THE VOLCEL POLICE ARE ON THE SCENE. PLEASE KEEP YOUR VITAL ESSENCES TO YOURSELVES AT ALL TIMES. انتباه!! انتباه!! هنا شرطة الڤولسل. في نطاق سلطتنا تحت قانون السل نأمركم الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة. الرجاء الامتناع عن النكاح و المص. أيها الليبراليين البيض!
If the windowless volcel van is a-rockin, :volcel-kamala:
lol, this feels very much like the van equivalent of the "definitely not porn" folder
I'm going to guess without looking it up that this is basically the bang bus, but undercover.
Busting nuts at the Smut Busters wagon is praxis
Gonna get a van and paint it with "NUT BUSTERS" with "SEX" in a cum splat on the back of the doors and park it near this van wherever it goes and tail them on the way there
Somehow, this has the exact same energy as the vans advertising brothels around here that are completely plastered in pics of women in lingerie. The main difference is that they'd say SEX instead of
SEX, but they'd absolutely use the same color scheme and are equally as subtle.vans advertising brothels around here
Lolwhut? Where the hell is that?
Go figure. They just turned the commodification dial to 11.
What a fucked country.
It truly is. Most of the women come from the deliberately impoverished eastern periphery of the EU (particularly Romania) and that inequality creates just the kinds of conditions one would imagine. It's the exact same mechanisms at play that make the seasonal work in our agricultural industry and slaughterhouses living hell, but with the added caveat that it's hyper-exploitative sex work.
Never get into a van with a stranger. Unless it has a giant
SEXsign on the back. Anybody advertising their morality that loudly has to be trust-able .despite being anti-sex this is hands down one of the most grossly horny vehicles I've ever seen. Something very Hegelian about it.
Thesis: Militantly Horny
Anti-Thesis: Militantly Anti-Horny
Synthesis: Whatever the fuck this van is
I recently found out “Muscle Christians” was an actual Christian group of Christians who would just workout and be buff in the 20th century.
This thing is gonna shows up at a drag queen story hour and like nine Kyle Rittenhouses are gonna jump out of the back like its a SWAT van.