
  • Prolefarian [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Destiny has been straight up hanging out with nazis lately so uh. yeah.

    • Sasuke [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      can't believe the guy who wrote an n-word manifesto would do such a thing

  • HornyOnMain
    2 years ago

    r/destiny users supporting reactionary fascists and fascist adjacents in their quest to try to get a trans woman to kill herself? Say it ain’t so!

    :surprised-pika: :surprised-pika: :surprised-pika:

    • Socialcreditscorr [they/them,she/her]
      2 years ago

      I know at least an orbiter or two of destiny's has directly participated in that site so its safe to assume that kiwifarms and destiny's audience are :same-picture:

          • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
            2 years ago

            Love to call someone "I barely know a thing about" a grifter and making a bunch of speculative bullshit about her intentions in responding to being targeted for hate crimes by a nazi website that tries to kill people.

            Sorry that she isnt doing some adventurist shit like mailing bombs to the cops instead of trying to get legal recourse for them being footsoldiers for the gangstalking website even after she literally attempted to alert them to the potential of false flag threats to provoke a swatting.

              • WhyEssEff [she/her]
                2 years ago

                you make it sound like people are trying to lynch her

                she was held at gunpoint with an AR, continuously deadnamed, arrested on false premises, and had her assets seized directly related to an action that users on said forum took, please god shut the fuck up.

                i don’t know how one arrives to the conclusion that literal fucking gangstalking, constant targeted dehumanization, and doing the legal equivalent of calling a hit on someone, you know, swatting, isn’t just the modern evolution of the hate mob.

                • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
                  2 years ago

                  99,9% wrecker behavior strolling into a thread about someone you supposedly know nothing about yet having a paragraph of reasonings for why shes a grifter, then also being able to cite specific KF death counts and events(yet still know nothing about their latest target) and writing a paragraph about how they are smol bean internet trolls and its racist to liken them to nazis.

                  • WhyEssEff [she/her]
                    2 years ago

                    “I suffered so they should suffer too.” :very-smart:

                    • AsleepInspector
                      2 years ago

                      Whole context is gone, whatever. Back to pretending "ratios" are the way to solve all conflicts. :cringe:

                      • WhyEssEff [she/her]
                        2 years ago

                        idk I just don’t think people deserve to be killed for slacktivism, seems really over the top.

                        Like, the criticism could be had. It is something one could give. but that’s not the point right now, and it almost seems deliberately deflectory, because if slacktivism’s getting people swatted, how the fuck can you exist as a trans person with the perpetrator at large? Keep your head down? Do it where no one can see it? Give in to the reactionary mob and engage in self-suppression? It’s an excuse for an oppressive atmosphere that will lead to mass death of the marginalized.

                        Her mounting active pressure with her platform to take down KiwiFarms, ironically, is probably the most she can do with her current situation. what else could she be doing right now? what was she supposed to do after that? how is one supposed to handle a hate crime attempted on them.

                          • WhyEssEff [she/her]
                            2 years ago

                            :very-smart: they should have reacted to an attempted murder better

                              • WhyEssEff [she/her]
                                2 years ago

                                organized gangstalking of marginalized people is just meanness :stupidpol:

                                yeah, I realized you’re intentionally being obtuse, so it’s not worth the effort to have the rant.

                      • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
                        2 years ago

                        Keffals is pursuing a lawsuit against the cops that went through with the swatting and misgendering even after she explicitly informed them of being a target, she isnt trying to ratio them on twitter.

                        This is just old twitter clout drama carrying over now that theres blood in the water. Sorry that others on twitter that get targeted or need support that they dont get have shitty fans and followers.

                          • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
                            2 years ago

                            Sorry if you have dogshit followers on twitter but theres no need to react by tactically choosing to trust cops to be not covering their asses.

              • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
                2 years ago

                Go to fucking hell, you sure know a lot of KF lore for someone who barely knows a thing about this situation.

      • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
        2 years ago

        Keffals is suing the police and collecting donations for that alongside securing new housing since her previous location was fucking leaked and used to send a cop death squad to her door.

      • Prolefarian [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Its more serious than that now, since the MTG stuff. Its tangentially connected.

    • Socialcreditscorr [they/them,she/her]
      2 years ago

      He was basically one of the few people dunking on chuds online during the gamergate era. Once breadtude was established around him and he was no longer unique he started punching left.

        • Socialcreditscorr [they/them,she/her]
          2 years ago

          :funny-clown-hammer: Basically went from being in his orbit to completely replacing him during this downfall. The rule of two but for radlibs.

            • Socialcreditscorr [they/them,she/her]
              2 years ago

              Assuming your serious, his scratched liberalism going more and more mask off led to him getting banned from twitch. Keffals gets credit for the final blow and thus his is fanbase is hoping she gets ruined from this. Otherwise he looked good in comparison when he was only dunking on chuds.

              • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
                2 years ago

                I think it's also worth pointing out he was getting into liberal political organizing (doing a bunch of canvassing for both federal and local elections) up until he said some dubious shit about Floyd uprisings and imploded under the scrutiny

                  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
                    2 years ago

                    I dont remember exactly but I think it was beyond that into like general support of showing up armed and shooting "rioters" and a bunch of fash shit like that.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                2 years ago

                I never really got into Twitch so I honestly did not know that.

    • Prolefarian [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Was a very angry Starcraft player famous for using the N word. He got even more famouser by trying to be the biggest 5head centrist brain on Twitch. He's a sociopath in the worst way.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Was a very angry Starcraft player famous for using the N word.

        And that douche was the champion of moderate progressivism during the G*merGate fash explosion? :lea-why:

        • Prolefarian [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Pretty sure he's described himself as "classical liberal" more than once.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Lots of :libertarian-approaching: and :scared-fash: do.

  • clover [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Still have no idea why these losers hate her so much and I struggle to imagine a “good” redditbrained reason for it. They speak about her like she’s a Nazi school shooter or some shit lmao. Like what did she do bro

    • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
      2 years ago

      Im pretty sure a confrontation with Keffals got Destiny banned from Twitch or something and she gloated about it because hes a right wing freak so they hate her for that.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      They speak about her like she’s a Nazi school shooter or some shit lmao.

      They'd have more sympathy for a nazi school shooter and maybe say that all they needed to prevent that tragedy was a government assigned waifu or something. :up-yours-woke-moralists:

  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Literally everyone attacking or spreading doubt about keffals is a fucking totally disingenuous grifter. It's as uncanny as people who whine about student debt forgiveness happening to have had PPP loans forgiven.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Cowards stuck in a stagnant early-2000s "edgy" past that hate and fear people that exist outside of their tiny terrified insecure *chan-adjacent bubble world don't even deserve to be called edgy.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          2 years ago

          "Classical liberals" and/or "nonpolitical" by their own claims much of the time especially in :reddit-logo: subs.

          Whatever the case, I argue that where is the edge when their hatreds and their hateful idea of humor haven't really updated in decades.

  • Socialcreditscorr [they/them,she/her]
    2 years ago

    I love how even the op is so fucking lib brained they have to enthusiastically deny support for Keffals's "extreme methods" in dealing with what the op already agreed was a hatesite with a bodycount.

    Did I say love? I ment it fills me with unfathomable hatred. :guts-rage:

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    2 years ago

    Also seeing some people on Twitter do the fucking JAQing off thing of "entirely honestly" questioning why Keffals said she woke up to guns in her face but the cops said they knocked and "occupants" let them in.

    Disgusting clout sharks smelling blood in the water.

  • TornadoThompson [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Gonna make me a list, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back-style, and travel across the US to elbow-drop these fucking little reddit nerd bastards down into the Earth's core.