My answer is that I will ignore Hitler's wallet and instead find whoever is feeding me all of this perfect knowledge of future outcomes and hold a gun to their head and force them to tell me what course of action will stop Hitler's rise to power. Then I'll shoot them in the foot as payback for trapping me in a stupid convoluted scenario.
Betcha didn't see that coming, bitch
A one-in-fifty chance of getting caught, and disappeared into a concentration camp, means the expected utility I gain by stealing Hitler's wallet is WAY lower than the loss experienced by Hitler if his evening is ruined 🤓
Yeah, would have preferred to do it in 1920 when he was just some incel.
Pretty sure you're gonna get killed if you get caught. Way better ways to do praxis in that scenario, like hitting him in the head with a large rock.
Slipping some modern day turbo-laxative into his drink right before he gives a speech so that he spends the whole rally shidding and farding out his doo-doo ass, and the Reich promptly crumbles in the wake of the smell
Gotta double tap, unconscious ain't enough.
If you have more things to do, get all other rock because there are somehow still mor Nazis.
If you’re close enough to pick his pocket, you’re close enough to pick his skull.
You're ethically obligated not to steal Hitler's wallet, because the 2% chance of being imprisoned would prevent you from fucking over the nazis in a more substantive manner. Eyes on the prize, people.
getting shitfaced at the beer hall with my 40Reichsmark that I stole.
I could be hanging out with Jean Paul Sartre in 30’s Germany, I might as well have beer money to split on him.
Nah, I'd rather just bash his head repeatedly into the ground while singing the internationale
Isn't Hitler one of the most prominent political figures in Germany in 1933? Is stealing forty marks really going to ruin his evening?
That's the year he got appointed chancellor, also he was already quite wealthy what with all the German industrialists giving him money for a decade straight
You steal it and use it to wipe your doodoo ass and then put it back.
Cover it in the super fentanyl that cops are terrified of touching even though they made it up
Or put some radium dust in there or some shit