I hope everyone had a great week! Hang out. Chat. Talk about what's going on. Have fun :3

  • ashinadash [she/her]
    6 months ago
    I have 0 social energy like 90 percent of the time but my stamina for discussing Unjust Depths is endless basically

    She is and yeah same, again the intergenerational vibes come through strong and wonderful. I desire to see her hang out with the young'uns due to this, every time she says about "the new generation of warriors meant to take her place" and shit. We love to see it!!!

    Yes I think she had but counterpoint: I forgor :) the idea that Konstantin was fuming and buttmad because he got cucked by a transbian covert agent is so fucking rad, y'know? Would also explain why Erich seems to disdain Elana, uh okay new headcanon! niko-happy I'm not sure either, I was kinda hoping Unjust Depths would tell me :)

    Omenseers deserve little treats!!! I like how there is one aphotic sea horror per plot-relevant ship currently, this is going really well & the Brigand's crew just expanded in very fascinating ways.

    • Cromalin [she/her]M
      6 months ago
      hell yeah me too

      yeah! i wanna see more scenes like the one where she mentored shalikova! lots of potential, she's not in my top 5 characters but is one i always love to see more of

      hmmm yeah. i agree, it's much more fun to imagine this and marina just not believing it to be true. and yeah idk. if the union hasn't figured it out i really have no idea what one might blurt out when theorizing there

      yeah it's fun! the brigand keeps taking on new passengers it didn't really mean to, but it's great to see. i hope they end up needing to somehow build more rooms to house all the people they pick up

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        6 months ago
        Love to see it!!

        I think broadly as well, I just wanna see more inter-crew interaction on the Brigand, such a fascinating collection of gays to chat!!! Aw don't make me choose a top 5 characters though, I will not choose a favourite child cri

        Yep you cannot remove my headcanon, Marina is just a chad and can't handle it madeline-smug beloved. There has to be an answer to this but Idk either yaw.

        SHIP MAINTENANCE AND EXPANSION, BRIGAND GETS A NEW DECK soviet-huff The blueprint originally had a third floor, so it's actually plausible that they could add a Dedicated Gay Housing level.

        • Cromalin [she/her]M
          6 months ago
          you do indeed love to see it

          absolutely! wanna see more interpersonal interactions forever, but it's probably for the best the plot keeps moving. i wasn't gonna, but since you brought it up who are your top 5? don't need to be in order

          misread as Dedicated Guy Housing and was like "well i would describe some of these characters as funny little guys (maryam mostly, but i could be convinced of arabella) but i don't think any of them are guys"

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            6 months ago

            Yeah but my slices of life :c Ffffffff uhhhh.... Sonya, Norn, Murati, Ulyana, Zachikova, if pressed at gunpoint. I'm fond of Marina, Aaliyah and Khajida as honourable mentions as well. It's honestly easier to carve out characters I dislike though, that list is two, maybe three long tops.

            Funny Little Guys like how newfound oceangoing wildlife is Funny Little Guys :) lol

            • Cromalin [she/her]M
              6 months ago

              imagining a world in which there was a bunch of really good fanfic of unjust depths so i could go there for all my slice of life needs and sighing wistfully. speaking of did u see all the art dropped in the discord today? some really good stuff in there and i think none of it is spoilery other than the one that is properly tagged. also my top 5 (not in order) are sonya, murati, ulyana, elena, and a character you haven't met yet

              yes absolutely. but also they're just silly with it! no one else on the brigand is silly enough to be a funny little guy, you know? there are funny characters, but they aren't funny little guys

              • ashinadash [she/her]
                6 months ago

                Trying to manifest that world by writing fanfic with filthy disgusting headcanon pairings because I said so. Some of the background characters that're knocking about (VAAAAAAAAALYA) are ripe for this, there'll always be a spot in my head that's marked "Khajida is Valya's dommy mommy and they're a good little enby" because that just tickles me tbh. I could write for Unjust Depths' setting (extremely broad and detailed, but with lots of wiggle room) a lot if I could surmount the mortal terror involved.

                I did, and uncritical supoort that's a neato Murati, but it is sort of weird (for me) to see Depths' cast rendered in like 2010s Pixiv style, I guess. Depths only really wears its anime influences on its sleeve at certain fun key points, (screaming to nobody whilst driving ur diamond chainsword into an enemy mech) so it sorta fucks with my head, Idk. I dig this Khajida rendition however.

