Next time you see someone say "DPRK is a monarchy" post this:

From communism101 reddit:

Kim Sung-Il literally abolished his political seat as Premier of the DPRK, and divested the powers of that office into lower offices: the President of the SPA on the legislative side of government and the Prime Minister of the Cabinet on the administrative/executive side of government. Powers that are still centralised in singular western presidents and prime ministers to this day, but are decentralised and divested into multiple offices in Korea instead.

So Kim Sung-Il’s son, Kim Jong-Il never inherited his father’s position or “power” because said position no longer existed and Kim Jong-Il was never Presidium President or Cabinet Prime Minister, which is where those powers Kim Sung-Il held went to. Instead, after a long political career holding many different offices at varying levels, Kim Jong-Il became the General Secretariat of the WPK - a position that’s not even a governmental seat at all. If you understood ML thought, you’d understand why and how ML parties are separate from government. So Kim Jong-Il is not even in government at the height of his career and people still call him a monarch and a dictator?

Then finally, to move on to Kim Jong-un, who holds so little power that his only governmental seat (as chairman of the NDC) is literally appointed to him by the Presidium President, who once again, derived it’s powers from the abolished position of Premier of Korea. Kim Jong-un is not only not head-of-state, he only has the position he does because a higher ranking official (from outside his family, I might add) appointed him to it. That’s not the behaviour of a hereditary monarch or dictator. What kind of dictator isn’t even head-of-state or the highest ranking person in government?

Here is what the current government of north Korea looks like

There's actually three parties within the North Korean government. The workers party (communist), Chondoist Chongu party (religious buddhist party), and the Korean social democratic party which is pretty self explanatory.

The claims About only being able to vote for one person is Partial bullshit, it's missing context and explanation of the election system. The vote is to finalize a consensus made in the earlier stages of the election. It's a yes or no vote. The actual voting, decision making, campaigning happens locally and regionally. Candidates are voted on, debated, and nominated locally at first and then at larger and larger regions. The process repeats until the final candidate is voted on. If yes then he wins, if no then the process repeats. Think of it almost like a bracket tournament.

was gonna post this in c/effort but that comm disallows images

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The DPRK is the legitimate government of the Korean peninsula and the Southern government is a puppet state propped up by the American military.

    Tried to explain to a lib once that Kim Jong Un has fewer direct powers than the US President has and they just laughed it off, the propaganda is just too strong.

    • Thomas_Dankara [any,comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      and donald trump is no longer prez lol.

      I default to defending the DPRK from the slanders of imperialists because my country shamefully invaded them after WW2, divided them at the 38th parallel, put Syngman Rhee into power, put collaborators of Japanese imperialists in power, upheld the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, bombed every single North Korea city, dam, power plant, school, and hospital, and left them to rebuild under crippling economic sanctions and embargoes. The USA continues to occupy South Korea. Korea should be left alone by the United States. The United States should get the fuck out, pay Korea reparations, and leave them alone. But we all know that will never happen. The United States doesn't pay its victims reparations. It has been known to pay Nazi corporations reparations for suffering damage from allied bombings though. :)

        • Thomas_Dankara [any,comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          also America has tons of pseudo-hereditary positions. Because we are a bourgeois class dictatorship, and nearly all our elected officials are bourgeois, you'll frequently see fathers, sons, mothers, daughters, brothers, sisters, cousins hold the same offices not back to back, but a generation or two apart. We had George Bush Sr. and Jr. become president. Bill Clinton's wife ran for president. Ulysses S. Grant's grandson was a 2 star major general. The Roosevelt political dynasty dates back to 1600s New Amsterdam. Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt were distant cousins. Kermit Roosevelt was a CIA agent. AlleHunter Biden helped Tucker Carlson's son get into Georgetown University. John Foster Dulles was secretary of state and Allen Dulles was head of the CIA. George HW. Bush was head of the CIA. John F Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, JFK III have all held elected office. These families also frequently intermarry or have mutually beneficial relationships. The Washington family can be traced back to Malcolm II, King of the Scots. The Cuomo family is heavily involved in politics and media. Nancy Pelosi's husband is a prominent venture capitalist.

      • panopticon [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        Good summation of the situation. Regardless of how one might feel about either side of occupied Korea, they still have the right to be left the fuck alone by us.

  • kristina [she/her]
    2 years ago


    Though I must say that being head of military is kinda a big deal

  • KingPush [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Don’t think North Korea is a monarchy. But if you are the head of the military and the head of the party which holds a permanent majority in the parliament, and hold all of these positions for life, then you hold far more practical and dictatorial power (not in a pejorative sense) in your country then Trump or Biden. Both of whom have had to deal with a divided congress, a military and intelligence bureaucracy, term limits etc. Kim Jong Un holds far more power in the North Korean political structure than any American president does within theirs.

    • Thomas_Dankara [any,comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      to be fair KJU is the leader of the Workers' Party by vote, and head of the military by SPA presidential appointment. As the infographic says "all positions elected unless otherwise specified."

  • BrezhnevsEyebrows [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Honest question: if Kim holds so little power, why is he the one that meets with foreign leaders e.g. Donald Trump at the DMZ and not the prime minister?

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    2 years ago

    I've learned it's really hard for Americans especially and Anglos more generally to understand differences in separation of powers. The USA seem to have issues understanding even Westminster or French Semi-Presidential systems.

    Pointing out that yes, Kin Jong-Un does have a great amount of power in developing policy, but has very limited power in its execution (imagine if a policy maker had no control of the civil service's approach to implementation) and interacts with a government with a collegiate executive is pretty much impossible.

    There's a lot to critique about the DPRK's system, there's quite a bit I'm not on board entirely with, but libs sure as hell aren't doing it and frankly half the leftist stuff is almost as bad. There's very little critical support to be had, it's all either support or critique.

    • Thomas_Dankara [any,comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      i wanted to correct that but in my head I was like "wait what if I've been saying it wrong this whole time and the text is actually right?"

  • richietozier4 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    SMH, don't you tankies know that Kim Sang-Il is the true ruler of North Korea?

    • Thomas_Dankara [any,comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      not the source, though it is the same copypasta. I sourced a thread even newer than that but couldn't find the original.

    • Thomas_Dankara [any,comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      this whole post is probably the most insane post I have seen yet on this site

      stay brainwashed liberal. The United States of America committed a genocide on the korean peninsula and lies about every aspect of their society. unlearn the lies.