• Sorath [she/her, it/its]
    2 years ago

    If the article premise is "Malenia embodies FromSoftware's problem with women," and the conclusion is that players feel sexual gratification from defeating a female boss, then the only inbetween is that Malenia was sexualized at some point. The implication is thus her nudity sexualized her.

    • ForgotMyLogInAgain [any]
      2 years ago

      You should know that headlines are chosen by the editor, not the writer.

      The problems the writer finds with From's games aren't that the women are sexualized. She never says the games themselves sexualize the women in them. Her correctly pointing out that men have sexualized defeating Malenia is not her saying the game sexualizes her. There is no implication that nudity sexualized the character to think that is what she said is to ignore the actual contents of the article.