                Idk I think Arbitrator might be a little silly herself =) but Maryam is the foremost funny lil guy tbh. Also I adore that there are STILL high-tier characters I have not met yet.

                • Cromalin [she/her]M
                  6 months ago

                  rn all the fanfic is i think just porn, and while i support peoples rights to read and write smut (and i have been known to enjoy it myself at times) i would also like some non-porn fanfics! like i wanna just see murati hanging out with people and having a conversation about like economic theory or something. or like, a big au about what if some minor changes happened (like if ulyana left a note saying "i am being summoned by the commissariat, do you want to get lunch after?" or something to that effect) would be fun. i would love to read any fic you wrote! i hope you can surmount the terror, but also i relate and would have the same problem

                  that's true. in my head they are in an anime style but it kinda looks like an ova from the late 80s, early 90s. like, probably not legend of the galactic heroes but maybe patlabor? stardust memories? one of the more grounded and naturalistic in character design ones. the main difference from most of the art is they don't look as shiny. the second majida (not khadija, she's the anti-imperialist hero from that one intermission. fan favorite, she really made an impression) is actually pretty close to what they look like in my head tho

                  oh arbitrator is 100% silly, that's why i included her in the list of funny little guys. there's 1 character you haven't met who's in the top 5 and another who's in the tier just outside that, though for very different reasons. you've got almost 4 whole episodes plus an intermission before you're caught up! there's some good characters in that space!

                  • ashinadash [she/her]
                    6 months ago


                    That doesn't surprise me, by volume Depths is pretty chaste, I mean 2000 pages and 9.4 subchapters in, I can still count the spicy stuff on one hand. I was kind of expecting a lot more ungodly filthy smut, but by truth even the couple of scenes so far have been mostly tame... But yes, anything that fluffs out the setting or characters with bonus comfy vibes would be entirely welcome, in addition to all the porn.

                    I am sincerely motivated to write things for Depths, it is the first time in my entire life I have ever been seriously motivated to write fan fiction for anything. I still have my page-and-change notes for Sonya x Murati, I haven't thought about story progression much but I should. I feel like I have a pretty confident grasp on both characters, how they speak and react, so it shouldn't be impossible. Mostly I need to go study shit like "What does a Strelok look like again" "what was going on in 3.5 I forgor" etc. If I ever write anything for real, this place will be the first to know.

                    sharing your gay fanfiction on chapo dot chat blob-no-thoughts

                    Oh shit that's so fucking based, Unjust Depths by way of Patlabor. Uncritical support to this. That's pretty cool. Also how dare Madiha give two mech-pilot shimii near exactly the same fuckin name and then not bring up the Khaybar Pass one for like, five episodes. Criminal shit, can we go back there pls?

                    Also are they called Episodes? I've been going with like, an Arc(1, The Roar that Parted the Currents) is a group of "Books" (1.x-4.x) with subchapters after their decimal point. This chapter sorting is handy but complex.

                    • Cromalin [she/her]M
                      6 months ago

                      yeah fr. or even like, plotty stuff! like a big meaty fic that has interesting divergences would rule! and it could have slice of life and smut in it!

                      inshallah yeah lmao. i would definitely need that. either that or a wiki that has more detail than the current one has. obviously spoilers if you go clicking around too much, but like. look at maryam's page. she's an important character and she's got nothing!

                      mamoru oshii would do a great unjust depths. have you seen patlabor? i really like the ova, it's great. better than the second movie, which is the one everyone talks about as a masterpiece and which i was watching just now. and yeah majida rules! i will say there is more majida in the future, don't worry

                      it goes anthology (1-9 and the first 2 intermissions, then 10-current, plus intermission 3 and a sidestory) arcs (1-4, 5-9, 10-current, plus intermissions for each) episodes (1, 2, 3 etc) and chapters (1.x). it's all laid out on the table of contents on the website though that also has some future stuff listed. also the new epub copy is divided by anthology, so you'll want to start the new epub after intermission 2 in episode 10

                      • ashinadash [she/her]
                        6 months ago

                        And blackjack!! People should do this!!

