• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    3 months ago

    If Tianamen Square happened today in DC, the guy standing in front of the tank would be labeled a Tankie

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    3 months ago

    The twist, of course, is that the mobs shutting down the opposition to Trump are not Trump supporters, or at least not right-wing Trump supporters. Pro-Palestinian activists have set out to disrupt Democratic Party officials from speaking and raising funds to defeat Trump.

    "Actually Hexbears are Trump supporters" but in print. Although, still written by an equally insufferable lib in both cases.

  • Dickey_Butts [none/use name]
    3 months ago

    Fucking whiner ass loser. Literally nobody has done anything to stop Israel. He wants to be able to do a genocide AND feel good about it.

  • Rom [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Liberals would justifiably freak out if the right was doing this to Biden.

    Literally when has the right ever once protested against genocide?

    • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
      3 months ago

      Also like yeah, liberals do freak out over being challenged. But they only roll over and show their bellies to right wingers.

    • nightshade [they/them]
      3 months ago

      You think that <effective tactic> is good when it's used to accomplish good things? But have you considered that <effective tactic> could also be used by people who want to accomplish bad things?

  • FnordPrefect [comrade/them, he/him]
    3 months ago

    grillman "Damn woke Tankies, shut down my favorite restaurant! And all just because they've been exclusively using Mad-Cow infected meat!"

  • Elon_Musk [none/use name]
    3 months ago

    Liberals would freak out if the right used real scissor instead of safety scissors to cut out their construction paper swastikas.

  • VILenin [he/him]M
    3 months ago

    This is not a “political analysis”. It is the illiterate ramblings of a deranged cultist. Chait does not understand politics, has never read anything that even remotely accurately understands politics, and has no business talking politics.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    3 months ago

    the only response Chait deserves is "bofa deez commie nuts moist boi"

  • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
    3 months ago

    By Jonathan Chait, who's been needing to fuck off since 2011.