funded by Zionism money too


                          article in question I think

                          • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                            2 years ago

                            lmao they’re getting funded by Zionism money too

                            WTF does PSF have to do with the Transcontinental except thru their president who has "undisclosed romantic relationship" according to this

                            So we have a politically motivated (openly admitted) accusation in India, a professor in North Carolina "guessing" about investors, and a Magazine rag claiming a president of some other org is dating this guessed at Indian investor who thru out all this somehow owns Vijay cause his son works there, and by "works" organizes academic meetings, lectures, book discussions, wow great work detective

                            • Venusta [any]
                              2 years ago
                              CW see above post and sorry

                              lmao that's not at all what I implied like crazy that the one rich American Marxist could be funding all these groups especially the one that he has relatives working at ... you're the one saying he somehow owns him, it's just normal nepotism

                              I don't understand why you think it's a bad thing, all clues point to him, I don't think it's a bad thing that this guy is donating all his money to pro china socialist orgs, idk why you would

                        • Venusta [any]
                          2 years ago
                          CW see above post, and sorry

                          I love how you just found a right wing source and got mad at me for assuming I used it :zenz:

                        • Venusta [any]
                          2 years ago
                          CW see above post, and sorry

                          That is not the source I had, mine was some anarchist site lol, amazing there is more than one source on it, why do you think pointing out funding and biases is slander, is it just a coincidence his son works at Triconinental, you can easily find his profile

                          Using Cause IQ’s database of non-profit organizations, Twitter users discovered that in 2019 Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund (GSPF; EIN: 31-1774905) funneled over $12 million to the People’s Forum, over $12 million to Vijay Prashad’s think-tank The Tricontinenal LTD (EIN: 82-2882135), $210,000 to Codepink, and $20,000 to AIPAC (the Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees [a pro-Assad lobbying group] not to be confused with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee which has the same acronym).


                          just a casual 12 million and also your son works there nothing sus going on (literally enough to fund it for decades)

                          • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                            2 years ago

                            Because leftists and left-liberals, even rich ones network you dumb fuck, which is considered borderline illegal in India, you just heard the legalist language of the unproven accusation and then concluded, corruption! Nepotism! Do you have any conception of what they're actually accusing them of?

                            just a casual 12 million and also your son works there nothing sus going on

                            Again do you read your own sources, that is a philanthropy account thru Goldman Sachs you stupid fuck not Singham's media portal in India, the Tricontinental accepts donations thru out the academic world, the only connection to Singham is literally an "Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina who guessed that the ultimate source of the money would turn out to be tech capitalist Neville Roy Singham"

                            Bruh who needs a red scare with dipshits like you around

                            • Venusta [any]
                              2 years ago
                              CW see above post and sorry

                              Another fact worth noting is Vijay Prashad’s unexplained lurch from being critical of the Chinese government’s repression of Marxist students and Uyghurs in 2018 to whitewashing the latter a few years later as GSPF dark money donations to Tricontinental began to surge. And his ‘evolution’ have something to do with Prashad becoming a fellow at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China in 2020?


                              • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                                2 years ago

                                What a disgusting fabrication, I'm something of a Vijay fanboy, so I've gone thru all his lectures, many of his papers and he has never bought the genocide narrative, and he has maintained a consistent fair and critical outlook on China, which of course to liberals trolls looks like "obvious bought and paid for corruption!"

                                No lie bro, you gish galloped two right-wing rags peddling hindiuvta sources, and a so-callled SPD aligned source peddling the other two sources uncritically all to slander a leftist scholar, I think slimy shit like that deserves a ban

                                • Venusta [any]
                                  2 years ago
                                  CW Hostile, see above post and sorry

                                  why is it slander to be funded by an American Marxist and hire his son, nepotism, I should be banned for saying Vijay did one nepotism, a little strange that your socialist org has the heir to millions of dollars working at it though

                                  • Venusta [any]
                                    2 years ago
                                    CW Hostile. I'm sorry.

                                    it's really funny that you think someone who works at a university in China as a foreigner and almost definitely receives donations from China aligned groups, that pointing this out is slandering him as bought or something.

                                • Venusta [any]
                                  2 years ago
                                  CW Hostile, see above post and sorry

                                  lol I'm so owned, I deserve a ban bc of a source I used to imply your favorite guys institute was funded by an American marxist, which I specifically said was in fact good and the guy should fund socialist groups like that

                                  • Venusta [any]
                                    2 years ago
                                    CW Hostile, see above post and sorry

                                    I don't get why you're so hung up on the funding specifically why talking about it would it be a bad thing ? or reactionary ? or ban worthy some how ? when it's objectively a good thing that some rich guy is funding places

                                • Venusta [any]
                                  2 years ago
                                  CW Hostile, I'm sorry. In my defense you unironically used the phrase gish galloped on

                                  gish galloped

                                  debate bro opinion discarded

                            • Venusta [any]
                              2 years ago
                              CW see above post and sorry

                              it was confirmed it was him lmao you didn't read the other comments, I never even talked about anything in India, I did not read whatever cursed article you found, my any that's all you

                              • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                                2 years ago

                                No they didn't, they literally brought up the source I gave you, because these dipshits are feeding off each other, reusing the Indian ED and Hinduvta sources to imply corruption in organizations with monetary links to Singham's media portal, which in the normal world is called a witch-hunt

                                • Venusta [any]
                                  2 years ago
                                  CW see above post and sorry

                                  :trade-offer: agree to disagree

                                  • Venusta [any]
                                    2 years ago
                                    CW see above post and sorry

                                    I'm sure the other American market socialist whose son literally works there slid in that sweet donation money

                                    And codepink the other company donated from the fund his wife works there, but that's just a coincidence !

                                    a private american account wouldn't be from someone who publicly admits they give a ton of money to leftist orgs and it just happens to be some place where the wife of Roy Singham and the son of Roy Singham work, just luck of the draw really !

                                    could be anyone ! critical thinking !

  • Gamer_time [he/him]
    2 years ago

    This is an Anti-Tankie reddit. The message you sent is either tankie/authoritarian "socialist" apologia or can be easily seen as such. Please, refrain from posting stuff like this in the future.


    • rubpoll [she/her]
      2 years ago

      "We want socialism but we also oppose anything that would make it happen, because of what good people we are."

  • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
    2 years ago

    Lol this is like when terfs are confused by all the racists and other shit head conservatives end up on their spaces

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    2 years ago

    You lay with the dogs, you get fleas, don't whine now losers :che-smile:

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Looking at the hierarchy of that mod team, N8theGR8 is one userban away from turning that subreddit into a neoliberal-led weapon.

    I've had direct conversations with him before and he's not leftist at all, he can't even discuss the very basic 101 marx or anarchist stuff. He's a giga liberal and he's there for what he can use it for once he's in charge.