                        Oh yeah to be real, the wiki kind of sucks. Maybe we should Organise an effort to fill outs its articles? I was hoping it'd have general concepts too, like explanations of gas guns and supercavitating rounds, no such luck. Wild that Maryam's page is empty like that, she is not a smol bean! I mean she is but!

                        Lol no, but I know of it, it's been on my radar for a long while & 80s ovas are profoundly stinky (positive) lookin. Since I hve mecha brainrot now it's probably in my future... AW YEAH MORE MAJIDA MY BELOVED, IMPERIALIST CLOWNS ARE COOKED! I adore hearing that. It is slighly disquieting how we haven't seen certain characters in an actual dog's age, like the Premier and Nagavanshi. I know how it be, vast scope, but Idk...

                        Okay, so I had it pretty much right :)

                        • Cromalin [she/her]M
                          6 months ago

                          praying, would love for that to happen

                          i think the wiki was basically all done by one person? as is right now it's mostly useful for making sure you're spelling a characters name right and when someone gets mentioned by name in a new chapter and i don't remember who they are i can go and check if this is an established character i forgot about or a new one, and i can go look at a list of people on the brigand (which does have some spoilers for you, "character x is in situation y after the events of episode 11" type stuff) and go "ah the helmsman was abdul kamarik". it would be nice to have more detail but i wouldn't want to go overboard. some wikis try and include literally everything that has ever happened and that's unreadable. but adding like, any detail about maryam would certainly be nice

                          the patlabor ovas are kinda clean with the characters but the MECHS are crunchy as hell. also really good cast, just a pretty good comedy series. patlabor 2 is like getting a 2 hour lecture on the jsdf with some of the crunchiest mech animation ever and a good atmosphere. i think it's less scope that keeps characters out of the spotlight and more that the metaphorical camera can only go so far from the brigand's path, the actual scope of the main story is fairly limited. like, episode 4 could cover elena because she ends up on the brigand, 7 could cover norn because she was about to fight the brigand, so unless the premier and nagavanshi either make an appearance in imperial territory or start making decisions that affect the brigand we probably won't be seeing them much. the intermissions do break this though, so that's where characters who aren't immediately relevant to the brigand might get a chance to shine

                          • ashinadash [she/her]
                            6 months ago


                            Yeah spoilers is kind of a concern, Idk how to handle that. Certainly some stable characters can have spoiler sections on their articles? And just backstory/rank/physical traits/whatever on page. Uncritical support to that one person doing the wiki though. Fuck knows I've misquoted or misspelt character names before oh-shit

                            Ew jsdf cringe

                            Uh I guess, Idk we spent all of episode 4 and 7 away, to me getting to see the anarchists by Khaybar or the Volkische uprising, bits of the Republic too, the Imbrium ocean is fucking vast and has so many characters. Erich, the Sunlight org, Victoria van Veka and her mistress, there's so much stuff... But yeah, I guess the intermissions are what draws stuff out. Does this mean we are never gonna see the Premier again though...?

                            • Cromalin [she/her]M
                              6 months ago

                              there IS a good description of some of the divers at least, which is nice

                              tbf the movie's all about exploring japan's role as a usa client state and its complicity in imperialism. it isn't pro jsdf, just kinda boring

                              yeah the scope isn't THAT limited, it's just that in numbered chapters we only really see things that are either intersecting with the brigand or that will intersect with the brigand soon. we could very easily see all the people and groups you mention again soon, in numbered chapters even! not even just if they arrive in the same colony as the brigand, they could just be doing something relevant to the brigand. and i also do wanna say there's an intermission right after episode 9, so that's even more space for the wider world to be seen

                              • ashinadash [she/her]
                                6 months ago

                                I shall peruse then :)

                                Oh ok cool, uh still rip but that's better at least

                                Yeah Idk it just feels like there is a whole entire world because we get to see far-off pockets of it pretty regularly, this is praise now actually. Worldbuilding. Also yaw intermission soon!!

                                • Cromalin [she/her]M
                                  6 months ago

                                  the ova and the first movie are both great, if you can stomach comedies about cops being bad at their jobs that understand the problems with policing but also are more concerned with "wouldn't it be funny if the cops had a mech and they kept stepping on peoples cars"

                                  worldbuilding! yeah the world is very well built, though there's always plenty more to be done