Chud 1: Look, this lady over in [suburb] called the cops on this guy sitting on the hood of his car and talking on his phone. That’s how racists get innocent black guys killed.

Chud 2: Or she wasn’t actually racist and she was one of those left-wingers trying to do a false flag and start a riot.

Chud 1: Oh that could be true, with the way the world is today.

  • glimmer_twin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Sounds like chud 1 has potential, you should try to radicalise them (if they’re a coworker not some rando).

    Chud 2? Just take down their name and file it under “GULAG”

    • PouncySilverkitten [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      They are both older gentlemen, let’s say, and extremely opinionated. Number 1 is politically all over the place... and every now and then a decent take will bounce out. It’s usually immediately followed by something horrible about women, unfortunately. Agreed on Number 2, though.

      They are a real trip to listen to.

  • science_pope [any]
    4 years ago

    How would that even be a false flag? The cops would still be the ones responding to her call. The entire premise still relies on systemic racism and disproportionate police violence being real things.

  • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    That first guy is at least 80% of Americans who take all kinds of weird stuff as a good faith argument. Also known as the Joe Rogan demographic.