Using infrastructure to make the masses conform to one vision of how to live
Car ownership is over 90% in the US because of our current infrastructure. 45,000 people die and millions are severely injured or traumatized because oil companies, car companies, and capitalists in general said "fuck trains" and "build more lanes". That's the control I see everyday and it fucking sucks.
Listen, just because I'm reliant on a ponzi scheme of roads, oil companies, gas stations, car manufacturers and car mechanics doesn't mean my car isn't freedom. Because I own it in the sense that the state protects my ownership of it until it doesn't or straight up seizes it
whoa now don't you know you can opt out of driving a car? Surely the free market will make it easier to not own a car because it will surely move to try to make the life of everyone better. Just kidding these people are holding you hostage because your misery makes them five bucks while you work for one.
Yeah but people shitposting on the internet hate it and want it to change, so that means decades old policies and the status quo will change
This is the same fascist that invented the Critical Race Theory panic out of thin air btw
and a big pusher of the "grooming" accusations against LGBTQ and leftist people. Tanya from the Trillbillies has completely disappeared from the internet after he targeted her for her sex ed work
Damn what the fuck is going on with this shitstain why are his opinions "hits"
Tanya was such a wonderful voice on Trillbillies: I hope the fellas are making sure she is getting taken care of, she was so unjustly pushed off the net
yeah I hope she's still getting a cut of the patreon, and I hope she's doing well wherever she is
Same. She just like good-ass person, and we need more needlessly horny and good-hearted people like her.
Impressive shitstain tbh, if anything then this will boost the topic and hogs are gonna willingly kill even more cyclists and cry for more single-family-only laws
These kinds of opinion-havers are completely interchangeable. They can only be stopped by neutering the engagement based algorithms which push them to the top in the first place.
If you don’t like endless stroad sprawl and free-for-all McConstruction then you are a tyrannical Godzilla
Well, give me vodka and a match, and call me Kojira then :grumpy-lizard:
It has required control to create the absurd mess that has been constructed, control given entirely to the car lobby.
If anything it's about freedom from that control.
I've lived in a couple major cities with halfway decent public transportation. I genuinely felt more free using it than trying to get around with a car.
Definitely one of the things Chicago has going for itself. I just hope they can maintain it.
they’re coming for my car and they’re going to make me take transit”
You can't argue with these people because they don't use words to convey meaning / definitions. They use words to signal to their credulous rube-audience that they are on their side. Hence why they can argue that cars are good and cool because Freedom. It doesn't have to follow any definition / logic, it just has to make the morons feel good. I fucking hate these people, if it isn't clear by now, and I resent that I have to sacrifice so much to appease them, simply because they have enormous wealth and political influence, and that the cops will likely torture my family if I try to [REDACTED] them.
Imagine living with infrastructure that forces you to one vision of how to live :thinky-felix:
That's as ridiculous as the superstructure affecting the base
Unless :curious-marx:
The perfect city is the one that never, under any circumstances, ever changes even slightly. It should remain trapped in amber at the apex of its history, which will be whenever I was between the ages of 12 and 37 and everything was at its most awesome.
Incidentally, I'm also working on an article about how we should continue to unleash the full force of military might on any ancient city currently occupied by a government I don't personally like. So please, let us all join hands and do a kumbayah as we nuke Damascus, Tehran, Caracas, and Beijing. Once we've wiped them off the maps, we can rebuild them in our glorious 1950s car-culture image.
This but we freeze them just before the streetcars we're torn out.
they were never going to beijing let's just say we nuked them and keep the missile funds for ourselves
what's Chinese for "be cool don't tell them"
All arguments against public transportation and walkable cities from white Americans boils down to:
1.) I don't want to live around non-white people
2.) I want a mode of transportation that lets me feel superior to others.
And that's it.
I want a mode of transportation that lets me feel superior to others.
That's easy, there's nothing like riding a train past a bunch of cars stuck in bumper to bumper traffic.
I think I need to move to another country, the Americans seem to be struggling